My Unconventional Lover: Seeing A Different World

Chapter 206

206 An Ambush

(Jane’s PoV)

Hearing my question, both of them looked at each other as if to confirm themselves that both of them were indeed feeling the same thing.

“Never mind.” They said in unison.

So harmonious!

Since they didn’t want to say it, I wouldn’t pursue about that matter any further.

Turning my head towards the ghost who had returned to her seat on top of the cliff, I bid my goodbye to her. “I’ll see you again next time.” I shouted at her while waving my hand at her.

She didn’t say anything and just threw me a short glance, looking all indifferent and aloof. But, again, I didn’t feel any dissatisfaction coming from her. No friendly aura as well, but at least she looked less intimidating in my eyes.

Following the two men towards the bustling town nearby, I found out more information regarding my father. I didn’t know my father was famous here. All of them called my father as King. After a long talk with a local, I finally found out that my father was indeed the King there. But, it was a whole different vibe with the title in the Satu Village.

To be précised, my father was crowned as the King in this area which consisted of five towns. It was pretty big, around one fifth of the province area. The reason he was chosen to be a king because of the same reason with Satu Village; the Golden Eagle Blade chose him.


Yes, that Golden Eagle Blade was their traditional blade usually used by the King. Compared to the Black Creese, it was far more inferior. Still, it held some importance to the people as the symbol of the one who held the high authority over traditions and customs. Even people from the government still needed to seek the king if they wanted to talk about the implementation of some country rules.

Of course, they didn’t know about my identity as my father’s daughter. They treated us as if we were just some local tourists, which worked the best for me.

Come to think of it, my father indeed had some mystical weapons at hand. He himself was attracted to the so called mystical weapon, so it was no wonder he could get his hands on some of good stuffs. Other than the Black Creese, there were this Golden Eagle Blade, a plain steel blade, and a small creese. I had seen those all, touched them, and even stared at them. Among all of them, the plain steel blade was the one my father and I used the most. It was so light that I thought my father was conned by someone, that it wasn’t made of steel.

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The Golden Eagle Blade was placed in my wardrobe when I was Junior High School after I complained that I heard an eerie cry around two or three in the morning. It was a bit heavy and when I pulled it out from its scabbard, it honestly didn’t look like a blade at all. It looked more like a short square staff with sharp pointed edge. It was even heavier than the steel blade.

The small creese, on the other hand, was not more than my palm in length. It didn’t have any scabbard and it was yellow in color, standard color of creese.

After acquiring some information and sightseeing the local tourism spots while discussing of our next plan, we decided to move to the area near the South Sea. Now I had Black Creese in my hand, I just needed to understand the terrain of the next destination as well as made some plans in case my first plan failed.

“Milady, I think you should improve your power first before you head over.” Siji appeared out of nowhere.

“She is this powerful already and you still need her to train herself?” Tom frowned in displeasure.

“Pardon me, Milady. But there is an invitation came just now from the other Advisors to attend a meeting.”

My eyebrows arched at the mention of invitation. “Meeting? Other advisors? You mean, I have to meet the other nine Masters?”

“Yes, Milady.”

“They summon everyone up, it means there is a big problem that needs to be taken care of.” I frowned as I tried to remember everything I had learned so far.

“It seems like you’ve done your homework well.” Tom teased me.

“Of course.” It was hard not to smile smugly. It wasn’t because I took the matter lightly.

It was quite the opposite. Tom couldn’t bear to see me getting serious. Being too serious didn’t match me, he said. Let the hardest part became their burden, and I only needed to live my life well. Therefore, every time I frowned because of the urgency of a matter, he would always tease me until I lost the frown on my face.

Tom would loosen me up by cracking jokes or teasing me and Sanji would do the thinking. Even so, I was the one who would decide whether their advice was suitable or not. I was the Master, after all, and I was the one who knew my army the most.

“When is the meeting?” asked Sanji with solemn expression.

“Fifteenth next month.”

“Well, it means we still have around twenty days left before the meeting. Where will it be held?” Tom checked on his phone and casually typed something in it.

“Y City. The exact location will be informed a day before.” Siji answered.

“It’s near the South Sea. What a coincidence!” Sanji frowned.

I was watching their interaction while chewing on my snacks. The three of them talked as if I wasn’t present; however I hardly felt being left out by them. Instead, I took the opportunity to gather information and think about how to solve the problem by own based on my knowledge. It was really efficient for me as I could gather information without spending any energy to talk and ask questions.

