Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 132 - Beach Volleyball

"I'm Zakaragi, it's a pleasure to meet you" He said with a smile 

Short silky blonde hair with blue eyes, not only that but he was rather-good looking, just as good as john, although he didn't want to admit it. 

"Ah that's right, you were here. Sorry, I forgot." Said Tiana as she looked away 

"It's alright, I didn't expect someone with the memory of a turtle to remember." He retorted 

"Oh really now? So why would you follow this turtle?" She asked 


He had nothing to say in return. It was her win 

"*Sigh* Are you guys fighting again?" The tomboyish girl asked as she stopped the two 

"Nanesia, She started it." Said Zakaragi as he turned his head away 

[So her name's Nanesia...] John thought to himself 

[Interested?] Zestari asked 

[I'm just curious] John replied 

"Huh? You were the one, who refused to listen" Said Tiana while looking annoyed 

"Will you guys cut it out?! We have people here waiting to go against us, and you're wasting time rambling on about something that shouldn't even matter?" 

They quieted down 

[Nice move] Thought john as he gave her a thumbs up gesture 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Sorry about that, but yeah, if you're looking for a game, you can play us. As I'm sure you already know, this is my team, the blonde id-" 


"boy, you see over there is Zakaragi, and this adorable girl is Nanesia. Are you guys fine with doing rock, paper, scissors to decide who goes first?" Tiana asked 

John looked towards, the two girls and they nodded 

"Then, let's do it." 


"First comes rock..." 


John's eyes became clouded in darkness, and his senses were heightened. On top of that, his vision became clearer and he could see the girl's hand move in slow motion 

[Using possession for a game like this... Sometimes I question what goes on through your mind.] 

[... Cancel] 

The darkness which had originally clouded john's eyes, disappeared 

"Rock.... Paper..." 

This time, john simply used his senses, he didn't need magic to see a movement, before it played out. All he had to do was focus. 

[Don't be underestimate it just because it's a game. Rock paper scissors was probably ripped off by some guy from my world too. In my world, it has existed for countless centuries, wars, deaths, births, they were all decided by this game] 


"Scissors!" They simultaneously said 

While matching her movement, in slow motion john watched as her hand began unfolding what her move would be. 

[scissors.] Said john in his mind 

John through rock and just like he had expected, the girl ended up throwing scissors. 

[I won... hahaha... Hahahaha... Aha-] 

"Alright, it's your win, so you can choose who to start" Tiana casually said, without showing even a hint of being bothered by the loss 

To john who saw this, he was having trouble understanding why he was so hyped up over a game of rock paper scissors. 

"Y-Yeah... we'll serve first." Said john as he staggered over to his side of the court 


It was a 3 on 3 volley ball battle. John, Serena, And Ariel Versus Tiana, Zakaragi and Nanesia. 

As john stood behind the serve line, he took a deep breath before throwing the ball slightly up. John then slowly followed up by taking a few steps and jumping a few feet into the air. 

In his previous life, john would have never been able to reach such a height, but in this world, it wasn't even his highest. 

As he swung his arm and there was impact with the ball. It was hit so hard, that it looked like it was propelled by a rocket. before anyone on the opposing team could react, it was already on the other side of the sandy court. 

As the ball dug straight into the sand, it looked like you could see a little smoke, caused by the friction. 

As they looked at the ball, a nervous sweat started to form on their faces. 

"Ah... My bad... I ended up using too much power" Said john with a nervous smile 

Although he wasn't using body reinforcement like the other team was, he did use around 80% of his power on that swing. 

"Hey john, what was that at the end? The ball clearly curved to the left. I thought we agreed on no spells" Said Serena 

"I don't think that was a spell" Said Ariel as she looked at the ball 

"I just added a little rotation by moving my hand when I hit it." 

While john and his team talked amongst each other, nanesia picked up the ball then looked at tiana. 

"What did you possibly save a guy like him from?" Nanesia asked as she looked at john 

"... Those girls, they said they were able to see the ball curve... Did you guys even see the ball?" Tiana asked 

The nanesia and zakaragi shook their heads 

Nanesia threw the ball over to john, and the he began his second serve 

John decided to put less power into this hit, he wanted them to enjoy it, going all out would be 

He threw the ball slightly into the air, before following after it and taking a jump 

Midair, as he saw the ball slowly descend, he could see a spot where there was an opening. But instead of going for it. 

He swung his hand and landed it on the center of the ball, even though he used less than half of his power, the ball moved very fast. 

Just when he had thought he might have gone too far again, Nanesia ran over to where the ball was heading and with her hands, she redirected it to the air 

Seeing this, without even realising it, john had formed a smile 

As the ball descended, John watched as Tiana got under the ball and set it over to Zakaragi, who had already jumped with his arm stretched out, ready to spike it in. 

He swung his arm and it hit dead centre on the ball. The ball was moving fast, but john could easily keep up. However, instead of going for it, he left it to Serena who was the closest. 

Serena had already started to move before john said anything, she was completely focused. 

She imitated the same stance, Nanesia used to receive the ball, and managed to perfectly receive it 

"I-I did it!" Said Serena As she watched as the ball slowly ascended 

John then quickly started to move towards to ball to set it to one of them, but before he could, Serena suddenly jumped as the ball started to descend, and swung her hand with all her strength, hitting the ball once again, in the center. 

Once again, the ball moved so fast no one reacted. Including, Ariel and john. Everyone was surprised. 

The difference between the level of body reinforcement of someone who has attended magic school and survived nearly 20 floors in a dungeon, is levels beyond someone who uses it for a sport. 

"Did you see that? Even I didn't expect that to happen..." Said Serena surprised at her own abilities 

"Serena..." John suddenly called out to her 

"Yes, I know... It was unexpected for my first try." Said Serena with proud look 

"It's their point." Said john 


"A player cannot touch the ball twice in a row. It's called double-hit and it's against the rules." 

"...." Serena slowly looked away. 

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