Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 183 - Cooking Lesson

Helios looked at him with a serious and annoyed expression . 

" What are you doing at the door Florence ?! President , did you forget something ?! " asked Aria with a confused tone when she saw that Helios was still at the door . 

" Nothing ! He just asked me about some medical advice . Well, now it's getting late . How about we meet tomorrow president Castejo ? " said Florence with a smile .

Helios looked at him with a doubtful look .

" Sure ! " said Helios with a serious tone left then Florence closed the door .

After Florence locked the door he went towards the kitchen . Aria looked at the door and at Florence .

' Hmmmm.... ' thought Aria with a confused expression and went to the kitchen where Florence was . 

When she entered she saw Florence was cutting the vegetables . She went to the table and took a seat . She kept looking at Florence who had a calm expression on his face .

" Why are you staring at me like that ?!...You said that we should remain friends on our blind date yet now you look at me like that , I will start to think that you like me . " said Florence with a smirk which made Aria blush a little .

" It's.....It's.....not like that !...You and president Castejo.....I was thinking about what you guys talked a while ago cause I saw that he looked very annoyed . " said Aria .

" So what if he looks annoyed ?!....Does your heart hurt to see him like that ?! " said Florence with a doubtful expression .

" Of course it does ! " said Aria with a serious tone and Florence looked at her surprised and angry face at the same time .

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" If you keep annoying him , he will release his anger on me by making me work overtime again . I don't know why you two are so annoyed with each other but please leave me out of your matters . I have reorganized enough files until now . " said Aria with a serious tone when remembering all those files .

Just the thought of reorganizing them again , gave her the headache . Florence showed a relieved smile and laughed a little .

" Why are you laughing ?! " asked Aria .

" Because you're too lazy ! It's just organizing some files . " said Florence with a jokingly smile .

" Lazy ?! Me ?! Do you even know how much files I had to reorganize ?! " said Aria with a serious expression .

" Oh , come on ! I bet there weren't more than fifty or sixty files . " said Florence with a smile . 

" No ! I had exactly nine hundred files to organize . " said Aria with a smile .

When he heard her Florence laughed a bit . 

" Are you serious , nine hundred files ?! " said Florence with disbelief . 

" If you think I am kidding , why don't you come and see it for yourself ?! " said Aria with a sarcastic tone . 

Florence laughed then looked at Aria . When he saw that she wasn't laughing , he started to realize that she wasn't joking about having reorganized nine hundred files .

" Wait !....Seriously ?! " said Florence with a shocked expression . 

Aria nodded her head and Florence looked at her even more shocked . 

" President Castejo is pretty unreasonable is he ?! " asked Florence .

" Yeah ! I really wonder if he is right in his head sometimes . " said Aria with a serious expression. 

Florence didn't like the fact that she was thinking about Helios and threw a piece if cloth to her . 

" Hey ! " said Aria a bit annoyed . 

" Stop thinking about difficult stuff . How about you get up and help me prepare dinner ?! Since you have so mush free time . " said Florence with a smirk .

' If I am considered a person with a lot of free time to him , I don't dare to imagine how busy people are considered in this guy's head . ' thought Aria with a serious expression.

" I don't know how to cook . " said Aria .

" It's time you learn about it . You can help me by slicing the vegetables . " said Florence with a smile.

" I don't know how . " said Aria .

Florence looked at her with disbelief and smiled . 

" If you don't know how to cut vegetables or fruit.....what do you eat ?! " asked Florence.

" I have always eaten conserved food . Now that my brother is here too we order takeout ." said Aria .

" That isn't healthy ! Especially to a child with autism ! " said Florence with a serious tone .

" What can I do ?! I don't know how to cook and even if I did know , I don't have time to cook cause I need to work . " said Aria with a serious tone . 

Florence looked at her and remembered the time she always came to pick Aden up . It was pretty late .