They really did me a big favor by taking care of it.

“Siji, if that’s the case, why don’t you tell me what I should improve and what kind of people that I’m going to face later. You have met the other Masters, right? Based from what I know, White Army is the only mystical army that changes Master a lot during these ten years. So, is it possible that the other armies are still being led by the same Master?” I finally asked the questions that had been bugging my mind.

“Milady is right. I will explain about the other armies later tonight.” Siji bowed a bit.

“Then, we will hear about it tonight. Since the day is still so bright. Let us have fun first.” Tom smirked as he put on his sunglasses and stood up.

His level of handsomeness rapidly rose that way and I noticed some girls turned their heads towards him while blushing slightly.

Hey, that’s my man you guys are drooling at! Watch your eyes or I’ll have Kuntilanak haunts your dream for a week!

I glared at them behind my own sunglasses, but of course I didn’t sound my internal scream at them. As if Tom wasn’t enough to turn the heads of every lady nearby, Sanji also put on his sunglasses and stood up.

What happened with sunglasses and this overload pheromone in the air?

With Tom and Sanji around, I could say I was one hundred percent sure that every girl would curse me. They dressed casually, but since they maintained their figures and cleanliness, even when they just put on their sunglasses and acted coolly, they would successfully steal every girl’s heart.

Every time this happened, I would feel proud that I was surrounded by hot men, but I also had the urge to make Kuntilanak haunt them in their dream.

Of course, I shouldn’t do that. I was the Master of White Army, the one who should keep the balance, not some cheap dark arts practitioners who used ghosts to fulfill their worldly desire.

Therefore I could only curse them inside my head.

It was a good thing that we were leaving this place soon. There were some places that we still had not visited so we were planning to get it done in two days. After that, we would fly directly towards City Y and trained ourselves there.

Of course, it was all just a plan. Whatever happened in between was not our intention, but the will of God.

This attack was an example of that.

Taking the airport as the battlefield, I was honestly in rage as I noticed in a glance the ghosts that were attacking us were not wild ghosts at all, or rather, they were souls. Emitting a faint grey light, they rushed towards us with vigor in their eyes. They marched ahead without fear; their presence created a chaos in the airport as the electricity went off all of a sudden. Not only all the electronic devises in the airport, even cellphones and smartphones were having some mysterious issues, as those normal humans said. Of course, the planes were affected too since all the airplanes that were getting ready to take off got their engines shut down out of the blue. Fortunately, no one got hurt in this stupid ambush.

Whoever behind this attack was seriously stupid. Yes, judging from their pattern and appearance, I was one hundred percent sure that they were someone’s army.

One minute I was getting ready for my flight and chatting away with Tom and Sanji, and one minute later we were attacked. Not to mention, they didn’t hold back even just a little and ended up making humans panic. Many possibilities ran in my head as I realized the effect they got. I was tempted to call my army as well, but I didn’t do it.

Thankfully Tom was on the same page as me. We didn’t want any more trouble happened because of the clash between two armies.

“Dealing with them, I think I’m alone is enough.” Tom sneered as he sat quietly and a second later, his spirit came out with a jump. A pair of long fiery chains was attached on his hands and later on danced along with his fists.

“Make it two. We need to finish them as soon as possible.” Sanji said coldly. He had not mastered the art of separating himself with his spirit, but I noticed the fluctuation of his spiritual power around him. Thin strings like power shot out from his body and it hit the masses in front of him. How he manipulated and maneuvered them not to hit any humans got me impressed. He was so skilled at it!

Eerie wails of those souls reverberated throughout the airport. I looked around, trying to locate the person behind this incident. Since Tom and Sanji bought me some time with their ability, I couldn’t let them down.

No matter what happened, I needed to catch the culprit! He must be nearby. I just needed to sense someone with strong spiritual force.

Another benefit of having smoke like spiritual power was I could blend it with the air to scout some information regarding spiritual power. In other words, I could lengthen my senses.

If you think I can use it to scout information like eavesdropping, you’re wrong.

It didn’t take a long time to find this person. On the second floor of the airport, I sensed a strong force similar to the ones emitted from these souls.

I finally got you! Opening my eyes, I smirked as I hid myself in the other dimension. I was getting better at it. A second later, I found an opening and reached out for the person on the second floor quickly even before I came out from it.

A startled expression appeared on his face as I pulled him into the other dimension hard and came face to face with me.

“Got you.” I sneered with my eyes devoid of warmth.

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