Professor Vampire.

Chapter 264 - 264 I treat you as a brother, but you want to be my brother-in-law?

Chapter 264: Chapter 264 I treat you as a brother, but you want to be my brother-in-law?

"Oh? It seems that our first warrior has appeared." Dracula said happily.

He deliberately used the word "warrior" which is the same as the name of the contestants in the semi-finals, and glanced at Harry, who was only one aisle away from Neville, with a half-smile.

Harry rubbed the goose feathers on his quill awkwardly, and his eyes drifted to who knows where.

And Neville moved his feet stiffly as if his legs were numb from squatting, and moved towards a little Hufflepuff witch wearing a yellow collared wizard robe.

It was a girl with a ruddy face and golden hair in two braids.

Seeing Neville walking towards her, the little witch couldn't help but open her eyes wide.

"Hannah, can... can you be my dance partner?" Neville pinched the corner of his clothes, and his voice was almost inaudible.

"Are you talking about... me?" Hannah Abbott asked in surprise.

She was not very pretty and shy, so she only had a few friends, such as Susan Bones and Ernie Macmillan from the same college.

But compared to Hannah, Susan was more cheerful and generous, and she also had an aunt who was the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in the Ministry of Magic, so she was much more popular in Hogwarts.

Ernie Macmillan had made an appointment with Susan to be a dance partner early on, and Hannah was the only one left alone among her few friends.

She had originally planned not to attend the Christmas ball and sit in the audience to watch other people's performances...

But she never thought that Professor Dracula would arrange a "blind date" in this Defense Against the Dark Arts class, giving those who had no dance partners a chance to speak up.

"No... That's right, Hannah." Neville looked at Hannah's surprised expression and thought she was going to refuse, so he hurriedly continued:

"Hannah, we were arranged to be partners by Professor Sprout in the Herbology class before... At that time, I felt that we worked well together, but because I felt that we were not familiar enough, I did not ask you to be my dance partner..."

"Neville, you are actually a very good wizard." Before Neville finished speaking, Hannah suddenly said, "Especially in the Herbology class!"

"So... you agreed?" Neville felt his heart stop for a moment.

"Well, I agreed!" Hannah nodded, her face flushed.

Neville almost jumped up excitedly, and a simple smile appeared on his face.


With a crisp sound, a large group of small fireworks appeared from nowhere in the classroom, and colorful lights of various colors bloomed like flowers, and then spread all over the classroom.

The young wizards looked at the podium and saw Dracula pointing his wand at the ceiling of the classroom. Clusters of colorful fireworks poured out of his wand.

"Congratulations, the first pair of partners successfully held hands!"

Dracula nodded with satisfaction and took the lead in applauding.

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The young wizards also clapped their hands vigorously, and a few boys whistled.

Neville and Hannah blushed and stood awkwardly in the middle of the classroom, not knowing what to do next.

It was not until Dracula had appreciated their embarrassed expressions that he waved his hand and moved the two of them and their desks to one side of the classroom, so that the two thin-skinned wizards could relax and breathe.

"Very good, the first brave warrior has succeeded, a very good start." Dracula said with a smile, "Are there any other gentlemen who want to try it?"

"I suggest you seize it, this is a rare opportunity. Other professors will not take out their own classes to find dance partners for you like I do!"

At Dracula's urging, a Hufflepuff boy who had no dance partner also plucked up the courage to stand up and walked towards a Gryffindor girl.

Perhaps because the current atmosphere is very good, there is almost no hesitation, and the two little wizards successfully formed a partner.

Seeing their success, other little wizards who did not have dance partners could not sit still, and they stood up to find their favorite dance partners, and they were all successful.

In the end, only Harry, Ron and a Gryffindor girl were left without a dance partner.

These three little wizards immediately became the focus of others' attention.

"Oh? This is interesting." Dracula's expression became more and more amused. "There are only two men and one woman left on the field, which means that one of the men will definitely not be able to find a partner in the end."

