Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 568: Invitation From the Ministry of State Security

Chapter 568: Invitation From the Ministry of State Security

It was said that in every trade, a master would appear. However, I had never expected that a humble otherworldly merchant like me would be noticed and favored by our motherland one day. 

One afternoon, I was having some small dishes in my antique shop as usual. Sitting by the door, I enjoyed sipping from a tumbler of wine while watching the snowflakes flutter outside. The pride of a knight in ancient times arose in my heart. 

Suddenly, from the other end of the antique street, an off-road vehicle rumbled toward my shop! 

I took a glance at the off-road vehicles number plate. I caught a glimpse of the red word, Military. I was amazed! 

Why would a military car appear in a place like this? Did some fool steal a national treasure? 

With that thought, I scurried around my shop to put away some counterfeit items on the shelves. If they were suddenly in the mood to visit my shop, those toys shouldnt be in sight 

Antique businesses were a mix of genuine and fake. If some of the things stocked in your shop werent fake, you were a good businessman already. Only a fool would sell only real antiques. 

The joy of collecting antiques laid in the skill of distinguishing between the real and the fake antiques. 

Having said that, it would be better to stay low-key. Who knew what those military men had in their bags? 

After putting away all the counterfeits, I was in a good mood. Feeling so excited, I put on a thick puffer jacket and was about to leave my shop to check out the fun. Unexpectedly, that off-road vehicle didnt seem to stop by any shop along the way. It directly drove to my shop. 

Oh shoot... When I had finally confirmed that they had come for me, I shuddered. I had collected the Sky Piercer, which was a national treasure. If they had investigated me and charged me, I would be jailed for a few years. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Indeed, the off-road vehicle pulled to a full stop in front of my antique shop. The door opened, and two middle-aged men in straight military uniforms got out of the car. 

One of them wore thick, gold-rimmed glasses, while the other was holding something that looked like a document. As soon as they got out of the car, they smiled at me. 

It didnt seem they had come to look for something illegal. I let out a sigh, then said gingerly, Good afternoon. Are you looking for me? 

The bespectacled man nodded. Mr. Zhang, lets go inside to talk. He calmly walked into my shop and took my seat. From his posture, it seemed he was a big shot of the military force. 

He smiled and gave me an assessing look. The other middle-aged man, who held the document, spoke first. May I introduce you to the Team Leader of the Special Operation Team from the Ministry of State Security, Jiang Shan. Im his secretary, Xiao Quan. 

I was bewildered. I had never thought that an official at the ministry level would come to find me one day. I wondered if it was an opportunity or a calamity. 

Secretary Xiao Quan started to read from the document in his hand. Zhang Jiulin, a citizen of Wuhan. Works in the antique business. Throughout five years, he has helped the Police Bureau solve many otherworldly item cases. From a hidden branch of the Zhang family in Jiangbei. Not a long time ago, he married Yin Xinyue, an actress. For his grudge, he beheaded Xiang Zuanzhen, a consecrator-level elder of the Longquan Villa 

Before Xiao Quan had finished his reading, I was already sweating. He was reading my profile in great detail!

Those people from the State Security Bureau had investigated me meticulously. They even knew that I had decapitated Xiang Zuanzhen in an act of revenge for the little Daoist boy. 

It seemed they had studied me for quite a long time. If it was about my antique business, I could reject them. However, I did commit a murder crime. Once they made it a case, I couldnt come clean even if I jumped into the Yellow River 

I couldnt stay calm anymore. In a trembling voice, I asked, What do you want, after all? 

In our State Security Ministry, we have two sets of laws. One is called national law, and the other is called human relations. Xiao Quan closed his document. We knew you killed a man, but we didnt do anything to you because we care about human relations. If you dont know human relations, then tomorrow, this document will be submitted to the Police Bureau. 

Phew I exhaled. It turned out they didnt want to capture me. They just needed my help. Still, they wanted to scare me first! 

Xiao Quan had successfully scared me. I had a strong personality, but I didnt want to go against the state departments. I helplessly looked at Jiang Shan. Xiao Quan was just a trivial secretary. The one with the real power was Jiang Shan. 

Jiang Shan pushed his gold-rimmed glasses up his nose. His countenance turned complicated. Mr. Zhang, I lead the best Special Operation Team in this country. This time, weve encountered something beyond our estimation. I would like to ask you to help us. 

Please do tell. I nodded politely, but I was cursing the eighteen generations of his family. Do I even have the right to reject him?  

Good. Our country needs good citizens like you. As he got my consent, Jiang Shan smiled and tore the document. Then, he got into the car and left. Secretary Xiao Quan stayed to explain the case to me. 

It happened just recently. Many national researchers were killed, and their deaths were horrible. Some were beheaded while others were chopped off at the waist. Some were even chopped into eight pieces. When their bodies were found, their blood and flesh were scattered all over the floor. Since they were more or less all involved in weapon research and its development, the effect of these cases is really bad. The Police Bureau didnt dare to investigate this case, so its been transferred to the Special Operation Team of the Ministry of State Security. After we started an in-depth investigation, we found that most of the researchers were killed after midnight. From the forensic reports, we know they were cut sharply and resolutely by a cold weapon. Except for that, the Special Operation Team hasnt found any other clues. There were no fingerprints or footprints at the crime scenes. Even the cameras didnt show any suspect going close to them. 

He continued, The members of our Special Operation Team have experienced many strange and mysterious events, so they soon connected these cases to a paranormal case. They assume that those researchers were killed by an evil spirit. After all, they were killed before they could even make a sound to call for help. What kind of human being has such power? 

Your superior believes in this sort of paranormal activity? I couldnt help but ask. 

Haha... Xiao Quan understood my worries. He smiled and comforted me. Dont worry. As we have come to you, it means our country needs talented people like you. Dont be afraid. Just do what you need to do! It didnt look like he was lying to me. Moreover, I didnt have any other choice. I had to agree with him. 

Xiao Quan urged me to pack up. I didnt know what plan they had for me, so I didnt ask Li Mazi to go with me. I sent him and Yin Xinyue a text message and told them I had to go on a business trip for a few days. They shouldnt be worried about me. 

At night, Xiao Quans team traveled fast. Along the way, more and more off-road cars joined our formation. They gradually formed a small convoy like a proper unified military operation. I had unknowingly enjoyed the same treatment as those important people. I felt somewhat proud.  

We arrived in Haidian District in Beijing the next morning. Jiang Shans Special Operation Team was stationed on Qinghe street. Soldiers were patrolling everywhere. It was the first time I had access to a highly secured area. I felt a little nervous. 

Jiang Shan took me to the cafeteria first. He seemed to realize my thought and nodded with a smile. The capital always has strict guards. Youll get used to it. 

After we ate a simple breakfast, Jiang Shan left, leaving Xiao Quan behind to help me with this case. I then learned that the Special Operation Team also had other cases to solve for the time being. Jiang Shan was able to come to my shop yesterday, but it was just to meet me. 

Xiao Quan took out the profiles of the deceased and gave them to me to read. After reading, I was shocked. Most of them were the inventors who had greatly contributed to our countrys military weapons, devices, and equipment. 

Are you sure this is the work of an evil spirit? I asked skeptically. People who worked as weapon researchers and developers were similar to the blacksmiths in ancient times. They naturally had thick Yang energies. Little ghosts and evil spirits didnt dare to go close to them. Speaking of this situation, even if there was a super bold spirit, why would it only kill the weapon researchers?

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