My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 108: First victims

Chapter 108: First victims

As Yun Jhin looked through the window towards those below him, he decided to wait until nightfall before he would act. After all, in the night those women would want to act up and there would surely be those like him who had their woman in closed-door cultivation, he could just give them a little visit.

Nightfall came quickly as Yun Jhin just cultivated for a while before night set, he decided to go for a stroll in the poor moonlight outside, most cultivators would either be cultivating or doing something else at these hours as they didn't need sleep, there were also nocturnal ones who liked to travel or do different such things, but considering how things worked on the Phoenix planet, most male cultivators would be just cultivating right now as they weren't allowed to leave too far from their women.

Yun Jhin already reached the lower buildings after a very short while, others weren't that interested to offend him after he used his strength on the three fellows yesterday so he was left alone for the night, he also didn't feel Qinghe's sister spying on him so he would be able to do whatever he wanted right now.

He entered the first house that he felt was populated and immediately decapitated the meditating male, he wasn't handsome but not ugly either and his cultivation base was very close to the king realm. A small black thread left Yun Jhin's palm as the remains of the male were sucked into his body and the system finally appeared again:

[Phoenix DNA acquired, to continue with the simulation of the artificial celestial caterpillar you need to acquire 99,999 more similar samples.]

Yun Jhin ignored the system, he already knew that, he left the building behind him as the door closed by itself and found another victim, unfortunately, this one woke up as soon as Yun Jhin appeared and wanted to shout and ask what the hell would he be doing in his home.

But Yun Jhin easily slipped in front of him and put a finger on his lips making him unable to say anything, his eyes widened becoming as big as saucers as he saw Yun Jhin's hand going towards his chest, then he felt only darkness as he collapsed to the floor but there was no blood gushing from his wound.

Yun Jhin had his heart in his hand as he used the same method as before to absorb it along with his body.

He decided to not go overboard for the day as he only went and killed 8 more, he still had a lot of time left and if he killed too many he would be suspected, after all, he just appeared and some males started to disappear? It would be pretty suspicious, and the suspicions would increase even more if he killed too many, he needed to play it smart for some time, unfortunately unlike the azure dragon planet where he could kill civilians most of the people on the phoenix planet weren't as open as the dragon planet.

That meant there weren't many if any hybrids at all and most males and females would be able to cultivate meaning the civilians were almost inexistent, from what Yun Jhin saw there were lots of organizations in the city and while the one he was in might be the strongest on the surface that must be because they had connections with the Phoenix Empress or Queen or President, he wasn't sure what type of governing they had.

Yun Jhin found himself back in his room as he looked through the same window, he wanted to leave and tour the city maybe find some more victims that he could absorb but he would first need to cement his identity in the sect so even if more people disappeared he wouldn't be suspected, he wanted to play it as low profile as possible so when it was time to leave he wouldn't have to do it the same way as the azure dragon planet.

Dawn appeared as the light of the day came, it was soon enough found out that 10 males from the lower districts disappeared, and talking started to spread:

"Could they have run away?"

"Most unlikely, you know what happens to those who run away right? And we aren't even treated that badly, it's not like we are the man of the head-mistress older daughter..."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Shhh, you want to go and experience how is it to be her man? Don't talk about it!"

Yun Jhin moved through the male district unimpeded due to his strength show, the others were quite strong and the strongest person in the male district wouldn't attack Yun Jhin for no reason due to pride and there was also the fact that he would be scolded by his female. While Nattaha wouldn't interfere in fights that were around the 2nd stage of the Emperor realm those that were around the 5th to 6th stage wouldn't be able to touch Yun Jhin, after all, she needed to look after her little sister's man. She didn't want such a handsome man to get his face or well-toned body trashed, it would be a big waste in her opinion.

So while Yun Jhin could be threatened, due to his quick wits and use of strength he minimalized any damages that could be done to him.

After making sure he heard all of the rumors he decided against hunting again on the second day, it would be too soon and he might attract attention, so he decided to cultivate as he needed to refine his 7th jewel as it was at the 1st stage of the refinery.

Due to the lower population and higher bloodline purity and density on the phoenix planet, the ki circulating in the air was of a higher quality and quantity compared to the Azure dragon planet, while the azure dragon planet was strong, due to the innate characteristics of dragons (high libido) they have mated with quite a lot of beings and their bloodline got quite mixed, there was also the fact that they had tons of children and the population of the planet was higher than that of the phoenix planet.

While phoenixes could be said to have more sexual escapades they only made one or two eggs in their lives so they kept their population at a good amount meaning their atmospheric ki wasn't polluted nor were they lacking any.

