Ch: 107 [Owlman pt1]

Ch: 107 [Owlman pt1]

The Crime Syndicate, fueled by their newfound power from Sinestro's yellow ring, gathered in their secret hideout to devise a plan to strike back at the Justice League and conquer Earth. With Ultraman locked away in the phantom zone, they needed a new strategy to ensure their dominance.

Sinestro, now the de facto leader of the Syndicate, stood at the center of the room, his yellow ring pulsating with energy. The others - Superwoman, Owlman, Johnny Quick, Power Ring, and Grid - looked to him for guidance.

"Without Ultraman, our greatest weapon, we need a different approach," Sinestro began, his voice dripping with calculated malice. "The Justice League believes they have the upper hand. They're protecting Laira, thinking they've outsmarted us with that fake box. But we'll show them their foolishness."

Superwoman, her eyes burning with a fierce determination, stepped forward. "We need to strike at the heart of their power. Break their spirit. How about we go after their beloved family? We can always take them, hostage..."

Owlman, with his sharp intellect and strategic mind, chimed in. "An attack on their family could draw their attention away from Laira. We'll keep them occupied while we gather the necessary resources to capture her. We cannot let her slip through our fingers again."

Johnny Quick, tapping his fingers impatiently, interjected. "I can scout and gather information. With my speed, I'll be in and out before they even know what hit them."

Power Ring, his eyes flickering with a mix of fear and excitement, added, "And with my ring, I can create constructs that will sow chaos and confusion among the Justice League. They won't know who to trust or where to turn."

Grid, the artificial intelligence inhabiting the Syndicate's computer systems, processed the data and offered a suggestion. "We should exploit their vulnerabilities. Manipulate their emotions, and expose their doubts and fears. Divide and conquer. It will weaken their unity and make them more susceptible to our influence."

Sinestro listened to their suggestions, a sinister smile playing at his lips. "Excellent. We will strike fear into the hearts of the Justice League. We will show them the true power of the Crime Syndicate. Superwoman, Owlman, gather your forces. Johnny Quick, gather the intel we need. Power Ring, prepare your constructs. Grid, assist them all."

After the Syndicate members dispersed to carry out their assigned tasks, Sinestro's yellow ring gleamed with a malevolent glow.

"Foolish kids. With Ultraman gone, a big thorn has been eliminated. But to think that Earth has evolved so much was beyond my calculations. And Laira... You will pay for fooling me. These primitives should be enough to buy me time to capture her..." He smashed his fist on the table, shattering it to pieces.

-A few meters away-

Owlman was watching Sinestro's outburst through his spy cam.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Owlman knew that Sinestro's true goal was to get his hands on the mysterious box that Laira had in her possession. He didn't trust the yellow lantern's motives and suspected that he was using the Crime Syndicate as his pawn to achieve his own ends.

'So, Ultraman's fall is because of him,' He thought.

As he continued to watch Sinestro's rant, Owlman's mind was working at a feverish pace. He had heard rumors about a parallel Earth where almost everyone was a metahuman. He had dismissed them as fanciful tales until now.

Could it be possible that Kaira's box contained a weapon or technology that could unlock the secrets of that Earth? Owlman knew that he had to find out for himself before Sinestro got his hands on it. He couldn't trust the other members, not when they had already accepted the yellow ring.

Owlman planned to get the box before anyone.

He quickly gathered his own team and began to hatch a plan. "We need to infiltrate Justice League's base and get our hands on that box before the Syndicate does. It could be the key to our victory," Owlman declared.

His team, consisting of the skilled assassin Talon, the technological genius called the Engineer, and the enigmatic Duela Dent, nodded in agreement.

But they knew that it wouldn't be easy. Justice League's base was heavily fortified, and they would be on high alert after their last encounter with the Syndicate.

As they made their way toward the base, Owlman couldn't help but wonder about the true nature of the box. Was it truly as powerful as Sinestro believed? Or was it simply a red herring, meant to distract the Syndicate from their true objectives?

Regardless of the answer, Owlman was determined to get his hands on it first. He would use whatever means necessary to achieve his goal. Then he will kill Sinestro and free his teammates from his clutches.

As they approached the base, Owlman's heart was pounding with excitement and anticipation. This was his moment to prove his worth and outmaneuver Sinestro once and for all.