"Mr. Potter, and Mr. Weasley, how will you two inseparable good brothers choose?"

Harry and Ron looked at each other in surprise.

In fact, from the perspective of personal conditions, neither of them is bad, and can even be said to be very good-

Harry is the savior of the wizarding world, the youngest genius seeker in Hogwarts, and the second place in the first game of the semi-finals. These three important advantages are needless to say; but his appearance is also excellent-

From the previous generation, Harry's parents, James Potter and Lily Potter, who were the figures of Hogwarts at the time, were both very outstanding in appearance. In addition, Harry was influenced by the fragments of Voldemort's Horcruxes since he was a child, and his appearance was even slightly closer to the young Tom Riddle.

Therefore, although there are Professor Dracula and Assistant Riddle, who are so handsome that they are inhumane, and there are tall and handsome prefects like Cedric, Harry's appearance does not seem so outstanding, but it still attracts many people who are obsessed with appearance.

As for Ron, although he does not have extremely outstanding experience and good looks like Harry, he inherited the excellent genes of the Wesley family. His height is much taller than his peers, and his humorous personality makes him quite likable.

Unfortunately, Harry has always had a candidate in his mind that he dared not say clearly, so he subconsciously rejected everyone who invited him, which also made other little witches with ideas give up the idea of ??finding him as a dance partner.

As for Ron, he just couldn't let go of his face and wanted to find the most beautiful dance partner.

"It looks like you two aren't ready yet," Dracula couldn't help laughing as he watched Harry and Ron look dumbfounded. "What? Do you need me to give you a few minutes to discuss who to invite?"

Ron was the first to react, nodding hastily, and then immediately pulled Harry's head under the desk.

"Harry, I won't dance anymore, and you go invite Eloise Midgen to the dance." After avoiding the sight of other students under the table, Ron breathed a sigh of relief and said righteously.

Eloise Midgen was the last girl in the classroom without a dance partner. She was also a Gryffindor student and was famous for having a lot of acne on her face.

It was precisely because of these dense acne that everyone wanted to avoid her.

"Why?" Harry asked in confusion, "Didn't you say... if we were the only fourth-year boys in Gryffindor who didn't attend the dance, it would be embarrassing?"

"But... sometimes I'd rather be alone," Ron glanced at Midgen and found that she was looking under their table with a twinkling look in her eyes, and quickly retracted his gaze, "The acne on her face is too scary..."

"Her acne has improved a lot recently," Harry said, "She cursed her face to get rid of these pimples before, and then Madam Pomfrey cured it."

He commented impartially: "After getting rid of the acne, she actually looks pretty!"

"But her nose is a little crooked," Ron said picky.

"Don't be like this, Ron. We have no choice now." Harry persuaded, "If Professor Dracula didn't give us this opportunity, could you really find another dance partner you like?"


"It's not just this problem," Harry continued, "Even if you can really find another dance partner, is there any other opportunity for you to be exempted from half a month's Defense Against the Dark Arts homework?"

Ron was a little tempted, but he couldn't save face and wanted to refute a few words.

Just then, Dracula's urging voice interrupted him.

"Have you discussed it, gentlemen?" Dracula walked to the two of them at some point, staring at them with a smile, "It's not long before the get out of class ends. I suggest you discuss a result before the get out of class ends-"

"In addition, Miss Midgen looks anxious."

Harry stood up from under the table.

He glanced at Eloise Midgen, then at Ron, then took a deep breath, mustered up the courage to say to Dracula:

"Professor, I actually have a favorite dance partner that I haven't invited yet... She's not in this classroom..."

"What do you mean?" Dracula raised his eyebrows.

"Can I ask for a leave from you and leave class two minutes early?" After speaking, Harry spoke more and more fluently, and his tone became more and more firm, "I want to wait for her at the door of her classroom."

