My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 122: Miami

Chapter 122: Miami

David then searched for the information of Chance's father wiring money to Excalibur.

After some time, David found the information.

"Beautiful" He exclaimed in happiness.

"You found it?" Chance was surprised.

"Yes, this money was wired to Florida" David informed him and checked further, "Miami" He declared.

"Wow, seems like Excalibur was enjoying himself on a holiday after murdering Sarah" Chance commented but he was disgusted by this man.

"Hmm, seems like that, and uncle wired him, fuck" David was looking at his screen in surprise.

He remembered wiring money to Excalibur but how much money was exactly sent, that he had no idea but now looking at it, he was surprised.

"How much it is?" Chance asked him and went behind David to check it himself, when he saw the amount, he too was surprised.

"10 Million Dollars?" Chance exclaimed.

"Fuck dude, why would uncle send his friend so much money?" David asked Chance.

"How would I know? He never told me about this" Chance truthfully replied.

David checked some records and confirmed, "This money was sent from uncle's personal account. He gave his own money to Excalibur."

"They are either very good friends, or something is fishy here." Chance concluded.

"Obviously something is fishy, will you just giveaway 10 Million Dollars to me if I run away and are in hiding?" David sarcastically asked him.

"Hmm, I would" Chance didn't hesitate to say it.

"Dude, really?" David looked surprised.

"Hmm, of course, also I would not expect you to pay me back" Chance confirmed.

"Dude, then how about you bear my wedding cost?" David smiled at him cheekily.

"Haha, done" Chance agreed.

"No need, I was just kidding" 

"Of course, after all you are so rich" 

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"Dude, focus here, I don't think uncle and Excalibur are that close." David was sure of it.

"Hmm, if they were then dad would have definitely introduced him to me, which means" Chance paused.

"Excalibur was blackmailing uncle" David completed his sentence.

"Wow, so we were probably wrong about them being friends?" Chance was relieved at this thought as he was feeling bad that his dad was friends with someone who hurt his wife and her family.

"Hmm, but being colleagues is possible as after all Excalibur worked for us" David said.

"Hmm, but so many assassins work for us, does not mean they are all our friends" Chance said as he wished his dad not to be friends with Excalibur.

David laughed, "Are you that desperate to prove they are not friends?" 

"Yes" Chance didn't deny.

"Let's see then"

David went through more records and only found this one transaction.

"There is no other information" David concluded.

"Can you figure out where in Miami this money has been transferred to?" Chance asked him.

"It is a bank in Miami, FP Bank."

"Get the account details of the person where this money has been wired to and all the transactions that happened through this account." 

David called their team and sent the account details they have and asked them to get what Chance asked for.

In two hours, all the information was found and sent to David and Chance.

David went through all the records and said, "This account is still operable and all the transactions happened in Miami only"

"So, this guy didn't leave Miami after getting his money and is settled there?" 

"Most probably"

David then checked all the transactions and concluded, "Chance, he majorly spent money only on a few things" David informed and continued, "He is some member of a premium club in Miami, which he visits frequently, he pays quite a hefty amount twice every year. Next, he spends money on groceries and food. Thirdly, Chance this seems very interesting." David paused and read the details.


"Every year, he transfers a hefty sum to a home care in Miami" David looked shocked.

"Home care?"


David researched more and said, "Every two weeks, he visits a restaurant which is near to this home care. The restaurants are different but the area is same" David informed him.

"So, he probably visits someone every two weeks and maybe takes them to the restaurant?" Chance concluded.

"Yes, and it is every Friday that he does this"

"Got it, when is the next visit?" Chance asked him and David checked it.

There was a smile on David's face, "Dude it is this Friday"


"Also get me the address of this club and any address that is related to Excalibur, the places he visits." Chance ordered.

"Yes boss"

"Also, I want a photo of Excalibur to verify if he is the one"

"Yes boss"

In the next few hours, David got him a few addresses where Excalibur spent money and did transactions on a regular basis.

He also sent Chance, the photo of Excalibur.

David was working on his own as well as he was coordinating with their team who were sending him all necessary information.

Although David quit the place, he still holds a powerful position there. Chance owns the whole organization as he inherited it from his father.

In the next few hours, Chance got the addresses frequently visited by Excalibur and also the address of the care home.

For the same night, Chance's flight was booked for Miami as he decided to observe Excalibur till Friday and after checking who he was visiting in the care home, he would leave for New York again.

Two things were on Chance's agenda, one was to confirm if it was indeed Excalibur and second, the person he is caring so much for.

That night, Chance boarded a flight to Miami and checked in to his hotel suite.

He freshened up as the day was very exhausting and after having a bath, he came out in a bathrobe and headed towards his luggage when he received a call.

He was happy when he looked at the caller ID.

"Missing me already?" He asked as soon as he answered his call and comfortably laid on his bed.

"No, I am not" Samantha slouched on her couch as she just came back from work. 

When she woke up in the morning, Chance was already gone and she recollected him saying goodbye to her before leaving. Samantha was very angry that he didn't properly bid adieu to her so she didn't call him back.

After a while, she received a message from him where he informed her of landing in New York, she ignored that message too as she hoped for him to call her but he didn't and neither there was a message from him.

Samantha was very angry but by the time she reached home, her anger turned into worry, so she called him.

It was 6:30 PM for her and 9:30 PM for him.

"If you are not missing me, then why call me?" Chance teased her.

"And you? You didn't call me even once, forget that, you fucking left without even saying a proper goodbye. Couldn't you wake me up?" Samantha shouted at him; her anger was back when she heard his calm voice.

"Calm down. First tell me, did you find my note? Had your breakfast?"

"No, I didn't. What breakfast?" Samantha rolled her eyes. 

When she woke up and saw that he prepared food for her before leaving, she didn't understand if she should get angry at this man or love him for his thoughtfulness and care.

Chance laughed from the other end, "It seems my wife is very angry, what should I do to pacify her?"

"Call her at least once a day"

Chance was surprised, "Wow, you already accepted that you are my wife?"

Samantha face-palmed herself as she fell in his trap.

"Anyway, how was your day?" He didn't drag it to not embarrass her.

"It was fine. Were you so busy, you couldn't call?" She complained.

"Yeah, the work was more hectic as it was the first day. I was planning to call you after my shower" 

"You had your dinner?" 

"Nope, I ordered already, it should be here in a few minutes. By the way, I am in Miami right now."

The moment Chance revealed this information to her, he realized what a blunder he just committed.

Now, when he will tell her the location of Excalibur to be in Miami, Samantha will definitely join the dots and she would doubt how come Chance too was at the same location, few weeks ago.

'Fuck me' He cursed himself.

"Wow, Miami?" Samantha exclaimed.

"Hmm, but only for a day. Day after tomorrow I'll go to Houston, I came to Miami to meet a client, after meeting him, I'll fly to Houston then Philadelphia and then back to New York" Chance made up a lie.

"Woah, so much work" Samantha felt worried for him.

"Hmm, but don't worry as soon as my work is over, I'll be back home" 

"Keep having your meals on time" Samantha warned him.

"Yes boss"

"I am really missing you a lot" The words came out of Samantha even before she could stop herself.

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