Yun Jhin found the ki to be to his liking as he absorbed it into his jewel trying to slowly refine it, little time passed and all of the talking disappeared, there were only a few men of the lowlier female disciples, while the female disciples were quite angry as they thought their men ran away, they quickly found more to fill the empty spots that the others left, there were quite a few males inside the city that wanted to join the sect.

As the pure fire ki entered his body then his soul he could feel his jewel being purified and refined at a rapid pace, it was way quicker compared to the normal speed on the azure dragon planet.

He could feel that he could reach the 2nd stage in around 1 or 2 months, so by the time he reached a small breakthrough, Qinghe would come out of closed-door cultivation, and he needed her to further his plans, after all, she had quite the connections in the sect as she was the supposed daughter of the matriarch, as long as he made a continuously good impression on her he wouldn't be suspected of any crimes even if he continuously does them.

The time jewel was pretty important to Yun Jhin so he decided to fully focus on it, it could increase his battle power to the point that those at the 3rd to 4th stage of the Emperor realm wouldn't be much of a match to him, of course, if they were geniuses like him they would be able to fight back, but those type of geniuses wouldn't exist in such relatively small city, so he could run rampant where he wanted if he didn't get the attention of the older generation.

As he continued to cultivate time passed outside, it was currently summer and autumn was quickly coming, but due to the hot climate of the planet there were no signs of actual autumn, it looked just like a normal summer day and this was what the phoenixes enjoyed.

In Yun Jhin's building, light could be seen traveling along his body to his head as he finally refined his 7th jewel to the 2nd stage.

Before he could open his eyes properly he could hear a knock on his door, he got up and opened it only to see Qinghe who was different from before, her hair turned a deep crimson the same color as her eyes, she wore a tight fit dress and her fat seemingly melted from her body, she looked as hot and sexy as her older sister did.

Yun Jhin looked Qinghe up and down, and Qinghe started to blush as she waved her hand to him and said:

"Oh come on, you are literally making me blush, so embarrassing looking at me like that."

She coughed a bit before she entered the house and said:

"You might ask why I have lost so many weights right?"

Before Yun Jhin could ask Qinghe reverted to her usual heavy set form, but now she was just a little bit slimmer, Yun Jhin realized this because he had been close to her many times and knew how fat she was, but if it was anyone else they would think she would look the same.

As Yun Jhin examined her further he realized that she used a rather peculiar Buddhist school technique that he heard rumors about in his previous lives, considering the Buddhist school was pretty much out there to annihilate him he didn't know many things about the technique, when he died the Buddhist school was still flourishing. While they tried to kill him many times, they failed in the end but he still died due to old age, however, their school still prospered because Yun Jhin was too scared to attack their headquarters, they had a special formation that would be able to injure him.

Seeing this technique made him recount some things of his past, seeing that he spaced out Qinghe grasped him by the shoulder and said:

"It's ok, this was the same reaction my first man had when he saw me, but after I reach grand completion in the Fat Sumo Buddha expansion technique I should be able to return to my normal form and break through the Emperor Realm, unfortunately, I haven't been able to stabilize the technique and I failed... Nattaha will be pretty mad about this."

She gave out a big smile as her cheeks moved up and down and she said:

"You could also be the reason for my failure, I just couldn't get you out of my head, your words so sweat and your body so... hot!"

She immediately jumped on him and they went at it for a few days before Qinghe was satisfied.

Yun Jhin sighed inside and then left his house with Qinghe in tow, she said she had some news from her sister about something that would come up these days and that she had to attend it, Yun Jhin didn't have to but considering how sticky Qinghe was to him he had to go as well.

It didn't take them much time to appear at the same pavilion as before, entering the first room they met with Qinghe who was now wearing some clothes, seeing how her sister didn't break through she admonished her for a few minutes before she looked at me and shook her head as she said:

"It's ok if you want to take him with you but mother insisted for you to go alone, after all, you are supposed to get your main husband tomorrow, you can still fool around with him for some time but he would just become your Concubinator, from what I saw his bloodline is decent, but her highness wants to have his first son given to you!"

Qinghe knew this would be a great matter, this was also the reason her first man disappeared suddenly as she grew too attached to him.

Qinghe gave Yun Jhin a side-eye and seeing how he wasn't panicking or anything decided to say:

"But I love Zhao Yun.."

Nattaha shook her head and told her:

"You can still love him as much as you want, but he won't be your main husband!"

Nattaha said with finality as she crossed her arms and waited for a bit, Yun Jhin could feel the aura of a Sage Realm expert quickly approaching, it seemed he was going to meet Qinghe's and Nattaha's mother already.

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