Ch: 104 [Hina vs Deadites Hoards]

Ch: 104 [Hina vs Deadites Hoards]

Hina's mind raced with a flurry of thoughts as she remembered her father's unconventional training. The memories flooded back, both the lessons on survival and the skills that had once been intended for darker purposes. With a determined glint in her eye, Hina decided to take a chance and turn the tide against the Deadites.

Under the moonlit sky, Hina embraced her newfound role. No longer the prey, she would become the hunter. The time for survival had passed; it was now time to take the fight to her tormentors. With grim resolve, she knew that she had to destroy the heads of the Deadites to truly vanquish them.

As she set off on her hunt, Hina's steps were purposeful and measured. Her senses heightened, and she moved silently through the shadows, her eyes scanning her surroundings for any sign of the twisted creatures that sought to claim her soul.

Hina's fingers tightened around the submachine gun she had acquired from one of the fallen AMO operatives. It felt foreign in her hands, but she knew that its deadly firepower would be essential in her battle against the Deadites. The weight of the knife she had taken as well offered a sense of comfort, a symbol of her determination to survive at any cost.

The night air was thick with an eerie stillness as Hina ventured deeper into the heart of the forest. With each step she took, every breath she drew, she could feel the presence of the Deadites lurking in the shadows, their malevolence palpable.

"I will not die. Father will be here any moment. I must survive," Hina whispered to herself, her voice a steady reminder of her resolve.

Her ears pricked at the faint sound of rustling leaves nearby. Hina halted, her body tense, ready to strike at a moment's notice. She knew that the time for stealth had ended; it was time to face the Deadites head-on.

With bated breath, she crept closer to the source of the sound, her grip on the submachine gun tightening. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she glimpsed a flicker of movement in the underbrush.

The twisted form of a Deadite emerged, its eyes burning with an unholy fire. Its voice slithered through the night, laced with malicious intent. "We will feast on your brain and entrails."

A defiant smile played on Hina's lips as she raised her weapon. "Feast on this."

Without hesitation, she unleashed a torrent of bullets upon the Deadite, her finger pulling the trigger with precise determination. The deafening sound of gunfire echoed through the forest as she aimed for the abomination's head, trying to kill it as quickly as possible.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The Deadite shrieked in agony, its grotesque form contorting under the onslaught of bullets. Yet, it refused to fall, its malevolent spirit relentless in its pursuit of Hina's demise.

Undeterred, Hina swiftly transitioned, discarding the empty magazine of the submachine gun, "Fuck!" With the knife in hand, she lunged forward, her movements fluid and calculated.

The clash of metal and flesh resounded in the stillness of the night as Hina struck at the Deadite, her knife slashing with precision. With each blow, she could feel the creature's resistance weakening, its otherworldly existence teetering on the edge of oblivion.

"DIE!" The deadite lunged forward, trying to bite Hina's neck.

Hina jammed the knife into its open mouth and sliced it up. The deadite's head split open with a frenzy of blood, drenching Hina in the gore.


As Hina's knife delivered the final blow, severing the connection between the Deadite and the mortal realm, a sudden gust of wind whipped through the forest, carrying with it an eerie sense of foreboding.

From the darkness emerged another Deadite, its eyes gleaming with an unholy light. But this one was different. It possessed a speed beyond comprehension, darting towards Hina with a ferocity that matched its supernatural nature.

Hina's instincts kicked into overdrive, her body moving with an agility and precision that defied human limits. She evaded the onslaught of the Deadite's attacks, each movement calculated and flawless.

As the battle raged on, a floodgate of memories burst open in Hina's mind. Images of her past, of her father's training after her mother's death, surged through her consciousness. She remembered the brutality and determination with which he had prepared her for a world consumed by darkness.

A surge of power coursed through her veins, the effects of the AMO's drugs dissipating, allowing her suppressed abilities to flow once more. The power of absolute defense, her father's last gift before his untimely demise, awakened within her. Her body became an impenetrable fortress, impervious to harm.

A chilling smile crept across Hina's face as she effortlessly blocked the attacks of the frenzied Deadite. "Those AMO bastards took advantage of my slumber," she snarled, her voice laced with cold determination. "Well, let's kill these bastards first, then AMO."

