Legacy Firing

Chapter 55 - Second Floor

Charlus saw a notification appear in front of him. 

[You have defeated 100 Skeleton Soldiers]

[You have cleared first floor of the dungeon]



[1x Moon Stone]

[You can now move to the next floor]

Charlus saw a door in front of him. Charlus looked to the right and saw Brody struggling with his skeleton soldier crowd. Charlus wanted to help him, but he saw that more Skeleton Soldiers were spawning around him.

Charlus raised his scythe. He was going to have to wait for Brody to finish anyway. It would be better to have someone with him if he was going to go to the second floor since he did not know what it was going to be like there. 

Also, he was just a guest and it would be courteous to wait for Brody instead of just going without him. After all, Charlus wouldn't even know about this dungeon if not for Brody.

Charlus decided to continue farming as it would increase his Lvl. He continued taking out the Skeleton Soldiers which spawned at lower rates than before he hit 100 Skeleton Soldiers.

Brody continued hacking away at the skeletons. He did not want to be the one keeping his guest waiting.

Brody roared. His muscles bulged. He took out his axe from his bag.

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"Time to get serious!"

He jumped at the centre of all the skeletons and plunged his axe straight into one of the skeleton's skulls. The skull shattered due to the sheer force. He went on and started hacking at the ribs of the skeletons. Around him were a pile of bones, belonging to the dead skeleton soldiers that had previously been shattered by him.

Charlus did not have that problem. All his kills still had their bodies hole. This was because of the speciality of his scythe. It went through the bodies. While it cut through, it would only inflict damage to the soul itself. This was what made the Azrale's scythe one of the more special weapons in the world. This was also the reason there was no blood when he massacred the Marconi Family.

Brody finished and he took some time to do it. By the time Brody also killed enough Skeleton Soldiers to go to the next floor, Charlus levelled up once. Charlus headed over to Brody's side when he saw the same door appear on that side.

Charlus decided to check his status once. He wanted to know how much his stats had improved.


Name - Charlus Black

Age - 17

Lvl 59

Exp - 13%

Class - Angel of Death Tier 1

Sub Class - None (Unlocks at Lvl 100)

Title(s) - Trouble Maker, Interrogator

Active Skills - Observe, Soul Shock, Death Field, Soul Reaper, Sword of Death

Passive Skills - Shadow Walk, Scythe Mastery, Wings of Death, Strong Body I, Agile Body I, Immortal Body I, Wise Mind I, Smart Mind I, Balanced Body I

HP - 680+100/780

MP - 680+200/880

EP - 680+200/880

Str - 68 + 30

Vit - 68 + 10

Int - 68 + 20

Wis - 68 + 20

Agi - 68 + 20

Lck - 30 + 15


"Should we proceed with the next floor too?" Charlus asked Brody.

They had taken around 90 minutes to finish the first floor and Charlus wanted to check out the second floor too. 

"Wait for a few minutes. Since you cleared the first floor, you can start collecting the remaining materials on these skeletons. You will find some glittering stones in their heads. Only some have them but they are precious. They look like gems and sell for a lot." Brody stopped Charlus from going to the next floor.

Charlus already knew about them.

"You mean these? I got a few?" Charlus showed Brody some of the gems that Brody was talking about. They were actually called power stones by his system.

(A/N: And I really want them power stones)

Charlus had automatically collected these power stones after defeating the skeleton soldiers thanks to his system.

Brody was okay with this. "Yeah sure. Let's go. You will find that the difficulty is a lot more and we have to stick together. I struggled to fight against 2 of those skeletons because they are more powerful."

Charlus nodded. He gripped the end of his scythe tightly. He was planning on using it as a long-range weapon. Since Brody used a scythe, he could protect him in case any of the skeletons came too close.

The two of them stepped into the other side of the door together. Charlus got ready for a similarly harsh environment but found that he was in a completely different place.

[You have entered Second Floor of the Dungeon]

[Kill 100 Skeleton Soldiers]

[Kill 10 Skeleton Skeleton Calvary]

[Kill 1 Skeleton General]

[As you have entered with one person in your party, party must clear 3x current requirements to proceed to next floor]

Charlus was interested now. He saw that he was currently in a cemetery. The sun was nowhere to be seen, covered by heavy clouds that were threatening to burst into rain. 

There were a few skeletons here and there that started moving towards Charlus and Brody slowly once they noticed they had entered the floor. Charlus was able to see one Skeleton Calvary in the distance so he figured they would start appearing if he killed more Skeleton Soldiers. Charlus inspected the Skeleton Soldiers.

[Skeleton Soldier Lvl 39]

Charlus understood what Brody meant. These Skeleton Soldiers were a lot stronger than the one on the previous floor and they would be having a hard time dealing with these skeletons. Charlus was about to start when he noticed something. He saw a huge dust cloud in a distance. 

"What's that dust cloud?" He asked Brody.

Brody tensed. "When that dust cloud is coming near, we have to leave."

Charlus was curious. "Why?"

"That dust cloud is an army. Several thousands of these skeletons that are already stronger than the skeletons we faced on the first floor." Brody sounded scared and he was rightly scared. He would never be able to survive that army with his strength. Charlus was excited though.

"Did you see them with your own eyes? Did you encounter them?"

Brody nodded. "I barely escaped. This dungeon only allows you to leave once you finish a floor or stay still for 60 seconds. I had to run away for a long time and then hide in those trees." Brody pointed to the few trees a few hundred meters away from them.

Charlus was more focused on the fact that there were thousands of skeletons to be killed.

"Several Thousand more? Dibs. That's valuable Exp."


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