My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 309 309: Villa

Theon controlled more of his mana and gathered it at his brass knuckles causing it to glow with a metallic gray color

The blades reflected the sunlight before he slashed them in the air. His hands were moving incredibly fast that normal people could only see the shadow of his arms

Theon was not simply slashing the blades of his brass knuckles in the air, he was doing that to send long-range slash attacks

Energy blade slashes traveled in the air. The number was generous and Theon is generating one blade slash for every time that he slashed the air with his weapon. This shows that even though a Deviant Mage like Theon is most comfortable with close combat it does not mean that he cannot attack from afar

All of these mana blades approached Rezen that also gathered mana in his hand. The tip of his magic wand glowed with a yellowish-golden color as he too slashed the air

Rezen created his own mana blades by waving his magic wand and sending crescent blades made from condensed solar energies

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Mana blades with different attributes clashed in the air, sending sparks and smoke into their surrounding

For a moment, the two opposing sides were covered with smoke, causing the other students to be unable to see them

However, that didn't last long. After seeing that his attacks were not working, Theon decided to use another form of attack again

Instead of sending multiple mana blades, he crouched down and slashed his brass knuckles into the ground

This time, he sent a much longer and taller blade slash than before starting from the ground and up

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In return, Rezen made a wall of ice to block as although visibility has been lowered by the smoke, he still could sense the magic fluctuations caused by Theon's magic

Bang! Bang!

The two long and tall blade slashes slammed on the ice wall that Rezen created, destroying it but in the process, the blade slashes also use everything that they have

After that, Theon didn't stop. As soon as he finished sending those two blade slashes, his feet nimbly moved as he once again approached Rezen in an attempt to close the distance between the two of them

Rezen sensed that and the falling debris of his destroyed ice wall was controlled by him. The ice shards were moved by an invisible power and they went straight to Theon who wielded his brass knuckles

Slash! Slash! Slash!

The brass knuckles further cut the ice shards into smaller pieces. One slash was enough to almost pulverize them, showing how sharp and lethal those brass knuckles were

The ice shards were unable to stop Theon's advances but Rezen suddenly fired a stream of fire from his magic wand. The way he quickly switched up from one magic attribute to another was really astonishing

Just like usual, Theon uses his weapons to cut the stream of fire but Rezen continues to pour mana into his magic wand

It was not easy to breach this stream of fire and the high temperature was starting to affect Theon. He cannot withstand it for long if he does not want himself to burn to death and he was pushed back, once again creating a distance between the two of them

"You're strong. I cannot defeat you right now with my simple magic. If you can also deal with my magic spell, I'll admit defeat but I'll make sure to grow stronger and defeat you one day!" Theon said

His declaration was not out of a simple thirst for battle like Porenz nor pure arrogance like Quard's. It was more of a desire to improve and grow into a powerful mage

"Sorry but I also can't let anyone that is the same rank as me defeat me" Rezen replied, the tip of his magic wand glowing with a blue color, he is ready to cast a spell any moment from now

Theon nodded at that, not the least bit offended by Rezen's words. He conjured magic circles at the blades of his brass knuckles and they suddenly grew longer than before

They suddenly look like the arms of a praying mantis due to how long they were. When Theon moved his arms to his side, he took a stance and his eyes glowed with resolve

"[Endless Slash!]"

The ground that Theon was standing on cracked and caved in as his figure turned into a shadow that approached Rezen with an insanely fast speed

As soon as he reached Rezen, he immediately slashed his blades at him non-top. It was not simply a single slash or several slashes. It was tens of slashes in a short period of time

However, just like in the previous rounds, Rezen's body suddenly turned into multiple black crows

It was his [Crow Illusion Substitution] spell again. None of his three opponents were able to crack this spell of his and he mostly relied on it to win

But even though Rezen casts the [Crow Illusion Substitutio] spell, when he reappeared behind Theon, there were still slash marks on his clothes and he was bleeding

His face was also very pale. He casts multiple magic spells in a short period of time and they took a toll on his body

There was a reason why when mages fight, they wouldn't start off by casting a magic spell and instead use simple magic first. The burden on them was way higher compared to using simple magic in exchange for a stronger power

This was the time that Rezen casts the most number of spells in a short period of time and even to someone like him, this is very taxing

However, it was worth it. Aside from the reward box that is originally his, he gained three more thanks to his victory against his opponents

Just like what he said, Theon surrendered after his magic spell failed to defeat his opponent and Rezen even shook hands with him

If with Quard, he was brutal, in front of Theon he was more amiable. As they shake hands, Theon smiled knowingly as if he was telling Rezen that he is aware of the reason why he is this friendly

When Rezen fought with the arrogant Quard, he beat him badly, thoroughly humiliating him in front of the other students. However, with Porenz and Theon, he treated them in a kinder way

It is not hard to realize the reason. Rezen wants to show that to people that are not his enemies, he can be quite kind but to people that don't offer him goodwill, he can be extremely brutal

That is the kind of personality that Rezen wanted to show since if possible he wanted to have a smooth sailing life while inside the academy. But that is impossible of his schoolmates would always look at him in a bad light because of the fact that he is a nepo baby


The ceremony is not even a ceremony but more like the first competition among Rezen's batch ended after there were no more challenges that are issued

The students are asked to head to their assigned rooms that are already included on the map of their student token and there, they can open their reward boxes to see what they got and tomorrow, they could claim them

Just like the others, Rezen also started using his flying stick to reach his new accommodation. However, while looking at the map that is being projected by his student token, he cannot help but frown

There were multiple dormitories building inside the academy based on the map that Rezen could access. However, his own map was guiding him to another area and not the area where the students' dorms are located

"I have a weird feeling about this" Rezen muttered while the hair on his body stood up and the little snake on his shoulder spoke

"Master, are we still far? I want to sleep, I'm tired!" Belazark said and Rezen fought the urge to roast this snake alive

What tired? What did he even do the whole day? All he had to do was to hide in Rezen's shadow while he was fighting his classmates for more resources!

This bastard's skin is really thick to the point that it could also make Rezen speechless

"Few more minutes!" Rezen replied with a groan and soon, his new accommodation was revealed and his jaw dropped

The accommodation for new students like him should be a large building composed of many different rooms, the same as the ones that the city gave to the tribesmen but just more luxurious

That is the accommodation that Rezen was expecting but his map pointed him not at a dormitory building but rather on a villa!

That's right, it was a villa and it was even quite luxurious even if you just look at the outside. Its size is also not to be ashamed of!

Is this really somewhere a new student should live?

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