With a newfound savagery, Hina unleashed her wrath upon the Deadite horde. Her movements were a deadly dance, a symphony of violence as she mutilated the twisted creatures, reducing them to nothing more than a heap of meat and bones. Her knife sliced through those abominations as if she was slicing a piece of tofu.

The Deadites' taunts and threats fell upon deaf ears as Hina's mind remained focused on her singular objective—to eradicate the forces that had hunted her and those who had tormented her throughout her life.

Amidst the chaos and carnage, Hina's memories continued to flood back, each piece slotting into place like a macabre puzzle. The truth of her existence, her purpose, and the horrors she had endured—all became painfully clear.

With every Deadite that fell before her, Hina's rage intensified, fueled by a potent mixture of vengeance and survival. Her once-suppressed powers surged with an unstoppable force, overwhelming the remnants of her tormentors.

Blood splattered across her scarred body, but Hina felt no pain. She reveled in the brutality of her actions, a feral expression etched upon her face. Her eyes burned with a newfound intensity as she stood amidst the aftermath of her relentless onslaught.

"AMO," she hissed, her voice dripping with venom. "Prepare to face the consequences of your atrocities."

In the midst of the gruesome aftermath, a Deadite, desperate for an opportunity, attempted to sneak up on Hina. However, her heightened senses detected the impending threat. With a lightning-fast reflex, she grabbed the creature by the throat, crushing its windpipe, and slammed it viciously onto the ground.

"Sneaky bastard," Hina spits on the deadite's face as a sinister smile spreads across her face, "Haaaaa! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE..."

Fury and stress coursed through Hina's veins, a maelstrom of emotions unleashed. With each strike of her knife, she released her pent-up frustrations, screaming in a primal roar that echoed through the night. The Deadite writhed in agony under the relentless assault. Blood splattered everywhere, but she didn't care.

But her cathartic release came at a cost. Her screams, like a siren's call, attracted the attention of the remaining Deadites. They swarmed towards her location, their twisted forms converging upon her with unyielding intent.

Hina turned around, her visage drenched in blood, her eyes ablaze with primal rage. She was a force to be reckoned with—a relentless, unstoppable storm. Her voice carried across the battlefield, laced with defiance. "Is that all you got? Come at me, you sons of bitches!"

The Deadites closed in, their grotesque forms lunging with frenzied attacks. But Hina moved with inhuman speed, her body a blur as she evaded their strikes with ease. She defied the laws of physics, her movements guided by instinct and honed skill.

With each encounter, Hina unleashed a flurry of precise and lethal strikes, "Hahahaha! IS THIS ALL YOU GOT? WHAT ABOUT FEASTING ON MY SOUL? YOU BUNCH OF UNDEAD PUSSIES! GO BACK TO HELL!" The Deadites fell one by one, their ethereal essence dissipating into nothingness. She danced through the chaos, her blade finding its mark with deadly precision.

The remaining Deadites grew more frantic, their taunts turning into enraged howls. They lunged at Hina with an unhinged fervor, but her reflexes remained unmatched. She sidestepped their attacks effortlessly, her movements fluid and graceful, each dodge punctuated by a swift counterattack.

River of blood flowing through the dark ground. Human remains are scattered everywhere. Hina's savage battle cry reverberated through the night, a testament to her unyielding spirit and determination. She had become a force of nature, an embodiment of vengeance.

The Deadites, once formidable adversaries, now found themselves outmatched. They became the hunted, their twisted existence hanging by a thread. Hina's relentless assault pushed them to the brink of annihilation.

As the final blow landed, obliterating the last vestiges of the Deadite horde, a chilling silence descended upon the battlefield. Hina stood amidst the remnants of her fallen foes, her chest heaving with exertion, her body covered in a macabre tapestry of blood.

Her eyes, once filled with primal rage, now reflected a steely determination. She had proven herself a survivor, a warrior molded by tragedy and the horrors of her past.

A twisted smile graced her bloodied lips as she surveyed the aftermath. "Is this the best you can throw at me? I am not done yet. I will find every last one of you and send you back to hell."

[Sizzzleee!!!] A blue portal opened before her.

"It seems he was worrying for nothing," A woman walked out of the portal, holding a long sword on her shoulder. She looked around at the carnage, "Hina, I assume?"

"Who are you?" Hina went on her attack stance.


Be happy for those who have been waiting for Wanda. I kept your request.

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