Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 82 His Proposal

Each member of the council fell into contemplation.

A person could even hear a pin drop because of the silence.

As members of the Conclave Council, they knew everything in the 'The List', the Founder left. They did not question it because they had deep roots within the Conclave.

However, after hearing that the Founder also had a wish that he entrusted only with the Tower Family's future Time Keeper, they realized how little they really knew about him.

In The Conclave, only the council members were aware of what the public knew as the Forbidden Magic was actually Ancient Magic.

They also knew that the Tower and the Regis Families could birth a mage with ancient magic, Draconic and Time Magic.

Whether it was a coincidence that the Founder of Conclave had deep relations with both families was unknown. They did not think much about it as well. This proved how much they believed and trusted the Founder.

They still do, even after finding out that he also had a relation with the previous Void Master.

Still, it did not stop them from pondering these questions:

Just who was the Founder of Conclave?

Why did he know the families connected to Ancient Magic?

How come he regarded the previous Void Master as someone worth keeping alive?

All these questions were also in Kyran's mind. But he was mulling over a lot more things than the council members.

First was 'The List' the Founder left about the Regis; which was to have The Conclave give full support without any reservation when the Regis Clan is in need.

Second, the mission he entrusted to the next Time Keeper.

The third was how the Founder knew a new Void Master would appear not because it was prophesized but because of a promise.

Why did the Founder give an order to support the Regis? But then gave a mission to the Tower's new Time Keeper to make sure the new Void Master doesn't die this time?

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If Kyran connected these points, he could not help but think that the Founder was aware the new Void Master would appear among the Regis Family.

If this was true, did his family know?

When he manifested his magic, they did their best to seal it and hide him from the Royal Army's detection. Was that really their idea? Or was it to help the new Time Keeper fulfill the Founder's last wish?

Kyran felt a slight pain in his heart, thinking that his family hid too much from him.

They did not show any signs of having direct relations with the Conclave. Not to mention the previous Void Master. He just now realized that none of his family referred to the previous Void Master as the Dark Sage. More precisely, they refrain from talking about him.

Although he vaguely remembered, his uncles used the Void Master to scare the little kids to behave.

'How much do they know? And why did they have to keep all of this from me?' He wondered.

"I hope you now understand, why I may act partially."

Stella's voice snapped Kyran out of his reverie.

He took a deep breath and leaned back on his chair as he pushed all thoughts at the back of his head and focused on the meeting. For now, he could only put his plan into action. Finding the answers to all the questions he had would have to wait for another time.

"But, if you believe I am stepping out of line, then please tell me." Stella added.

The council members all exchanged glances and slowly nodded their heads.

"Thank you for telling us this, Milord."

It was Hugh who spoke first.

Stella looked at him and nodded with a slight smile.

There was a moment's pause before she took a deep breath and spoke again.

"I'm sorry for starting off with a very serious tone. Now that I have said my piece. Let us move forward with the meeting."

'So that was only an introduction?' Kyran thought.

"First is to properly introduce Kyran to everyone, as well as what the Conclave will do moving forward." Stella suddenly changed the subject.

Everyone inside did not mind the change.

After all, even though Stella had told them her reasons, it only added more questions than provided closure. But she was right that they would know the answers eventually. So there was no need to rush in finding out the whole truth.

"Again, for the benefit of those not present from the previous meeting, we have come to a conclusion that Kyran's reasons for making such a big... 'entrance'-."

Kyran's brow twitched from Stella's choice of words. What big entrance? She could have said ruckus, and he wouldn't mind. It was the truth, after all.

"-was to get us to help him divert the Royal Army's attention away from the Regis Clan. Some also believed that Kyran might know about our connection with his Family, that's why he was brave enough to come here. However, I will now tell you that he only know that we had some business with his family. He did not know that about the relation our Founder had with the Regis ancestor. Malek can testify to that. After all, Kyran thought we are colluding with the Royal Army thanks to Malek's ambiguous words."

This time, it was Malek's brow that twitched.

The other council members also tried their best not to laugh.

Malia and Hugh, on the other hand, could not help but sigh. Their Lord was at it again. Jesting around with Malek as her usual target.

"Initially I want to propose something to Kyran, but we talked earlier and I agreed to let him handle the rest,"

Finally, she turned her attention to Kyran. She was about to call on him when she realized his pale complexion.

Her brow creased in concern, and she asked, "Kyran? Are you o-."

Kyran looked at her and only gave her a meaningful look.

Stella immediately stopped. She remembered how he warned her not to overreact because it might cause some misunderstanding.

She slowly nodded her head and sat down without saying more.

Seeing that she understood, Kyran stood up.

Every member of the council member looked at him expectantly.

From the moment Kyran 'warped' inside the conference room, they had been observing his words and actions. Because the information about him was only available to Stella and Malek, they had no idea of the kind of person Kyran was.

So far, the brief exchange he had with Malek gave them the impression that he was not easily intimidated. But this was already a given. Would he even have the courage to attack the Tower of Conclave alone if he was easily intimidated?

"Thank you," Kyran thanked Stella before facing the whole council members.

This was not the first time he would face a congregation like this one. He had opportunities to attend his father and grandfather's meetings with the Regis Elders back in the Regis Estate. He also had to talk in front of his 'team' back when he was still attending military school.

"First I'd like to apologize for my recklessness a few days ago," Kyran started and bowed at them.

His action took the council members by surprise.

Even Stella looked at him in alarm.

Kyran straightened and continued, "However, apologizing is not enough, I know. I've done a lot of damage, not only to this place, but also your people."

Immediately, Sigma shifted in his seat and even cleared his throat.

Even Malek reacted by taking a deep breath.

"That's why I am willing to accept any punishment. Don't worry I already told Stella, not to cover for me," Kyran said and paused to look at each of the council members.


Noir was the first to react to this. Not because Kyran was willing to accept punishment but because he casually called the Lord of the Tower by her name.

Not only him. Hugh, Callan, and even the normally indifferent Chief of the Chamber of Commerce, Vaness, reacted by lifting both his brows in surprise.

Emery also blinked twice. As if she could not decide whether he heard him right or not.

Avrum's eyes, on the other hand, almost popped out of their sockets from hearing Kyran speak the Lord's name.

The most exaggerated reaction would be Malek. His jaw dropped, and he looked as if he had forgotten how to breathe.

That's right. Someone calling the Lord of the Tower by her name merits such a reaction for the council members.

Only Sigma and Malia had a slightly toned-down reaction. After all, they already witnessed a far more 'jaw-dropping' exchange between the two.

"But before you decide my punishment," Kyran continued.

Hearing him speak, all of them except for Malek snapped back to reality.

"I would like to make a proposal."

"Proposal?" Hugh repeated, looking at Kyran in confusion.

"Yes," Kyran replied with a nod. "I'd like to propose a partnership. If you hear me out, I believe all of us will gain a lot from it."

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