Re: Apocalypse Game

Chapter 177 Fight or Flight

Chapter 177 Fight or Flight

Captain Carter's resounding command, "Charge!" reverberated through the ranks as she galvanized a formidable force of a thousand players from the New York Server. Together, they surged forth from the western forest, accompanied by a barrage of firearm discharges that quickly transitioned into a flurry of swords and shields, as they leaped headfirst into the teeming undead hordes.

The western flank was not alone in their stand. From the south, another thousand players from the Paris Server converged on the battlefield, while a combined force of a thousand players from the Bangkok and Cairo Servers arrived from the north. These formidable reinforcements were further supplemented by several hundred Roman soldiers and Barbarian NPCs scattered across the battleground.

Together, their combined numbers were sufficient to tip the balance of the battle in favor of the living. Hundreds of undead adversaries fell every minute, their ranks dwindling as they were vanquished by the relentless assault of blades, ensuring they would not rise again.

The rain had ceased, and the night wind had shifted, yet at the epicenter of the conflict, the prospects of victory remained uncertain. Artorius and his knights, bearing the weight of the battle, were battered and fatigued, their strength waning with each passing moment.

The remaining dozen soldiers under his command had adopted a purely defensive stance, their shoulders touching as they formed an unyielding line, steadfastly blocking the relentless onslaught of undead knights and warriors that surged toward them.

Alan, couldn't help but shout encouragement to the beleaguered defenders. "Hang on! Just a little bit longer!" he urged, knowing that the reinforcements of player armies were drawing near.

With his focus divided, Alan dedicated every ounce of his energy to attending to the severely wounded Percival, employing his [medical gauze] to staunch the knight's life-threatening injuries. Yet, as he worked tirelessly, a grim discovery seized his attention: Lancelot, the valiant champion, lay fallen beneath the colossal might of the Dreadnought.

Another Champion NPC had met a tragic fate, and in Lancelot's place emerged a formidable Revenant, a relentless and nightmarish adversary. This grim transformation further constricted their chances of survival, casting a pall of despair over the beleaguered defenders.

Though the player armies drew ever closer, there remained a small but critical distance between them and the embattled group. Alan had expended his spirit points to their limits in a desperate bid to sustain Artorius, understanding that he must hold on for as long as possible. Failure to do so would mean the birth of yet another abomination, an outcome he was determined to prevent at all costs. 

As more Roman soldiers succumbed to the relentless onslaught of the undead, the ranks of defenders grew perilously thin. Alan found himself with no more soldiers to hide among, and the situation appeared dire. It was then that a torrent of bullets rained down upon the advancing undead, offering a much-needed reprieve.

Merle, the crimson gunner, and Rose had managed to carve a path through the hordes to provide the crucial backup Alan so desperately needed. Merle unleashed a relentless barrage of bullets from his Crimson M16, driving back the advancing Revenant, while Rose, facing her own challenges with her sniper rifle, had switched to a handgun to fend off the encroaching undead.

Amidst the chaos, Merle urgently shouted to Alan, "Alan, we need to get out now!!!" He continued to fire relentlessly, providing cover for the beleaguered defenders.

With a mere 15% of its health points remaining, the formidable Dreadnought loomed in the battlefield. Alan quickly assessed the situation, his eyes darting between the towering adversary and the approaching group of player reinforcements. Determination etched across his face, he urgently conveyed his plea to Merle.

"Merle! Just give me 3 minutes! Hold on for 3 minutes!" Alan implored, his voice filled with a mix of urgency and hope.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

However, Merle's response was a desperate one, marked by skepticism and a sense of impending doom. "No! It's not possible!" he shouted, grappling with the grim reality of their situation.

At that pivotal juncture, torn between the options of fight or flight, Alan's eyes locked onto Artorius, who had just fallen on the ground. The Roman commander's sword lay abandoned just inches away. Uncertain of Artorius' fate, but with unwavering resolve, Alan decisively reached for the sword and grasped it tightly.

[King's Sword]

[Type: Sword Weapon]

[Rarity: Superior]

[Attributes: Damage 48 - 62]

[Effects: Speed increase 20%, Def Rating +10]

[Equipment Rating: 32]

[Able to Bring Outside the Game: No]

[Remarks: Sword Kings of the Old]

It was not the legendary sword, but it was much stronger than Alan's previous sword, however, it came with a surprise quest.