Ron next to him looked at him in amazement: "You persuaded me to invite Midgen because you already have a girl you like?"

But Dracula and Harry ignored him.

Dracula stared at Harry and was silent for a few seconds. In Harry's eyes, these few seconds of silence seemed as long as an hour.


Dracula's voice was like heavenly music, and Harry jumped out of his seat in surprise.

"Thank you so much, Professor Dracula!" he said quickly, "Ron, remember to take my bag back to the dormitory after class, I'm leaving first!"

As he spoke, he quickly pushed open the door of the classroom, his steps were a little staggering, but his expression was extremely happy as he rushed out of the corridor.

So, only Ron and Eloise Midgen, a man and a woman, were left in the center of the classroom.

"Very good, now we don't have to worry about the problem of uneven number of male and female students." Dracula looked at Ron and said happily, "Now it's up to you, Mr. Weiss."

"Well, I..." Ron glanced at Midgen, still a little hesitant in his heart.

However, at this moment, Midgen stood up from the chair first.

"Ronald Weiss, can you be my dance partner?" She said generously.

Ron was stunned. He found that Professor Dracula, Eloise Midgen, Hermione, and even all the other students in the classroom were staring at him... If a girl refused in this atmosphere, it would be too embarrassing.

"Okay... okay." Ron nodded after all.

At the same time, the bell for the end of get out of class rang leisurely.

All the students in the classroom found dance partners, and Dracula also had a lot of fun. This Defense Against the Dark Arts class was a happy one!


Time flies, and Christmas is coming soon in the eyes of everyone's expectations.

The Christmas ball that the students of the four schools have been thinking about day and night is also quietly coming in this snowy season.

Harry, Ron, Seamus, Dean and Neville, the five roommates in the same dormitory, changed into their own robes in the dormitory above the Gryffindor common room, and each of them looked a little uneasy.

But no one was as nervous and frustrated as Ron. He looked at himself in front of the long mirror in the corner, with a guilty and uneasy expression on his face.

After all, he still didn't have the money to buy another decent dress, so he could only wear the second-hand, lace-like dress that Mrs. Weasley bought for him... It was ugly, which was an unavoidable fact.

In order to reduce the feminine atmosphere of the robe, he took a gamble and cast a cutting spell on the folds and lace.

It worked, at least the lace on the clothes was gone.

But his spell was not used smoothly. When several boys started to go downstairs, his collar, cuffs, and the corners of his clothes were still frayed, which made him very frustrated.

At this time, Ron missed Hermione very much... If she had used the cutting spell, there would definitely be no such frayed edges.

"Where's Hermione, why don't I see her?" Ron and Harry walked down the stairs together, looking around in the common room, but couldn't find Hermione at all.

"I remember she said she was going to change clothes three hours ago. Hasn't she dressed up yet?" Harry said in surprise.

"Maybe these are the girls," Seamus Finnigan next to them made a face, "Among our group of boys, Ron, who was the most slow, only took less than half an hour."

"By the way, Harry, you haven't told us who your dance partner is?" Dean Thomas suddenly asked curiously, "You ran out two minutes early in that Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Which girl did you go to find?"

"You'll know later." Harry glanced at Ron from the corner of his eye and said vaguely.

The answer to the question was soon revealed-

A petite witch with fiery red hair walked down the stairs from the girls' dormitory. There were many freckles on her face, which made her face particularly beautiful.

"Oh, Ginny, this is the first time I know you can dress up so beautifully." Seeing the little witch in a beautiful light green dress, Ron greeted her in surprise, "By the way, I haven't asked who your dance partner is yet?"

However, Ginny just smiled at him, and walked straight to Harry, who was standing next to Ron and had a somewhat stiff expression, and took his arm with a blushing face.

"Let's go, Harry." Ginny whispered.

Seeing this scene, Ron widened his eyes in shock:

"Harry, I treat you as a brother, but you want to be my brother-in-law?"

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