My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 127: Defying expectations

Chapter 127: Defying expectations

Yun Jhin sat on his pet mammoth, seemingly cultivating without any worries, the unseen assailant entered the building. As he made his way inside Yun Jhin could easily feel his gaze stopping onto him and analyzing his weak spots. Yun Jhin chuckled, he would like to see what he would do. Was he here as an assassin?

Yun Jhin waited briefly before the man revealed himself to him, he was a young man with a ferocious gaze, he wore similar clothes to Yun Jhin which showed he had a very high standing in the upper tribe. His ferocious gaze moved to Yun Jhin as he shouted:

"Envoy from the Mao tribe has come to ask some questions from the great sage Gao Yating."

The two strongest tribes were respectively named Mao and Hao, the Hao tribesmen already came before and Yun Jhin refused their invitation.

Yun Jhin opened his eyes as he looked down at the Mao envoy and told him:

"I will tell you what I have told the Hao envoy as well, I have no wish to join your tribes!"

The young man chuckled as he looked into Yun Jhin's eyes and told him:

"You see, my master doesn't like refusals!"

Suddenly he disappeared from the spot he was previously as Yun Jhin saw him appear near his mammoth pet, however, he couldn't go any further. A formation was blocking his path, he collided with the barrier and was repelled, falling backward for a few meters before he got up with a weird look on his face. He didn't understand what he hit as there was nothing there. White tigers were one of the relatively dumber races so they didn't grasp the art of formations at all.

He tried to attack, again and again, hoping to break the barrier and capture Yun Jhin so he could show him to his master, he wanted to use his intelligence and tactical mind to defeat the other tribes' army while the God Realm experts were fighting.

However, he hit a steel plate at this moment, the formation was repelling his attacks while also alerting the peak sage realm experts of Yun Jhin's tribe which immediately arrived to help their tactician.

The young man now sat on the ground bruised and beaten, his nose was bleeding and scars could be seen on his face, one of his arms was unnaturally bent to the side showing that it was broken if you looked closely you could also see one sharp bone popping out of it.

The man howled at Yun Jhin:

"You won't get away with this, my master will surely win and come to capture you himself, you won't be able to do a thing then!"

Yun Jhin shook his head as he said:

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"It's ok, it doesn't matter if someone as strong as your master will truly come to capture me there is nothing I will be able to do, but I have my own pride, how could I let you walk over my head with only being a peak sage realm expert? Go back and tell your master that I will welcome him with open arms when he comes himself."

Yun Jhin's peak sage realm subordinates threw the man outside the building and their village, the man scoffed as he looked at the entrance of the village before he frowned and continued to enter deeper into the planet's core.

He arrived at a different place, there was a small garden where he arrived, it was full of flowers and green trees, you wouldn't even think that beyond the garden existed a fiery location that would burn you to cinders. The young man kneeled in the garden and waited... 1 day... 2 days... 4 days... 1 month...

A shaky voice could be heard coming from the garden as it said:

"I have won... the price I have paid is enough, we shall now combine the tribes!"

An old man with a big red nose and tattoos all over his body appeared, he wore nothing but a red mammoth skin that dripped with blood, his white hair was disheveled and his eyes showed that he had seen better days.

He looked down at the kneeling young man then he unleashed his soul willpower while saying:

"I guess you have failed to recruit that Gao Yanting?"

The young man nodded before he explained what happened during his assault, the old man eyes narrowed as he heard about what happened as he thought:

"Such abilities... since that old fool has got his ass beaten this time around that means if I play my cards well I should be able to engulf his tribe and make it mine, finally creating the strongest tribe on the planet! Unfortunately, my men are incompetent and I cannot attack those people of lower cultivation..."

It wasn't that he couldn't attack them, but his pride was getting in his way of attacking someone of lower cultivation base than him, there was also the chance the Hao patriarch would go crazy and go out of his healing seclusion to fight the death with him, while he could accept the loss against the old man in a 1v1 fight, he wouldn't sit still if his tribesmen would be attacked by him, that would be very dishonorable!

The old man tamed his disheveled hair making it slick and clean before he looked towards the kneeling young man and told him:

"He says he will welcome me with open arms? Then let's see how good he will welcome me then!"

They both disappeared from the verdant garden to appear near the entrance of Yun Jhin's village.

Yun Jhin got up from his pet mammoth, he could feel that the soul willpower of the old ancestor from the Mao tribe was targeting him directly.

He got out of his building and immediately sent word that the patriarch of the Mao tribe was coming!

This sent a stir through the whole tribe, all 100,000 people started to cook and create a gigantic banquet for the man while Yun Jhin went ahead and invited the old man from the entrance to the village.

Yun Jhin was as humble as he could be as he kept his head bowed while he gave the old man the best seat at the banquet table that was hastily erected.