[Space station]

As Owlman and his team made their way through the heavily fortified Justice League space station, they planted their time bombs at strategic locations, ensuring that the League would be forced to divide their attention and resources to deal with the multiple threats.

But as they made their way towards the central chamber where the box was being kept, they were intercepted by two unexpected adversaries: Power Girl and Green Arrow.

"Who are you?" Power Girl demanded, her eyes glowing with Kryptonian energy. She caught them thanks to her super senses.

Owlman smirked, his mind racing with potential strategies. "I'm someone who's going to take that box from you," he replied, his voice dripping with confidence.

Green Arrow nocked an arrow and aimed it at Owlman. "Not on our watch, pal. We're not going to let you and your cronies take anything."

The two sides stared each other down, each sizing up the other's abilities and weaknesses. Talon, the assassin, readied her blades, while the Engineer, the technological genius, scanned the room for potential advantages.

Duela Dent, the wild card of the group, stood back, waiting for the right moment to make her move.

The tension in the room was palpable as the two sides braced for battle. And then, without warning, the first blow was struck.

An arrow whizzed through the air, heading straight for Talon. She deftly dodged it, leaping towards Green Arrow with her blades drawn.

The fight was on.

As Talon engaged Green Arrow in close combat, Power Girl squared off against the Engineer, their powers clashing in a dazzling display of energy and force.

Owlman, meanwhile, used his advanced technology to hack through the final door.

Duela Dent watched from the sidelines, biding her time, waiting for the right moment to strike.

The battle raged on, with neither side gaining a clear advantage. Explosions rocked the space station as Owlman's time bombs went off, further complicating the situation.

And then, just as things seemed to be at a stalemate, Duela made her move.

With a mad cackle, she leaped into the fray, her dual personalities taking over as she attacked both sides with wild abandon.

Caught off guard by her unexpected assault, the Justice League and Owlman's team were momentarily stunned. And at that moment, Duela seized the opportunity to grab the box and make a run for it.

As she sprinted towards the nearest escape pod, both sides gave chase, their battle forgotten in their efforts to capture the box.

After Deula activated her escape pod, Power Girl quickly realized that she needed to act fast to prevent her from getting away with the box. She decided not to hold back.

"You are not going anywhere," Power Girl flew towards the pod and used her super strength to smash into it, causing it to break apart and exposing Deula inside.

Deula tried to resist, firing her laser guns at Power Girl, but her attacks were no match for Power Girl's invulnerability. Power Girl quickly closed in on Deula, grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her out of the pod.

Deula tried to struggle free, but Power Girl easily overpowered her and subdued her with a quick strike. Power Girl then turned her attention to the Engineer, who was relentlessly attacking Green Arrow.

With fierce determination, Power Girl charged toward the Engineer and landed a powerful punch, causing the machine to stagger backward. The Engineer retaliated by unleashing a barrage of missiles at Power Girl, but she was able to dodge and weave through them effortlessly.

"Enough with your toys," Power Girl then launched a single punch, hitting the Enginear with all her strength, breaking through Engineer's defenses.

Finally, with a loud explosion, the Engineer was defeated and collapsed to the ground. Power Girl picked up the box and crushed it, "Humf! You think you are the only ones with brains?"

The other Justice League members have already surrounded them.

"It's over," Batman said, pointing a weird-shaped gun at Owlman.

"Data collection completed. Thank you for... Wha...?!" Owlman was stunned. His plan was to get the box and information about the evolution on Earth. But someone just hacked into his system and deleted all the files.

"Surprised?" Cyborg flew down from the top floor through the hole from the explosion.

"Interesting. We will meet again," Owlman took out his portal gun, but before he could use it, Power Girl blinked before him at blinding speed and punched him, but nothing happened.

"What the..." Power Girl fell on her knees, "Kryptonite!"

Owlman kicked her hard, sending her crashing into Batman, "See you soon. Batman." He opened the portal.

"Oh, no..." Green Arrow launched an arrow. The arrow pierced through Owlman's kneecap, through his advanced armored suit, "You are not going anywhere."

Martian Manhunter appeared out of nowhere and took away the portal gun. Cyborg hit Owlman's neck, rendering him unconscious.


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