Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 200: Burial God's Sanctum Part 1

Chapter 200: Burial God's Sanctum Part 1

"Just how long this cave is?" Inside the black cave, Rose, Natasha, and Ouza kept walking for half an hour. They didn't fly since there could be traps. They were walking while observing everything. But they couldn't see anything except the black walls.

Ouza was lighting up the path with flames on his finger. He was followed by Natasha and Rose. Both of them were curious about the length of the cave, even Rose's spiritual sense couldn't penetrate further. But they didn't stop and keep on walking.

"Burial God's Sanctum"

Three golden words floated on the air. Reading these words, shock and disbelieve appeared in their eyes.

"Bang" "Aoow" "Aoow" Suddenly, a loud noise gains their attention. To their left, they saw three females and two males landing on each other with a few rocks and dust around them.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" At the same time, more and more people fell on their butt. Some managed to stand on their feet, but still covered in dust. It seems the ground beneath them broke while they exploring. But how can so many arrive at the same time?

"Was it a coincidence?" Rose murmured.

"Heck! Where are we? How could there be a hole on the ground?" One of the men stood up and shouted. He was wearing a long white shirt with black pants, like a martial artist of the previous century.

"Is someone playing the prank here?" The lady near him stood up and muttered. She glanced around and except few peoples, everyone was in the condition same as them. Suddenly, her pupils shrunk when she saw those words, floating in the air.

"Brother look!" Pointing her fingers at them, she shouted at the man standing near her. But her voice was very loud, making everyone look in the direction she pointed.

"Impossible! Impossible! This place is impossible!" Suddenly, a middle-aged man's expression darkens as the fear grew in his eyes. He looked at those words and shouted with disbelieve.

But many of them didn't know what those words meant. Even Rose, Natasha, and Ouza were completely clueless about it.

"What do those words mean? Hey, do you know anything? If so, tell us!" Suddenly, a bulky man standing far away walked towards that middle-aged man and yelled at him. He caught that middle-aged man's collar and try to bring him back to his consciousness.

At this moment, the middle-aged was completely hopeless. The look in his eyes was trembling with fear. And the most conspicuous thing was his realm. He was a Star Level Cultivator. Suddenly, an old man with short height wearing a kind of ancient purple shirt and white pants came forward.

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"Boy, he can't tell you anything until he overcomes his fear. But it is not possible to overcome that fear in few minutes. He needs time." Then, he glanced at everyone, but his eyes suddenly fixate on Rose figure. He went closer to her and asked "Among us, you three are probably the ones to arrive here and from the front route, aren't you?"

"Yes!" Rose nodded. Until now, her existence was almost invisible in other eyes. Because her realm was only War and the three behind her were even weaker. But seeing the old man taking interest in her, they finally noticed her existence.

"Your presence is making me threaten." The old man gave her a deep glance and spoke. Surprisingly, few other people nodded at his words.

But there were people who were unconvinced, one of the men walked at the front with a daunting smile "senior, she is just a War Lord. How can she threaten you?"

"Brother come back!" Suddenly, a lady shouted from behind. This lady was very beautiful even more than Rose. Her dressing style wasn't revealing since she was wearing pink pants and a tank top. Her brown hair was tied as a bun.

"Sister!" The man looked at her sister's serious face with an unconvinced expression. But seeing the serious eyes, he held back and returned to his original position. Unlike him, she was a Star Level Cultivator and her cultivation was Star Essence Realm.

There were around thirty-five people among them excluding Rose's trio, fifteen were in Emperor Realm, twelve were in Star Roots Realm, seven were in Star Essence Realm, and one was in Star Body Realm. Naturally, it was the old man.

Unlike emperors, star-level cultivators could easily feel a live threatening glimpse from her. After all, Rose could sneak peek at their future. The old man looked at her and chuckled "I wonder why you came here? Since you don't know about Burial God's Sanctum, your purpose must be something else, right?"

"We came here for Great Fire Emperor Inheritance." Rose calmly answered but hearing her words, Ouza and Natasha shouted.

"Sect master!"

"Sect master, why are you revealing about Great Fire Emperor to them?"

But Rose looked at them and shook her head. In fact, there was nothing to hide. Here, if they decided to gang up on her, she might be able to face them. Especially against the old man in front of her.

"Great Fire Emperor!"

"Isn't that legendary emperor that was ranked at the top ten in the Great Emperor Record?"

"How come they know about such person's inheritance?"

"Could it be they are from Divine Fire Constellation?"

While star level cultivator remained silent, the remaining emperor began to whisper with curiosity. Some even had greed in their eyes. But the old man in front of them didn't care about Great Fire Emperor Inheritance rather, he asked a surprising question "Sect master, I wonder which sect you belong to?"

"Supreme Sword Sect!" Rose had a proud feeling when she proclaimed her sect name in front of so many people.

"Supreme Sword Sect? Have you heard of this sect?"

"No, I have never heard of it."

"Supreme! Are they an idiot to name their sect supreme? Especially when the sect master is just a War Lord."

But suddenly, a middle-aged man wearing a black t-shirt and grey pants walked towards her. He was radiating a chilling killing intent that made others frown. Wearing sunglasses, his hair was trimmed short, he walked in front of her and leaned a little.

"Federation has notified me to hunt the Supreme Sword Sect since they broke the top rule of the federation. Originally, I was planning to visit the earth and destroy your sect. But later, I dropped this mission after hearing three Star Essence Realm cultivator went to your sect."

"Originally I thought this sect would've been disbanded, but it seems I need to do it on my own." He looked at Rose and clenched his fist. The old man looked at him but didn't stop.

Hearing his words, Rose slowly puts her right hand on the hilt of the black dragon sword while she speaks "One is dead, one is held in the prison with his arms torn apart. As a swordsman, losing an arm has no value. And the last one has already surrendered to our sect."

While she took the sword out of her sheath, enormous slaughter energy released out of her body. It was an illusion but everything around them turned to the sea of blood. Even Star Level Cultivators took some time to break that illusion, the slaughter intent rose from her body and condensed the image of the devil behind her.

Point her sword tip at his face, she spoke "Rose Fenton, Sect Master of Supreme Sword Sect. I beg you, please kill me!"

Hearing her last words, the anger flash in his eyes while the old man's face twitched. He speechlessly glanced at her and thought 'This amount of slaughter intent is very difficult to form. Even if killing million won't condense such amount of slaughter intent, how can a sixteen-year-old girl erupted such slaughter intent?'

'Wait, I remember something. A month ago, my son went for the investigation of the extermination of Celestial Ants. When he returned, he told me about his experience. I had never seen my son in such fear previously, so he can't be lying.'

'A person, a sword, slaughtering billion without blinking an eye. She might not be the one who did but she might be very much related to that person. No, if she is really related, I must stop this here. Even if they fight, I don't get involved.'

"Ahem!" Thinking of this, the old man cleared his throat to gain their attention. As he guessed, he successfully gained the attention of both of them.

"I don't know anything about Supreme Sword Sect nor do I have any reasons to interfere with the decision made by the Federation. But"

"Currently, we are in a desperate position. If we want to live, we must escape from here and we probably have to face many enemies." Then, he looked at everyone else and continued "I don't know where you from are? I don't know which family you belong to? But I know if we don't cooperate, all of us are going to die here."

"This Burial God's Sanctum is a place where the True Gods died. So, if you want to survive, you must listen to me."

"After all, Burial God's Sanctum is also the place to change our destiny."

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