Ch: 102 [Red & Green]

Ch: 102 [Red & Green]

AN: We are going to see lots of 3rd person pov chs.


[3rd Person POV]

Alex and his family left for their holiday destination. They boarded their private plane and flew toward the island, unaware of the danger waiting for them.

As Alex fell asleep inside the plane, he saw a dream once again. A dream so vivid that it seemed unimaginably real.


The mental asylum stood on the desolate and forgotten island of Queensland. Once a place of hope and healing, it had now turned into a nightmarish labyrinth for failed mutant experimental subjects who had lost their minds. The island's isolation only added to the eerie atmosphere that hung over the decaying buildings.

The asylum had been abandoned by the government years ago due to its controversial practices and the horrific outcomes of its experiments. Its halls echoed with the remnants of suffering and despair, a haunting reminder of the inhumane treatments inflicted upon its unfortunate inhabitants.

Within the asylum's crumbling walls, a cult of Death had taken root. Those who had lost their sanity found solace in worshiping the macabre and embracing the darkness that had consumed them. They reveled in their newfound powers, fueled by their mutations and fueled by the forbidden knowledge that resided within the pages of the Necronomicon.

Victor Henz, a former scientist who had become disillusioned with the asylum's experiments, stumbled upon the unholy book during his exploration of the decrepit facility. The book's presence was both a curse and a beacon of forbidden knowledge, tempting those who dared to venture into its ancient pages.

As Victor delved into the secrets contained within the Necronomicon, he unwittingly unleashed a force beyond his comprehension. The Deadites, malevolent spirits that were bound to the dark tome, awakened and hungered for the souls of the living. Their presence within the asylum set off a chain of events that would plunge the island into chaos and terror.

Among the tortured souls trapped within the asylum was Hina, a mysterious and resilient test subject. Her body was a testament to the horrors she had endured—covered in scars, with a missing left eye and only two fingers remaining on her right hand. Hina had long since lost track of her age, but her mutation granted her an eerie immortality, rendering her unkillable.

Hina, driven by an insatiable desire for freedom, seized the opportunity presented by the chaos unleashed by the Deadites. As panic and madness gripped the asylum, she fought her way through the twisted corridors, evading the clutches of the deranged cult members.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The deafening cries of agony and the unearthly laughter of the Deadites echoed through the asylum, amplifying the horrors that surrounded Hina. The air was thick with the stench of blood and decay, and the walls seemed to whisper secrets that sent shivers down her spine.

With every step she took, Hina could feel her heart racing, adrenaline surging through her veins. She knew that her only chance for survival lay in escaping the asylum and leaving this island of nightmares behind. But little did she know that the true horrors were yet to reveal themselves.

As Hina reached the asylum's exit, the door creaked open, revealing a sight that froze her in her tracks. Before her stood a horde of Deadites, their twisted forms contorted with madness and hunger. Their hollow eyes locked onto Hina, their grotesque smiles spreading wider.

At that moment, Hina knew she had entered a realm of nightmares. The Deadites lunged toward her, their skeletal hands reaching out to claim her soul. With a surge of adrenaline, she turned and ran, the pursuit of death hot on her heels.

As she sprinted through the asylum's corridors, fear gripped her heart, but a newfound determination burned within her. She would not let the horrors of this place consume her. Hina's unkillable body pushed her to the limits of endurance as she fought against the relentless onslaught of the Deadites.


The relentless pursuit of the Deadites urged Hina to navigate the asylum's twisted maze of hallways and rooms with haste. Her breath came in ragged gasps, her heart pounding in her chest as she desperately sought the one thing that could provide her with a glimmer of hope—the Red Ring her father had given her.

Memories long forgotten surged to the surface as she weaved through the darkness. Her father's voice echoed in her ears, "This ring will protect you, Hina. It will guide you through the darkest of times." The weight of her father's love and protection filled her, bolstering her resolve.

The dimly lit corridors of the asylum flickered with sporadic lights, casting grotesque shadows that danced along the decaying walls. The Deadites, their twisted forms hauntingly illuminated, taunted Hina with their sinister whispers.

"We can taste your fear, little one," a Deadite hissed, its voice filled with malicious glee. "Your soul will be a delectable feast for us."

Hina's determination burned brighter within her. She refused to be consumed by their darkness. She knew there was a way to fight back, but she needed the Red Ring. Its power was her only hope.

As she darted through a dilapidated library, Hina caught a glimpse of a familiar glint on a table. With a surge of anticipation, she rushed toward it, her hands trembling. There it was—the Red Ring, sitting amidst the decay and forgotten knowledge.

Just as Hina reached out to claim her lifeline, the Deadites closed in around her, their voices growing louder and more taunting. "You cannot escape, little lamb. Your fate is sealed."

With a surge of desperation, Hina slid the Red Ring onto her finger. An intense surge of energy coursed through her veins, and the ring began to glow with a vibrant crimson light. The Deadites recoiled, their malevolent presence momentarily disrupted.

