Professor Vampire.

Chapter 265 - 265 Hermione’s dance partner is

Chapter 265: Chapter 265 Hermione's dance partner is

"Ron, how can you talk like that?"

Ron's shocking words made Ginny's cheeks blush with shame, and she glared at Ron fiercely.

However, when Ginny turned her eyes to Harry, her eyes became shy and gentle again.

"Harry, ignore him, let's go quickly." She held Harry's arm tightly and whispered to him, "Ron might ask some weird questions later!"

Harry was now a little ashamed to face his good brother, so he nodded obediently and let Ginny pull him out of the common room and walk towards the hall.

"Hey! Wait, you haven't explained to me what happened between you!" Ron shouted to them anxiously.

However, at this moment, his dance partner Eloise Midgen also walked out of the girls' dormitory.

Ron had to temporarily suppress his surprise and turned his eyes to Midgen.

"You... well, you look... beautiful today." He said unnaturally, and subconsciously glanced at the raw edges of his robe cuffs and collar, hoping not to be noticed by this hard-won dance partner.

"Thank you." Midgen smiled and glanced at Ron's robe, and said very emotionally, "You look very good today, very individual."

"Oh, thank you." Ron's face became more natural, "Then... shall we go down?"

Midgen nodded, and also took Ron's arm generously.

The entrance courtyard in front of the auditorium was crowded with students. They were all circling back and forth, waiting for the arrival of eight o'clock, when the door of the auditorium would open to the students on time.

Today's atmosphere was particularly lively, and the dance partners were in pairs, whispering in each other's ears; some young wizards wanted to meet with dance partners from other colleges, so they squeezed sideways in the crowd, looking for each other's figures.

Harry and Ginny had already found a relatively empty corner in the corridor in advance, and Ginny was still holding Harry's arm tightly.

At this time, Ginny was talking enthusiastically with Rolf and Luna who met in the hallway-

"Luna, your aesthetic taste is really good!" Ginny praised her good friend Luna, "This dress is so beautiful!"

"Thank you, Ginny, your dress is also very good." Luna blinked her big eyes full of spirit and praised it.

Harry looked at Luna's dress and looked at Rolf who was standing next to Luna. Both of them had a strange expression, and obviously disagreed with Ginny's praise.

Luna was wearing a dress with silver sequins. If you only look at the dress, there is nothing special about it. It is just an ordinary gray dress with pleated lace.

But the silver sequins on the skirt were not known where they came from. They were forcibly stuck to the skirt with a sticking spell, and they were particularly reflective. Even though there were not many light sources in the yard, they almost blinded Harry's eyes...

The two girls soon gathered together and chatted happily.

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Harry and Rolf stood side by side beside them silently, ostensibly looking at the black lake covered with snow on the ice, but actually whispering to each other.

"Rolf, didn't you persuade Luna?" Harry whispered to Rolf, "What are those crooked sequins on her skirt? Is it her own idea?"

"Those sequins are actually the shed shells of the shining beetles..." Rolf said listlessly, "I collected them when I went to the Forbidden Forest with Luna some time ago. It happened to be the peak period of the beetle molting. She seemed to like them very much..."

"In other words... those crooked sequins actually have your contribution?" Harry looked at Rolf sympathetically.

"Yeah, but it's actually good." Rolf said, "Do you think I didn't persuade Luna? I have successfully persuaded her to take off the airship lees on her ears and the butter beer cork hanging around her neck."

"Oh, by the way, you may not know what airship lees are - in fact, they are an orange-red fruit that looks like a small carrot. They are hung upside down on the bush before picking... Luna said that Mr. Lovegood believes that airship lees can improve the ability to accept abnormal things."

"Compared to Luna, I think I may need an airship lee pendant now." Harry swallowed and whispered, "I feel that Luna and Ginny's aesthetics are beyond my understanding."

"Who said it's not?" Rolf sighed, and then he laughed indulgently again, "But if it weren't for this weird aesthetic and quirky personality, she wouldn't be Luna."

"That's true." Harry also smiled knowingly.

Just then, a group of Slytherin students walked up the stairs from their common room in the basement.

Draco Malfoy was walking in the front. He was wearing a black velvet high-collared robe. With his light blond hair, pale face and disdainful expression, he actually looked quite handsome.

But in Harry's disgusted eyes, he looked like a parish priest.

Malfoy's good friend and loyal fan, Pansy Parkinson, was wearing a light pink robe with ruffles. She hung tightly on Malfoy's arm.

Crabbe and Goyle, who were walking behind them, were both dressed in green, like two mossy rocks. Harry was very satisfied to see that these two big guys couldn't find a dance partner.

"She is dressed up nicely today... Oh, so she found a poor guy from the Wesley family as her dance partner." Malfoy walked up to Harry, raised his chin, and said in a sharp tone, "I guess she must have spent all the savings of the Wesley family on this dress--"

"Are you right, Potter, the champion of Hogwarts?"

"Watch your mouth, Malfoy!" Harry took a few steps forward and responded angrily.

He had been almost immune to Malfoy's foul mouth, but when the target of his foul mouth was Ginny, he couldn't help but feel protective.

"Am I wrong? How can a pure-blooded scum like the Wesley family afford such a dress?" Malfoy glanced at Ginny mockingly and laughed, "And the one next to her, did she pick up a piece of clothes from the garbage dump?"

This sentence offended three people at the same time, including Harry, Rolf and Ginny, but not Luna, the person involved.

When Harry and Rolf were trying to find a way to teach this cocky guy a lesson, Luna spoke before them.

"Hello, Malfoy." Luna said in a vague voice, "You seem to be very inferior..."