' She doesn't have it easy when it comes to work . Although she is good in dealing with law stuff , she's still a student without a diploma . It is hard for her to stay at a prestigious company such as Castejo company . I can understand why she needs to work extra hard . At the same time , she has to take care of her brother.....I like how hardworking she is but still...I don't want her to push herself like this . ' thought Florence with an understanding expression. 

" Okay...but still ypu need to learn how to cut vegetables or fruits . "said Florence with a smile . 

" Okay ! " said Aria then went near him .

Florence distanced himself from the table and made space for Aria . She took the knife and the apple then tried to cut it . While cutting the apple with the knife , Florence noticed that her hand was shaking .

" What's wrong ?! " asked Florence and went near her .

" I...I am actually kinda afraid to cut this . What if I cut my fingers instead ?! " said Aria with a scared tone . 

' The look on her face tells me , please don't let me do this , it's beyond my abilities . ' thought Florence with a warm smile .

He went behind Aria and put both of his hands on her hands .

" Let me help you ! " said Florence with a smile and Aria nodded her head . 

While cutting Aria kept looking at Florence's big hands which held hers in a careful way . 

' Strange...I feel at ease seeing his hands upon mines....Now that I think about it this is the first time I have been so near to a boy.....it doesn't feel that bad . I have read in books that the girl's heart starts to beat when she's close with a boy...I can also feel my heart beating a little but...it looks more like nervousness then a feeling of falling in love . Florence is so handsome and perfect...every girl's heart would beat just by looking at him , let alone being in a situation such as me.....Still...I cannot feel the same...not how I felt when I was near ' him ' . ' thought Aria with a soft smile .

Florence approached his face and nose near Aria's face and smelled at her hair .

' What a nice smell of shampoo ! Now that I think about it....I don't remember ever smelling any perfume on Aria . She's so natural !.....' thought Florence and his heart started to beat again . 

When looking at her with a look full of care he could barely keep himself from kissing her . 

" Don't worry and try to cut it . I will be holding your hands so that you won't get hurt . " said Florence with a smile and Aria smiled and nodded her head .

The moment she put force on her hands , Florence held her hands even more . Aria felt really touched by his care........she didn't realize it but deep down inside her , a small spark had already turned on for Florence .

While the two of them were enjoying their cooking lesson together , Helios was on his way back to the villa .

" That stinky bastard ! I am seeking advice from him ?! I ?! ....He wants to meet with me tomorrow , who told him that I would meet with him ?!...And that little tigress too , how could she deny my sincere invitation to the party . Doesn't she like the villa ?!...She stared at it with dreamy eyes now she acts as if she doesn't care.....I really cannot figure out what goes through her mind ! " said Helios with an angry expression. 

He couldn't tolerate the fact that Aria had chosen to stay with Florence rather than come to his villa and have dinner with him and the rest of the team .

' That Florence....I don't like him at all ! A girl as stupid as that little tigress , is to easy to take advantage of her..........Plus...the girl he has his eyes set on ?!....Is he for real ?!....He expressed his intentions so clearly and openly....How can someone like a fierce girl like her ?! She's a good friend but not the right choice when it comes to choosing a girlfriend....As a surgeon, he should find an obedient and soft wife that can take of him and cook for him when he comes home after a tiring day at the hospital......Yet he's trying to be an obedient husband and doesn't mind if she doesn't know how to cook.......He's not the right choice for her !....No one is the right choice for a girl like her ! ' thought Helios with an angry expression and annoyed tone .

He turned his car on the left and went towards the road which led directly to his house . He drove for five more minutes and arrived at his villa . The securities opened the gate when they saw Helios's car . When he arrived at the entrance door , he gave the cars to the servant at the entrance door and he went to park it with the other cars Helios had . He entered inside in an angry way . The servants bowed in front of him in a frightening way .

Helios went up the stairs and heard the music coming from the living room . He opened the door and saw that Mana , Ramolo , Bekora, and Alan had already started to play pocker .

" I am all in ! " said Mana with a confident expression .

" Are you sure you won't regret it ?! We are talking about ten million here Mana . " said Ramolo with a smirk .

Helios looked at them playing and envied how carefree they were .

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