My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 307 307: Second Challenge (3)

Soon, the [Sun Arrow] spell of Rezen was finally formed and of course, Quard didn't let that happen without doing anything

While Rezen was forming the arrow, the fifteen mirrors sent another round of light rays at him. Even if he were to destroy some of the mirrors with his magic spell, the light rays would still hit him at least normally that is what would happen

Rezen fired the [Sun Arrow] spell in front of him before he swiftly dealt with the light rays charging at him in other directions

He just finished casting a magic spell when ice formed on his magic wand, growing its length to at least two meters

With eyes burning with the resolve to win and not just simply win but win in an overwhelming power, Rezen nimbly moved his hands to rotate his magic wand that has turned into a long staff thanks to the ice that froze it

He uses the long staff and the spinning force to deflect the light rays. His physical movement was really fast as even though the light rays were coming from all directions, he was still able to effectively use his staff to deflect all of them


At the same time that Rezen was deflecting the light rays, the [Sun Arrow] spell finally met one of the mirrors and it pierced that mirror

Earlier, the mirror has the power to absorb and reflect Rezen's simple magic. However, it was a different thing for a genuine magic spell that is mightier than simple magic

After piercing and destroying one mirror, the arrow didn't stop there. It continue to move into the next mirror and it did the same thing

The arrow was having a feast by destroying the mirrors one by one as shattered fragments fell down

The face of Quard that was shown in his mirrors changed into that of a slight fear. The strength of his [Mirror World] lies in the fact that it could attack in all directions and also absorbed and reflect the magic of his opponent

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

That is only possible if the mirrors were still intact but now that they are being destroyed one by one, it wouldn't be long before this magic spell will be forcefully deactivated

As such, Quard increased the frequency at which the remaining mirrors were sending light rays to try to affect Rezen's focus

It shouldn't be easy for him to control the arrow while also deflecting the light rays with his staff

However, Quard underestimated Rezen. It was true that most of Rezen's focus was on controlling his magic spell and only a little bit was spent on moving his staff. But the thing is, he consumed far more resources that increase his physique's quality than his soul

This means that Rezen could do more things with his body even without his mind focusing too much on his movement. At this point, the movement of his staff was controlled more by his quick reflexes rather than his mind

While there are a lot of benefits to having a strong soul, it mostly is something that has to do with mana control, releasing magic, or even alchemy. There is another set of benefits for people with a great physique

If only the people with powerful souls could become strong then everyone might have chosen to become a Spirit or Deviant Mage. No one would choose to become a Body Mage

But that is not the case. There are also many benefits to having a strong body. This includes having the ability to react to attacks before one's mind could discover it

Rezen munched and consumed many resources that have to do with the physical body since they are more common than resources that have to do with the soul

Quard soon found out that increasing the frequency of the light rays was useless. Rezen was still able to deflect these light rays using his staff

In the end, the arrow that already uses most of its strength finally approached the last of the mirror

From that mirror, Quard's physical body was ejected before the [Sun Arrow] could hit it

However, despite doing that, Quard was still a bit too late. The arrow didn't just penetrate the mirror, it also used the rest of its power to explode


Solar energies filled a small area as the [Sun Arrow] exploded. Unfortunately for Quard, he was within the range of the explosion and the solar energies also affected him

However, once again, Quard was saved by his mage robe. It erected another barrier but this time it just blocked Rezen's attack and didn't deflect it before the mage robe seems to have lost most of its color as its color was lighter than the original

It seems like the mage robe could only save Quard's life twice. The first instance could not only block the attack but also send it back to its maker. As for the second one, it loses the ability to reflect attacks and it just saved him

If not for the mage robe, Quard would have suffered from Rezen's magic twice already. It seems like Rezen is far stronger than him since he didn't use any treasure at all aside from his magic wand

Quard was still in shock that even his magic spell was dealt with by Rezen but the next thing he knew is that his opponent is already in front of him

Rezen swung his staff downwards at Quard and the latter can only try to block it with his own magic wand


The staff and the magic wand clashed with each other, sending ice shards around them before Rezen used his mana to regrow the ice

"Argh...!" Quard can't help but groan. He felt like he just blocked a force enough to turn his body into mincemeat

Rezen's physical strength was superior to his, credit to all of the Spirit Plants that he consumed

Quard's arms were aching as he tried his best to continue blocking the ice staff. However, Rezen suddenly raised his hand just to quickly bring it down again

For the second time, Quard's magic wand was struck by Rezen's ice staff and his arms trembled and felt numbed

He was gritting his teeth hard to barely resist Rezen's blow but the latter was merciless

For the third time, Rezen used his staff to attack and this time, Quard's arms almost gave out

"Damn it! You will pay for this!" Quard said angrily and as if he wants to prove his resolve, he injected a bit of his mana into the magic wand to activate its built-in spell

As soon as Quard did that, a magic circle formed on his feet, and this magic circle released a fire pillar

Considering that the two are in close proximity, Rezen would also be hit by the fire

Since this spell came from Quard's magic wand, it was easy and fast to activate it. At the very least, it is faster than his own casting speed that if not for Rezen giving him enough time, he wouldn't even be able to cast

"Hahahaha! Burn! Burn! Burn!" Quard shouted merrily. Rezen is in front of him and is surrounded by the fire pillar

As the magic wand's owner, Quard is not affected by the fire pillar but as the target, Rezen is completely different

The fire should be burning him right now but it didn't take that long before Quard noticed something abnormal and his eyes trembled

"Y-you...! How could you have the time to cast the [Borg] spell!"

Indeed, Rezen is protected by his magic barrier. As a very simplified magic spell, [Borg] is easy to cast but he shouldn't be able to cast it on time to protect himself from the built-in spell of Quard's magic wand

No ordinary mage could cast a magic spell as fast as magic wands and of course, the current Rezen is also no different

However, just who is Rezen? He was not your ordinary young man. He had many experienced many battles and he also knew how the mind of people like Quard works considering that he was not the type of person that is hard to read

If Quard could use his mage robe to protect himself in this battle then who can say that he cannot use the spell that his magic wand could cast?

Rezen has been ready in case that happens and he was able to cast [Borg] in time

Of course, since the [Borg] spell is very simple, its defense was not very strong but Rezen was making it up by consuming more mana

Fortunately, the destruction caused by the fire pillar does not exceed the ability of Rezen to forcefully maintain his [Borg] in return for a huge mana expenditure

If not then even if Rezen has an infinite amount of mana his defense would still be broken through and the fire pillar would burn him

"Nothing is impossible in this world" Rezen replied to the arrogant Young Master with a sneer

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