The old man sat at the banquet table while he waited for the food to be served, the young man stood by his right while Yun Jhin stood by his left while being rather servile, the old man looked into Yun Jhin's eyes as he chuckled:

"It seems you know how to greet your elders, boy! It's good that you aren't prideful or else I would have had to snub such a talent!"

He patted Yun Jhin's right shoulder as Yun Jhin could feel something being removed from his body, the death energy that was plaguing his right part of the body was immediately removed, slowly but surely a new arm grew out of his stump, Yun Jhin got up from his seat only to bow to the old man as he said:

"I thank the patriarch for this favor!"

The old man chuckled as he patted Yun Jhin's new arm before saying:

"Interesting injury you had there youngling, I could even say that it was an injury that you should have died from, mind sharing your experience?"

Yun Jhin shook his head as he told the old man:

"I don't remember the fight that well, excuse me, patriarch, I don't think I can recall anything."

The patriarch sighed:

"Well I guess it can't be helped, anyway, I want you to help me with one thing, think you are up for it?"

Yun Jhin started to tap the table for a few seconds before he asked cautiously:

"What type of thing would this patriarch want help with? Aren't you one of the strongest persons on the planet?"

The man shook his head as he told Yun Jhin:

"I may be one of the strongest on the planet but there are some things that I'm not supposed to do because of that, I want to employ your military genius to capture the Hao tribe, I'm going to tell you a little secret right now." He leaned in to whisper into Yun Jhin's ear:

"I have defeated the Hao patriarch and it's time for the tribes to unite, if you help me with this little problem I will make sure your tribe will become the second most important tribe in our society, you will have whatever you want when this thing is done!"

Yun Jhin decided to be frank with the old man and told him:

"Anything I want? Patriarch, I'm currently lacking in resources to increase my cultivation base... do you have any recommendations for later?"

The old man laughed thinking that Yun Jhin accepted his offer by asking him such questions, he patted his back and told him:

"There is the Icy White Tiger pool but the Hao clan is currently controlling it, immediately that we finish our unification war you will be the first one to empty its contents!"

The food finally arrived after they finished their conversation, considering Yun Jhin's extensive work with farming there were quite a lot of different ki vegetables and fruits, combined with some meat from mammoths and other different beings that lived on the surface, it even made the patriarch a little bit impressed. Even though he didn't need to eat food, he still ate.

After everything went relatively well, considering how well Yun Jhin behaved in front of the patriarch, it was soon time for the unification plan to start!

Yun Jhin found himself at a table with a lot of peak sage realm experts, they basically had more than double the numbers of the Hao tribe considering the intelligence he just got.

With the help of so many experts, there wasn't even the need for an ingenious plan to be created, they could just run them down!

But Yun Jhin still created a strong battle plan to make sure everything went well. Yun Jhin's people immediately understood that he wanted to quickly get rid of the opponents by the plan he showed everyone, the plan was also very easy to understand for the people that haven't worked with Yun Jhin previously.

The young man that tried to assassinate Yun Jhin before came closer and looked at the plan, he nodded his head, it seemed that Yun Jhin's fame wasn't fake!

The war was going to start tomorrow after their troops would be fully prepared, the other party also knew about the war as their God Realm expert had told them what would happen after he lost contact with them.

One day soon passed and Yun Jhin was at the back of the army coordinating everything, as the intelligence general who would have to control the army, he had to stay behind or else there was a high chance he would be killed, while the old man wouldn't interfere in the fight he was still there observing, waiting to see if the Hao God Realm expert would make his move if things went too dire for his tribe.

They were both restraining each other at the same time with their presence!

Yun Jhin looked at the troops that were prepared, they were around 250,000 plus quite a few Peak sage realm experts and sage realm experts, the total of people at the sage realm totaled around over 900. They also left some people back at their headquarters as not everyone was in the army even though they were cultivators, however, they could be summoned at any time if things became too dire and they were needed.

This would be an easy battle in Yun Jhin's mind, he would be able to absorb the dead bodies while he slowly made his way through the troops, the old God would have to keep his senses open towards any sudden attacks from The Hao good so he wouldn't care what Yun Jhin did on the battlefield.

Yun Jhin could feel the sweet taste of victory that he was used to easily washing over him, that was until he saw the defensive buildings of the Hao tribe, he cursed under his breath as he summoned the young man that tried to assassinate him and asked him:

"I haven't got any intelligence about those buildings, what is this?"

The young man didn't know what to tell Yun Jhin, those buildings weren't there the last time their spies sent intelligence back!

Things became a little troublesome at this point.

Yun Jhin shook his head, it was time to improvise, he didn't really care about the casualties of the Mao tribe, all he needed to do was take over the headquarters of the Hao tribe, actually, more casualties would be a better thing for him, he would lower the time needed to finish his absorptions!

Yun Jhin changed the plan on the spot and told the young man to share it with everyone else, the change of plan was sudden but considering Yun Jhin's previous battles and how he won all of them, they decided to follow it blindly.

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