"I am inferior?" Malfoy laughed loudly, as if he had heard the funniest joke, "Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, tell me, is there something wrong with her brain? I am a member of the Malfoy family..."

"It has nothing to do with the family." Luna's expression was very serious, and there was an inexplicable persuasiveness in her words, which easily interrupted Malfoy.

"You seem to have nothing but money... Only followers, no real friends to confide in, no girls you really like, and your commendable Quidditch skills are not good enough in front of the hostile Harry..."

"I can understand you, Malfoy."

At the end, Luna's face actually showed a strong sense of pity, and her words were full of sympathy.

"Nonsense!" Pansy Parkinson was the first to lose patience and refuted loudly, "How could Draco not have a girl he likes!"

However, Luna did not seem to answer her thoughts, but looked at her with more pity.

Harry, Rolf and Ginny all looked at Luna in disbelief, and were amazed by her beauty.

They had never thought that Luna, who was usually dazed and crazy, could be so accurate and ruthless when she was scolding people. Malfoy on the opposite side was obviously speechless.

What's more admirable is that Luna didn't seem to say those words to scold people at all, but she thought so in her heart.

Malfoy gnashed his teeth for a long time, but he couldn't find anything wrong with Luna's words--

He really didn't like Pansy Parkinson, even though the two knew each other since childhood; Crabbe and Goyle were not his real friends, they were just his followers and bodyguards found by his father; as for Quidditch, although he didn't want to admit it, he was indeed not as good as Harry, who won the Quidditch Cup twice with the Gryffindor team.

Is it that his pure-blood origin is the only thing worth boasting about?

Malfoy took a deep breath unwillingly.

He raised his head and looked at Luna hatefully, decided not to pay attention to this strange girl, and once again pointed the spearhead at his old rival, Harry.

"Potter, where is your mudblood friend?" Malfoy asked with his chin raised, showing his disdainful expression again.

He decided to use his own strengths to attack the opponent's weaknesses, starting with the bloodline.

"If I'm not mistaken, she must be unable to find a partner and is too embarrassed to attend the Christmas ball, right?" He laughed disdainfully, "No one would be willing to find a mudblood as a partner!"

"You're talking nonsense, Hermione has a partner!" Ginny retorted loudly.

"Really?" Malfoy sneered, "I want to see which idiot is so self-destructive that he is willing to find her to dance with him."

Harry was speechless.

Even though the ball was about to start, he had no idea who Hermione had found a partner so early, so he couldn't refute Malfoy.

Malfoy looked at Harry, with an expected look on his face, and raised his mouth proudly.

Just when Malfoy thought he had finally turned the tables, the oak door of the hall was opened.

The sound of the door opening attracted the attention of everyone present.

Everyone turned around and saw the students of Durmstrang and their headmaster, Karkaroff, walking in together.

Victor Krum walked in the front, with a beautiful girl in a blue robe that Harry didn't know. For some reason, this beautiful girl always gave Harry a familiar feeling.

Over the heads of those Durmstrang students, the little wizards saw that the entrance of the auditorium was decorated with golden light, and there were twinkling fairy lights inside.

"It's really generous. Your professors don't know where to invite at least 500 living fairies." The future magical zoologist Rolf explained in time.

Harry looked over and saw that the fairies were either sitting in the rose bushes created by magic or flapping their wings on the statues. Those statues seemed to be Santa Claus and his reindeer.

At this time, Professor McGonagall's voice rang:

"Please come here, warriors!"

Ginny nervously adjusted her dress, and a reserved smile appeared on her face.

She and Harry said "see you later" to Rolf and Luna beside them, and then looked at Malfoy with a sullen face, and then walked forward to Professor McGonagall.

The chattering crowd cooperated very well to make way for the two of them to pass.

When he walked to Professor McGonagall, Harry saw that she was wearing a red plaid robe and a wreath of thistles on the brim of her hat.

Professor McGonagall asked the warriors and their dance partners to wait by the door and let other students enter the hall first. After the students were seated, the warriors lined up to enter the hall and start their performance.

Fleur Delacour and Roger Davis stood closest to the door.

Harry knew Davis, he was the captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. This time, perhaps because the students of Beauxbatons were close to Ravenclaw, he got the opportunity to become Fleur's dance partner.

Davis seemed to be unable to believe his good luck. He couldn't take his eyes off Fleur from beginning to end;

John Kowalski's partner was a girl from Yin Famouni. He seemed too lazy to make new friends;

As Harry expected, Cedric Diggory did become a partner with Cho Chang. The two stood beside Harry and smiled at him and Ginny in a friendly manner;

Harry smiled back at them, then looked away and finally looked at the focus of the crowd, the big star Krum.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth in surprise-

The beautiful girl standing next to Krum turned out to be Hermione!

But she didn't look like Hermione at all. She seemed to have used a spell to do something with her hair, making it no longer messy, but smooth and shiny, and tied into an elegant bun behind her head.

She was wearing a long dress made of flowing light purple-blue fabric, and somehow her temperament was different - perhaps it was just because she had taken off the more than 20 thick books she usually carried.

Hermione also had a smile on her face. Although she looked a little nervous, she was countless times more beautiful than usual.

Harry couldn't understand why he and Ron had never noticed that their good friend Hermione could have such a pretty side.

The next moment, Harry stopped thinking about it because he saw Malfoy and Parkinson walking past them.

The expression on Malfoy's face was unprecedentedly shocked and gloomy. Obviously, he also recognized the girl standing next to Krum as the mudblood he despised.

He stared at Hermione, his lips moving again and again, but he couldn't find a word to insult her.

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