But something else happened. The ring's power resonated with the darkness that had consumed Hina's being for so long. The pain and suffering she had endured had forged a connection with the ring, transforming her into something new.

Hina's body trembled as her skin cracked, revealing an otherworldly glow beneath. Her eyes burned with an intense red hue as her veins pulsed with an unearthly energy. The darkness that had once tormented her now became her armor, her weapon.

The Deadites stared in awe and horror as Hina's transformation was completed. She had become a new form of the Red Lantern, fueled by her pain and driven by a vengeance that surpassed the horrors of the asylum.

Her father's voice echoed once more, guiding her, "No power is dark. It all depends on the wielder will power and decisions. You can either wield it for good or evil. But once a path is chosen, there is no turning back."

With a newfound resolve, Hina turned to face the Deadites, her voice dripping with a mix of fury and defiance. "You thought you could claim my soul? Well, prepare to witness the true power of darkness!"

As the Deadites lunged forward, Hina unleashed a torrent of rage and energy, decimating their ranks with every strike. She fought with a ferocity that surpassed her physical limitations, fueled by the ring's power and her unyielding will to survive.

The asylum shook with the force of the battle, walls crumbling and debris flying in all directions. Hina's transformation had become a beacon of hope for the other survivors trapped within the asylum. They watched in awe as she fought, their eyes filled with a mixture of fear and admiration.

But as Hina continued to unleash her newfound powers, a chilling realization dawned upon her—her transformation had come at a cost. The darkness that fueled her was slowly consuming her rationality. Her rage and years of suffering was consuming her mind.

As Hina unleashed her fury upon the Deadites, their twisted forms began to merge, their bodies contorting and fusing together. The resulting abomination was a grotesque monstrosity, towering over Hina with multiple limbs and jagged, razor-sharp appendages. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent crimson light, reflecting the darkness that had consumed the asylum.

Hina, oblivious to her newfound status as a Red Lantern, fought on with relentless determination. Memories of her father's words echoed in her mind, his guidance pushing her forward. She remembered his voice, saying, "No power is inherently dark. It all depends on the wielder's willpower and decisions. You can either wield it for good or evil. But once a path is chosen, there is no turning back."

As the battle raged, Hina's Red Ring began to radiate a faint green hue, a sign of its dual nature. Unbeknownst to her, the ring sensed her inner conflict, the struggle between the darkness and the light within her.

With a surge of energy, the Red Ring transformed Hina's appearance. Her body became a mixture of red and green, symbolizing the duality of her powers. Half of her burned with the intensity of her rage and vengeance, while the other half radiated with the flickering emerald glow of hope and determination.

The survivors, watching in awe and horror, witnessed Hina's transformation. Some feared her, unsure of the consequences of her newfound abilities. Others found solace in the presence of a powerful protector amidst the chaos.

With her combined powers, Hina launched herself at the abomination, her voice filled with determination. "I will not let your darkness consume this place any longer! You will fall!"

The abomination roared in defiance, its voice a cacophony of the tormented souls trapped within it. "You cannot defeat us! We are eternal! We are Death!"

Hina's relentless assault pressed on, her blows infused with the energy of both the red and green spectrums. But as the battle wore on, she felt the ring's charge begin to wane, its power depleting rapidly.

"Fuck! Almost out of power, must end it quickly," She mumbled.

As the ring's charge almost ran out, Hina found herself locked in a fierce struggle with the abomination. The darkness threatened to overwhelm her, its sheer strength and malice pushing her to her limits. She fought with every ounce of strength she had left, desperate to deliver the final blow.

But as her attacks weakened, the abomination unleashed a devastating strike, sending Hina crashing to the ground. The survivors watched in horror as the creature closed in, ready to deliver a fatal blow.

Her father's voice echoed once more in her mind, a haunting reminder of the choices that lay before her. "Remember, Hina, rage isn't always the answer even though your situation will tell you it is... Don't let it cloud your Judgement... Sometimes a little willpower is all one needs to overcome the difficulties..."

In that moment, a flicker of green light emanated from the Red Ring, sparking a surge of renewed energy within Hina.

"GO TO HELL!!!" With a defiant roar, she summoned the last reserves of her strength, striking back at the abomination with a final, desperate attack.

The resulting explosion rocked the asylum, shattering its already crumbling walls and sending debris flying in all directions. The survivors shielded themselves from the chaos, fearing the worst.

When the dust settled, they looked upon the battlefield, their eyes widening in disbelief. Hina lay among the wreckage, her body battered and broken. The abomination was nowhere to be seen, vanquished by her final, powerful strike.

As the survivors cautiously approached her, they saw the Red Ring, now dull and lifeless, slip off Hina's finger. The battle had taken its toll, draining her of both physical and emotional strength.


[Back to Alex]

"No! Get up! Hina... Get up!" Alex mumbled in his sleep.


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