Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 214 You Are No Longer A Demon Lord II

"I am here to take Fiona from you.. you are no longer a demon lord." He declared, his words carrying an air of finality. 

Jira, the once mighty demon lord, stared at Veremos for a moment, his eyes searching for any hint of deception or weakness. He took a deep breath, maintaining a calm facade despite the turmoil brewing within him. "And why, pray tell, would I surrender Fiona to the likes of you?" he questioned, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and defiance.

A smirk tugged at the corner of Veremos' lips, as if he relished the opportunity to enlighten his adversary. "Surely, you do not require an explanation for something so obvious," he replied, his gaze locking onto Jira's with unwavering determination. "You have lost your right to rule over demons."

Jira's patience wavered, his control slipping as frustration threatened to consume him. In a sudden outburst, he shot up from his seat, the force of his hand slamming onto the table reverberating through the room. "Cut the crap!" he bellowed, his voice filled with a mix of anger and desperation. "I am still the demon lord of—"

"Of what?" Veremos interjected, his voice dripping with condescension. "Even you must have come to realize it by now—the strength and power you once possessed as a demon lord, it is no more."

Jira clenched his teeth, his jaw tightening as he fought to maintain his composure. Though he longed to retort, to defend his position and refute Veremos' claims, a flicker of doubt gnawed at him. There was an undeniable truth to the words spoken by his adversary.

"What was his name again... oh yes... Sato Inugami," Veremos uttered with a sinister smile playing on his lips.

At the mere mention of that name, Jira's eyes widened in fear, memories flooding back in a wave of agony. He could almost feel the scorching pain again, searing through his being as Sato unleashed his fiery wrath upon him during their fateful battle.

Veremos observed the sudden terror that washed over Jira's face, a cruel satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. He had struck a nerve, exposed the depths of Jira's vulnerability, and satisfaction in the power it gave him over his once formidable foe.

"I see, so it is true then," Veremos burst into laughter, his voice echoing through the room. "You, the mighty demon lord, defeated by a mere village boy... It's quite comical, really."

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Jira's face reddened with a mix of anger and embarrassment, his gaze averted to the side. He clenched his fists, his determination reigniting. "I will have my rematch," he declared firmly, his voice resolute. "I will reclaim my title from him."

Veremos's laughter subsided, replaced by a sly smile. "From who? Sato Inugami?" he taunted, relishing in Jira's growing unease.

Jira's expression contorted with fear at the sound of that name, his body involuntarily tensing at the memories of the scorching pain he had endured at Sato's hands.

With a more serious demeanor, Veremos stood up, his eyes piercing into Jira's weakened facade. "The other demons have voiced their desire to meet the new demon lord," he announced. "As you are no longer fit to rule over demons, I am hereby stripping you of your post."

Throughout the exchange, Jira remained silent, his gaze fixed upon the ground, his thoughts consumed by the weight of his impending downfall.

"Honestly, I am still perplexed as to why the village boy spared your life," Veremos sighed, his tone carrying a mix of curiosity and disappointment. As he made his way toward the exit, he turned back to Jira. "I shall return next month to finalize the arrangements. You have until then to make your exit," he said dismissively. "Goodbye for now."

Veremos's departure left Jira alone in the room, the silence amplifying the gravity of the situation. A sense of foreboding hung in the air as he contemplated his uncertain future, his once fearsome reign as a demon lord now reduced to a mere memory. 


With a swift and precise motion, Sato unleashed a spinning kick that collided forcefully with Afrina's delicate cheeks, propelling her backward. She tumbled uncontrollably across the ground, her graceful form obscured by the cloud of dust that enveloped her upon impact.

Sato, his eyes fixed on the swirling dust, waited anxiously to catch a glimpse of the fallen goddess. Relief washed over him as he observed her lying still, her prone figure partially obscured by the settling particles. 

However, his momentary respite was short-lived, when he noticed that his right arm was broken.

"She truly possesses remarkable strength," he murmured under his breath, his voice tinged with a mix of admiration and surprise. 

With a swift flick of his wrist, Sato initiated a surge of ethereal energy, mending his broken bones in a matter of seconds. The divine power surged through his body, knitting together the fractured fragments, and restoring his arm to its previous state of wholeness.

