Chapter 128: Believe In Eternal Love?

The vast interior of the palace was aglow with radiant chandeliers and golden trims, a testament to the kingdom's opulence. The various officials and nobles chatted amongst themselves, creating a soft hum of anticipation as the night's events were about to begin.

Lord Bai Ling, with a confident and unhurried demeanor, approached Queen Nadia, "Queen Nadia, if it would not inconvenience you, might I request a tour of your exquisite palace? It has been a while since I've been to a place of such grandeur."

Nadia, taken slightly aback by the directness of the request.

She felt that one of the palace's many attendants would have offered to do it or he could have beckoned one of them.

However, before she could respond, Yiman intervened with a gracious smile. "Of course, Lord Bai Ling. My queen knows every nook and cranny of this palace. She would be the best to give you the grand tour. Meanwhile, I will make sure Her Majesty is well accommodated."

Olivia's heart sank ever so slightly, hoping that she could spend more time with the enigmatic man to uncover the mystery between them. Yet, she rationalized his choice. It made sense for him to seek out the company of the queen for diplomatic purposes.

Nadia, sensing the undercurrents of the situation but wanting to be ever the gracious hostess, responded with a warm smile. "Certainly, Lord Bai Ling. It would be my pleasure to show you around. Our palace has a rich history and many tales tied to its walls."

Bai Ling's eyes glinted with a hint of mischief as he replied, "And I'm sure, under your guidance, the tour will be as enchanting as the tales themselves."

Nadia gave a slightly awkward smile, though for some reason, it was not his words, but the look in his eyes and his voice stirred something within her.

Yiman furrowed his brows but was distracted when Xinmei called out as she walked past him, "King Yiman, we have something important to discuss first."

Olivia watched them with mixed feelings. She was curious about the dynamic between her mother and Bai Ling. There was an undeniable tension, yet she couldn't ascertain its nature.

She shook her head, wondering if she was just overthinking. It was not like they even knew each other before.

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But her eyes had a determined glint, deciding to follow her mother and Bai Ling from afar and see if she could learn anything.


As they wandered through the ornate halls of the palace, Nadia began by explaining the intricate artwork and the history of various sections. "This hallway showcases the lineage of our dynasty, with each mural representing a pivotal moment in our history."

Bai Ling observed the artwork with keen interest, nodding from time to time. Then, with a charming grin, he remarked, "It's quite the history indeed. But, my queen, I can't help but think that any mural would pale in comparison to the beauty standing beside me."

Nadia paused for a moment, her eyes widening in surprise. She offered a polite chuckle, not wanting to offend the honored guest. "You flatter me, Lord Bai Ling. But let's continue."

If it was someone else, she would have ignored it since she had received countless such compliments and had grown numb to them.

But the way he said it while looking at her…she couldn't shake off this odd feeling crawling up her nerves.

As they moved on, they approached a grand courtyard with a spectacular fountain, the water shimmering under the moonlight. Nadia began describing the origins of the fountain when Bai Ling, interrupting her mid-sentence, commented, "It's lovely. But I must admit, I've seen fountains across the lands, yet none with such an enchanting guide."

Nadia, once again aback by his forwardness, still tried to steer the conversation back to a more formal tone. "Thank you, Lord Bai Ling. This fountain was commissioned by King Yiman's great grandfather. It's said that it was built as a testament to eternal love."

Bai Ling stepped closer, his voice dropping an octave, dripping with charm. "Ah, eternal love. A sentiment so fleeting in this ever-changing world. Tell me, Queen Nadia, do you believe in such a love?"

Nadia, feeling the weight of his gaze and the intensity of the conversation, shifted slightly. "I do. I believe that true love, once found, remains unyielding through the sands of time."

He nodded thoughtfully, his expression inscrutable. "A lovely sentiment, indeed. So…this means you must love King Yiman eternally?"

Nadia felt her expression stiffen as Bai Ling's gaze pierced into her eyes as he asked this question. She had a feeling he might know she was lying if she didn't tell the truth.

So she simply forced a warm smile while averting her gaze.

"You are quite lucky, Queen Nadia. Not everyone is to experience eternal love…Sometimes they are unlucky where suffering and pain appears before them in the guise of eternal love. I wonder if you had ever experienced something like that, though I pray you didn't," Bai Ling asked with a subtle smile.

Nadia felt her heart tighten as that cute, young face flashed in her mind, the very same face that had haunted her throughout the years and had tried to erase from her memories.

Why did he have to make her remember him again?

"Nevermind. It's not like a fairy like you would ever experience something bad like that. Nobody would dare to break your heart, would they? Let's continue to the next place," Bai Ling said with a cheery smile, making Nadia clear her throat as she briefly smiled and followed, her hands clenching at her gown.

They continued their tour, with Bai Ling becoming increasingly audacious in his remarks. "Such grand chambers, Queen Nadia. But I wonder, does the grandeur of this palace ever feel... cold? Or do the warm smiles of your family make up for it?"

Nadia, sensing the underlying layers in his comments, replied with a hint of defensiveness, "This palace is our home. It's filled with love and laughter. The grandeur is but a representation of our kingdom's legacy."

He smiled, his dark eyes holding a secret depth. "Of course, my apologies if I overstepped. It's just that places like these, so full of history, also have their fair share of shadows."

Nadia took a deep breath, realizing that beneath the charm and flattery, there was an underlying tension. However, she chose to remain oblivious to his insinuations, determined to complete the tour with grace.

As they concluded the tour, Bai Ling's gaze lingered on Nadia a moment longer than necessary. "Thank you for this enlightening tour, Queen Nadia. It's been... memorable."

With a nod, she replied, "The pleasure is mine, Lord Bai Ling. Enjoy the festivities."

And as they parted ways, Nadia couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that their conversation, though masked in pleasantries, held deeper, darker undertones.

Her heart just wouldn't stop pounding and couldn't shake off this unsettling feeling.

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