[Hidden Quest Activated]

Alan knew that now was not the time to delve into the details of the quest.

With the superior sword gripped firmly in his left hand, he was acutely aware that he could not wield it with the same skill and finesse as his previous weapon. However, he was determined to make the most of this dire situation, drawing upon every skill and ability at his disposal to face the colossal adversary that had become his primary target. 

With the colossal Dreadnought bearing down on him, Alan had only a fleeting moment to react. Just as the giant's massive axe was poised to strike him down, Alan activated his newfound skill, [Shadow Strike]. In an instant, he seemed to vanish from the giant's view, reappearing behind the towering adversary and delivering a sneak attack.

The first strike landed with precision:

[Stabbing: Inflicts 33 damage],

[Critical hit inflicted from sneak attack, 18 damage]

The combined damage managed to shave off a mere 1% of the giant's health points, but it succeeded in diverting the creature's attention, giving Alan a crucial advantage. Undeterred, Alan pressed his advantage, striking again with his sword:

[Stabbing: Inflicts 31 damage]

However, the Dreadnought was relentless, and when its massive axe descended, Alan had no choice but to parry the blow with his sword. The result was searing pain, and the force of the impact sent him hurtling a few meters backward:

[Impact: Lethal Strike inflicted 132 damage]

Though Alan felt the staggering pain, he gritted his teeth and forced himself to stand once more, determined to make the most of this opportunity to chip away at the formidable foe's health points.

The colossal Dreadnought continued its relentless advance toward Alan, who was now struggling to maintain his footing. Merle and Rose unleashed a torrent of gunfire upon the giant, providing just enough cover for Alan to regain his standing.

His own condition was far from optimal:

[HP: 188/310]

[Stamina: 32%]

[Spirit points: 8/110]

One more powerful strike from the giant could bring him perilously close to critical health, so Alan knew he had to exercise extreme caution. Unfortunately, his recently employed skill, [Shadow Strike], was still on a one-minute cooldown, leaving him no choice but to confront the monstrous adversary head-on.

With gritted teeth, Alan endured the pain and channeled the limited spirit points that had regenerated. He cast [Minor blessing] on himself:

[Strength Increase 15%]

[Defense Rating Increase 15 Points]

[Bonus Attack Against Darkness 15%]

Bolstered by the blessings, and with his enhanced agility, Alan narrowly dodged the giant's next attack. He took a deep breath and unleashed [Blade Frenzy], an active skill that relied on his enhanced speed to execute a rapid barrage of attacks. 

[Stabbing: Inflicts 38 damage]

[Stabbing: Inflicts 37 damage]

[Stabbing: Inflicts 38 damage]

[Stabbing: Inflicts 37 damage]

[Stabbing: Lethal Inflicts 57 damage]

Alan's Blade Frenzy delivered a decent attack, chipping away an additional 4% of the giant's health. However, the immense physical strain began to take its toll. Before he could execute his sixth strike, the Dreadnought seized him and delivered a crushing blow with its axe:

[Impact: Lethal Strike inflicted 106 damage]

[HP: 82/310]

The colossal creature hoisted Alan into the air, preparing for a finishing move. Rose, in her frantic desperation, used her sniper rifle to take potshots at the giant, briefly diverting its attention. This split-second distraction granted Alan one final opportunity. Summoning all his strength, he drove his blade into the giant's eye:

[Stabbing: Lethal Attack. Inflicts 57 damage]

The excruciating pain forced the giant to hurl him into the ground

[Impact: Inflicted 38 damage]

[HP: 44/310]

As the giant bellowed in pain, Alan managed to crawl away just in the nick of time before the colossal creature could inflict further harm. He could feel his strength waning, and the pain gradually overtook him. 

The agonizing pain forced him into a slow descent toward unconsciousness. However, in his fading awareness, the last image imprinted on his mind was a determined brunette girl atop a horse, leading a group of familiar faces who pelt the giant with a relentless barrage of gunfire. Hearing his name called, Alan realized that three minutes had already passed.

As his eyelids grew heavy, a notification was heard

[You have completed Bonus quest: Defeat Cedric the Dreadnought]

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