Legend of the Transcendent

Chapter 84: True Qi Transformation

Chapter 84: True Qi Transformation

Wang Weijun completely looked down on this pill furnace, but Mi Xiaojing treasured it like a priceless treasure. Because all future pills would rely on this pill furnace for refinement.

Carefully placing the Chi Yun Cauldron on the ground, he used a hand gesture and in an instant, the cauldron swelled up. The fiery cloud spirit pattern was like a burning flame, emitting waves of heat.

The cauldron was about 1.2 meters in height and 1.5 meters in width, a rather large pill furnace.

After carefully examining the spirit patterns on the cauldron, Mi Xiaojing was able to completely understand them with his current level. He could also see the likelihood of success in refining pills from the spirit patterns.

Sighing, if he had the Chi Yun Cauldron earlier, he estimated that he could have obtained at least three to five high-grade Foundation Establishment Pills. Although the cauldron was only a low-grade one, it was much better than the low-level pill furnace he used.

Wang Weijun gave the materials for refining the cauldron to Mi Xiaojing, allowing him to make a list and try to exchange them. Mi Xiaojing also knew that he wouldn't have the cauldron for long, but only if he could exchange the materials for refining it.

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This was Mi Xiaojing's current strategy, to find the materials he needed to refine pills for himself and Luo Bo, Zhang Ke, and Wei Fu. He had grown up in the Western Expansion Sect and they were the first people he met. This sense of kinship had tightly bound them together.

After putting away the Chi Yun Cauldron, Mi Xiaojing took out the Thunder Gang Wood. He was confident in refining a new magical sword, but at present, he was only designing and thinking about how to refine it. The real refinement would have to wait until he began absorbing starlight and forming his own Starry Sky power.

As the sky gradually darkened, Mi Xiaojing walked out of the cave and looked at the sky. It was a sunny day and even before it got completely dark, he could already see the starlight filling the sky.

Mi Xiaojing couldn't help but smile. He knew that once he absorbed the starlight, he would truly become a powerful cultivator.

When the sky was completely dark, Mi Xiaojing used the Thunder Strike Dagger to fly into the air and circled above the courtyard. He saw the dark mountains in the distance and immediately flew towards them on his sword.

After a moment, Mi Xiaojing arrived at a mountain peak. It wasn't particularly high and wasn't one of the Nine Peaks. He put away the Thunder Strike Dagger and looked around.

The mountain formed a black curve, like black dragons coiling on the ground. The starlight was brilliant in the sky, making it a good place to cultivate the Qianyuan Art.

The Starry Sky Qianyuan Art began its first rotation. The process was very complicated and Mi Xiaojing failed once before trying again with courage.

After an hour, Mi Xiaojing suddenly felt a sharp pain in his Baihui acupoint on the top of his head, as if a needle was piercing it.

Mi Xiaojing was not surprised but delighted. He had absorbed the starlight!As starlight entered his body, Mi Xiaojing's true qi erupted like oil boiling in a pot with a spoonful of water added. With each absorbed beam of starlight, the boiling gradually subsided, and silver lines mixed with countless tiny spirit script characters swam in the true qi.

By this point in his cultivation, Mi Xiaojing didn't know what his true qi had become, but it had mutated completely into something never before seen or heard of. At first, it was just a strand of starlight, but as he cultivated, the more starry sky he converted within his body, the greater the attraction became. Though outsiders couldn't see it, Mi Xiaojing could see countless starlights turning into silver threads and pouring into his body from above.

As more and more silver threads appeared in his true qi, it meant that the Gang was forming. The Gang was extremely repulsive and gradually consumed the true qi, transforming it into the Gang. The only thing that surprised Mi Xiaojing was that the spirit script characters swimming in the true qi were not affected at all. Not only did they not disappear, but they also combined with the Gang.

The silver threads gradually converged into a silver river, while the spirit script shimmered with a little gold light, swimming freely in the silver river.

When the true qi was completely transformed into the Gang, Mi Xiaojing's whole body made cracking sounds, and it was a real transformation. Not only did his true qi mutate into the power of the Gang, but his bones, muscles, organs, and everything else underwent a marvelous change.

Wang Weijun had noticed Mi Xiaojing's changes and was almost scared to death. With his old monster's eyes, he couldn't even see what kind of change it was. Did the ancient art really have such a crazy effect? He vaguely regretted giving Mi Xiaojing the Qianyuan Art. He found that Mi Xiaojing's changes were so great that he couldn't control them.

One leaf knows autumn. Just the changes in the Foundation Establishment period caught Wang Weijun's attention, but he was also powerless to change anything. All of this was brought to Mi Xiaojing by him, and even if he regretted it, he couldn't find a place to repent.

Wang Weijun had a vague feeling that once Mi Xiaojing successfully cultivated the Gang, it would be difficult for him to take over his body. However, he believed he had a way and the ability to take over Mi Xiaojing's body. Continuing to deceive and gain Mi Xiaojing's trust was the most important thing.

Even if it was difficult to take over, it didn't mean he couldn't. The stronger Mi Xiaojing became, the stronger his body became. Plus, the art he provided was the key. Once he took over, he could practice the art more quickly and efficiently. After thinking for a moment, Wang Weijun was relieved.

As dawn approached, Mi Xiaojing finally completed the transformation. He no longer had any true qi and was entirely composed of the power of the Gang. Of course, countless spirit script characters still swam in the Gang's power.

If someone were present, they would have noticed that his pupils had completely turned silver, and at the core of his pupils was a tiny golden dot. After a moment, his eyes returned to normal.Flying with the sword, Mi Xiaojing suddenly transformed into a silver light, disappearing from his original spot in an instant. This speed was so fast that even Mi Xiaojing himself was taken aback, struggling to control it as he almost crashed into a mountain. Fortunately, his reaction was quick enough to change direction at the last moment before the collision.

In fact, he was already very close to the ground. The result of forcibly changing direction was that a path was instantly opened in the forest. All the trees that obstructed his path were turned into ashes, as if they had been fully burned.

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