Ch: 103 [Hina’s Struggles]

Ch: 103 [Hina’s Struggles]

Hina's body lay broken and battered, on the brink of death. Her vision blurred, and the world around her faded into darkness. In her final moments, she heard a voice, faint but familiar, chanting the oath of the Blue Lantern Corps.

"In fearful day, in raging night, with strong hearts full, our souls ignite. When all seems lost in the War of Light, look to the stars, for hope burns bright."

As the oath echoed in her ears, a faint blue hue enveloped Hina's wounds. She felt a surge of energy, and her body began to heal, the pain subsiding. She awakened with a gasp, her eyes wide with astonishment.

But her respite was short-lived as a sudden rain of bullets descended from the sky. Helicopters buzzed overhead, their sinister presence sending chills down her spine. The AMO, the Anti-Mutant Organization, had sent them to erase any trace of their inhumane experiments.

"Nooo!!! You bastards!" Hina screamed in anger. The survivors who had witnessed her transformation lay lifeless, their hopes extinguished. She knew she had to escape, to survive against all odds.

With determination burning in her eyes, Hina sprinted toward the edge of the island, seeking refuge in the dense foliage that awaited her. Bullets whizzed past her, the helicopters closing in with relentless pursuit.

"Keep going, Hina. No matter the cost. I will find you... I am coming for you," her father's voice echoed in her mind, urging her forward. The memories of her father's love and protection infused her with an unyielding will to survive.

As she dove into the water, the cold embrace of the waves surrounded her. Hina swam with all her might, her thoughts consumed by the need to escape the clutches of the AMO. The helicopters hovered above, their searchlights cutting through the darkness, desperate to find their elusive prey.

Hina's mind raced, contemplating her next move. She had to find a way to stay ahead of her pursuers, to outsmart them. Her mutation had granted her a resilience that most could not comprehend, but it was her wit and resourcefulness that would determine her survival.

Emerging from the water onto a desolate stretch of land, Hina ran, her feet pounding against the unforgiving earth. The pursuit continued relentlessly, the helicopters closing in from above.

Through the veil of exhaustion and desperation, Hina's mind raced with thoughts and possibilities. "I can't let them capture me. Dad is coming for me. I am sure he remembers everything after all the messages I have sent him. I have to survive till he comes here." she thought, her voice filled with determination.

As Hina weaved through the treacherous terrain, her instincts kicked in, guiding her towards hidden paths and concealed crevices. She had to remain one step ahead, utilizing her surroundings to her advantage.

The night air was thick with tension as Hina's pursuers closed in, their searchlights sweeping the land, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of her. She darted into the cover of a dense forest, her breaths coming in short gasps.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she desperately evaded the AMO's relentless pursuit. Each step she took was a testament to her resilience, her refusal to succumb to the darkness that had plagued her life.

Through the thick foliage, Hina could hear the distant shouts of her pursuers, their frustration mounting. They were closing in, their determination matching her own.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But Hina knew she couldn't afford to falter. Her father's words echoed in her mind once more, urging her onward. "Keep going, Hina. No matter the cost."

With renewed determination, Hina pressed on, her breath ragged and her muscles burning. The chase was far from over, and the AMO continued to pursue her, their relentless pursuit pushing her to the brink of exhaustion.

Suddenly, chaos erupted around her. From the shadows, the Deadites emerged, their ghastly forms descending upon the AMO with ferocity. Hina watched in awe and horror as the tables turned, the AMO becoming the hunted.

One Deadite, its voice dripping with sadistic pleasure, taunted the AMO soldiers. "You thought you could capture her? Your futile attempt shall be your undoing. Welcome to the domain of Death!"

Hina seized the opportunity and ran, her feet carrying her swiftly through the treacherous terrain. Her heart raced, and her mind focused on survival. She could hear the desperate cries of the AMO soldiers as they fell victim to the Deadites' relentless assault.

Her father's voice echoed once more, guiding her through the turmoil. "Keep going, Hina. No matter the cost."

As she sprinted through the darkness, the asylum, and its horrors fading into the distance, Hina couldn't help but ponder the eerie turn of events. The AMO, once her hunters, now faced the wrath of the supernatural forces that had plagued her existence.

The Deadites pursued her, their sinister voices reverberating through the night. "Hina, your soul shall be ours. There is no escape from Death's embrace."

With every step, Hina's determination grew. She refused to be consumed by the darkness that pursued her, clinging to the flickering ember of hope within her. She had to keep moving, had to find a way to break free from the nightmare that had become her reality.

As she raced through the forest, Hina's thoughts churned, contemplating her next move. The Deadites were relentless, their numbers seemingly endless. She needed to find a way to outsmart them, to outlast their pursuit.

The chilling howls of the Deadites echoed through the night, the sound both haunting and relentless. Hina's mind raced with thoughts and strategies, her survival instincts kicking into overdrive.

She could hear the Deadites drawing closer, their unearthly presence growing more palpable with each passing moment. Hina's heart pounded in her chest as she pushed her tired body to its limits, desperately searching for a path of escape.

Just as she thought she was gaining ground, a bone-chilling realization struck her—her pursuers, the AMO soldiers who had become victims of the Deadites, had transformed into the very creatures that hunted her.

Their voices, once human, were now distorted and twisted, taunting her with their newfound powers. "Join us, Hina. Embrace the darkness within. There is no escape from your fate."

A surge of terror mixed with determination surged through Hina's veins. She refused to succumb to their insidious whispers. With a renewed burst of energy, she pushed herself further, her legs propelling her forward despite the exhaustion that threatened to overtake her.

The chase continued, the night air thick with the echoes of her tormentors and the pursuit that seemed to have no end. Hina's thoughts raced, her mind clouded with fear and adrenaline.


[Meanwhile, Alex]


"...hey, you alright..."

Alex's mother's voice woke him up. He looked around, confused, and drenched in sweat. The dream... It was so real.

"What's wrong?" Alex's mom asked with a concerned expression.

"... She is in trouble. I have to save her," Alex stood up but stumbled on the floor. His body was glowing with a faint blue hue.

"The blue energy! How did you?" His mother knows the energy blinking around her son's body is none other than the Blue Lantern's light. A flash of her husband's face appeared before her eyes.

"Hina... Those AMO bastards performed tests on her immortal body. Those damned bastards..." Alex clenched his fist, releasing his red aura. He was angry, but why? He doesn't know. His heart ached in pain as an overwhelming sadness and anger took over him, "She is in trouble. She is on an island in the north... The undead like creatures are chasing her. Mom, please save her."

Alex's legs gave out as he fell on the floor, blood oozing from his nose. The restrictions Skye and Emma created within his brain, Alex's Dracul's aura forcefully tried to break through it, but as a result, he suffered a fatal lash back.

"Mind restrictions?!" Alex's mom touched his head, "Who?"

Alex's mom healed him with her magic and left him in the care of the others. She opened a portal and vanished beyond it.


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