In the midst of this self-healing, Sato's gaze remained fixed upon Afrina, his expression a mixture of awe and determination. The encounter had only served to deepen his respect for her indomitable spirit and unwavering resilience. It was clear that she was a force to be reckoned with—a deity of unparalleled strength.

As the dust settled, revealing Afrina's motionless form, Sato approached her cautiously, his footsteps measured and deliberate. He knelt down beside her, his concern etched across his features. Tenderly, he extended a hand, poised to offer assistance should she require it.

"Are you alright?" Sato whispered softly, his voice a blend of admiration and concern. He leaned closer to Afrina, his eyes filled with genuine care. "I have already told you, I am not your enemy."

Afrina, though her eyes remained closed, mustered the strength to respond, her voice laced with defiance. "Shut up, human," she retorted, her words dripping with both annoyance and determination. "Just give me a moment... I will be back on my feet."

Sato let out a weary sigh, his gaze shifting upward to the expansive sky, where the towering legs of the two remaining statues loomed ominously. "I still have to unseal them," he muttered to himself, his mind preoccupied with the monumental task ahead.

<<Master, the memories have been securely stored and are ready for transfer. Should I proceed?>>

'Yeah sure.' Sato nodded in response, his focus returning to Afrina. He gently placed his finger upon her forehead, where her divine essence pulsed with gradual healing. 

<<Starting, transfer…>>

The transfer process began, signaled by a brilliant light emanating from the tip of Sato's finger, permeating deep within Afrina's consciousness.

In an instant, Afrina's eyes jolted open, her entire being engulfed by an overwhelming influx of memories. It was as if she had been transported into Sato's very body, reliving the past events when he had cared for her and her sisters, safeguarding them from imminent danger.

The flood of recollections washed over Afrina, intertwining her essence with Sato's experiences, creating an unbreakable bond between them. 

She witnessed the trials they had endured together, the sacrifices made, and the unyielding determination that had carried them through countless battles.

As the memories settled within her, Afrina's gaze met Sato's, now filled with a newfound understanding. 

A sense of camaraderie and gratitude enveloped her, forging an unspoken connection that transcended the boundaries of their respective origins.

Afrina gradually straightened her posture, her gaze fixed upon the ground as she mustered the strength to speak. "You truly are him... the Successor?" she inquired, her voice a mixture of awe and uncertainty.

Sato responded with a wry smile, his tone laced with a hint of amusement. "Yes, as I have been trying to tell you all along," he affirmed, his voice filled with a sense of quiet confidence.

Afrina's laughter bubbled forth, albeit tinged with sorrow, her emotions flowing freely as tears streamed down her cheeks. "We are deeply sorry for causing so much trouble," she sobbed, her voice trembling with remorse.

Sato, his expression calm and understanding, gently placed his hand upon Afrina's head, offering solace. "I may not remember everything from that time," he began, his voice filled with sincerity, "but the glimpses I have now... they showed me how much you all meant to me. Let us leave it at that, for now."

Afrina nodded, her voice still tinged with a lingering sadness. However, a glimmer of gratitude shone in her eyes, appreciating the shared connection that had been reignited between them. Yet, amidst the emotional exchange, Afrina's countenance suddenly shifted, adopting a deadpan expression as she posed a question.

"By the way, Successor," she inquired, a mischievous spark gleaming in her eyes, "what's with the ridiculous face you chose when you reincarnated?"

Sato sighed, a mixture of exasperation and fondness evident in his response. "You truly are an eccentric one," he chuckled lightly. "Besides, I probably just because I ascended".

A brief moment of silence passed between them before Sato rose to his feet, his gaze refocusing upon the remaining statues that stood as formidable obstacles. His resolve strengthened, he surveyed the scene with renewed determination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"You know, Afrina," Sato remarked, a hint of warmth in his voice, "despite everything, it feels good to be reunited with you, let's get to the others and then we'll talk more about the past". 

Although he said those words, Sato wasn't willing to remember anything from his previous life as the Successor, not until he had made the people under him as happy as they can get.

Afrina, wiping away her tears, nodded in agreement, a glimmer of hope rekindled within her. They stood side by side, prepared to confront the trials that awaited them, their bond forged anew amidst the uncertainty that lay ahead.

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