Resetting Lady

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

As with any other country, many dangers faced him, but the current reigning king, Eus II, nonetheless lived a long life, and he strengthened his position by graciously taking in the numerous subordinates of Grand Duke Thulas.

Even if he were to get cursed at for hundreds of years after his life, he was somehow a king who would never hear notoriety appended to his name.

Until today.


Eus II heard the shocking news as he was bedridden. The court doctor shuddered and handed the king his medicine. However, the king reached out one hand and demanded that he be raised.

My sons

* * *

Marquis Penceir took off his hat and rubbed his head. He was also shocked at first, and he wasnt able to say anything for hours. Raymond thought that hed be asked to leave, but rather, he wasnt dismissed.

After staying silent for hours in this room, this was the first thing that Marquis Penceir said to Raymond:

Its a good thing that you havent married yet.

From the beginning, he was trying to rid Carynne from Raymonds hands.

A fianc isnt legally responsible. Im sure that people will talk about it for a while, but As expected, I dont think that youll be given a seat in the Assembly for now.

That doesnt matter to me, Marquis.

Dont pretend to be strong. Just go back to your familys estate and rest for a while. Ill call you back after everythings settled. Although I dont know whats going to happen since the incident has blown up so badly right now.

But Raymond remained seated and did not move. If he were to leave this spot, the result would be obvious.

Carynne did not kill.

She confessed.

She lied. At the very least, she didnt kill all of them.

Raymond did not budge from his seat at all. He didnt know why she said that.

Still, just because she confessed doesnt mean that its the truth.

Marquis, just consider the room alone. That room was Crown Prince Gueuzes basement. How could Carynne have killed so many people in a room like that? And it hasnt even been that long since Carynne started living in the capital. All the bodies were preserved.

Crown Prince Gueuze did it, thats obvious enough, the marquis replied calmly.

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You knew about it?

Yes. Thats why His Majesty has been trying to pass on the throne to His Highness Lewis. He reached such an age that hes barely even alive anymore, so dont you think theres a reason that the throne has yet to be given to Gueuze? That old man, if he had died sooner, he wouldnt need to see this.

People knew, but no one stopped him?

There was a slight frown on Marquis Penceirs lips as he replied.

Its easy for you to criticize the actions of others, saying how rotten the royals are. But what is there to do? He was the only heir to the throne. He was the only recognized son of His Majesty the King.

If that fact had been revealed in front of many people, that would have been enough to take him down from his position right away.

The Crown Prince? Raymond, say something that makes sense.

I dont understand why youve been covering his tracksthat you didnt take any actions at all to stop a serial killer.

The report in Marquis Penceirs hand became crumpled.

Thats not all. Its not just about covering for Crown Prince Gueuze. We needed another method. Thats why the Royal Family had Prince Lewisno, His Royal Highness, the rightful Crown Prince. Our new king. A morally flawless, young, healthy and proper king. It was practically abuse on the old mans part But your fiance ruined it all.

Crown Prince Lewis?

Raymond read the strange direction the conversation was taking.

Prince Lewis was the rightful king? The enemy was Crown Prince Gueuze, but the current reigning king couldnt freely appoint His Highness Lewis as the heir to the throne?

Raymond was confused.

However, that was not important right now.

Carynne didnt do it.

Go back to your estate. I do not have any intention to hold you accountable for this.

I wont go back. I swore that Id be next to her.

This is an order.

The marquis said this again, but Raymond would not follow.

Marquis, Im not trying to protect her from everything unconditionally because Im blinded by love right now.

Thats certainly what it looks like anyway. She confessed, so theres nothing else to discuss. A death penalty will be handed down as soon as the trial is over.

Marquis, you have the wrong person.

The only person left alive in that place was your fiance! Theres no one to prove her innocence! Gueuze, Lewis and her maidtheyre all dead! And even when you opened that door, you saw your fiance holding the blade! Do you still not understand? You saw it all with your own eyes. Just admit it.

The marquis looked away as though he didnt want to see him anymore, but Raymond replied once again.

At worst, Carynne killed one or two people, but that was an act in retaliation against Crown Prince Gueuze, who was the culprit of all those serial killings. The messenger also told me that Carynne and His Highness Lewis had disappeared at the same time. It would be more accurate to say that they had been kidnapped by Crown Prince Gueuze at the same time, and they died during a physical altercation in that room.

Right, and then Carynne Evans killed both Gueuze and Lewis in the end.

Please listen to me.

Carynne Evans confessed. She killed them all.

She lied.

And what reason is there for her to lie?

Because she wants to die.

She is mentally ill.

Raymond replied reluctantly.


And the marquis laughed.

Sure, a mental illness, you say? The same kind that most aristocrats often say to excuse their misdeeds?

Please dont be sarcastic, Marquis. She truly is ill. Ive already received a medical certificate from the priest.

Sir Raymond, you are too ignorant of how this world works. Theres only so much that a mental illness could pardon. Rape? Sure. But Carynne Evans killed royalty.

But how could Carynne have killed all those other people, with their corpses hanging on His Highness basement? And inside the palace?

Most of the people His Highness killed were prostitutes. Dont focus on the women who died, Raymond. Right now, those womenwell, yes, there were men, too. Right now, the Royal Family will remain silent about those unidentified bodies. And do you know why? Because theres a bigger problem. Both Crown Prince Gueuze and Prince Lewis are dead. And the killer herself had confessed. The priority now is not to disparage the dead any longer, and not to torment our current reigning king.

Raymond gritted his teeth.

His Highness the Crown Prince Gueuze, he

Think about it carefully, Raymond. Theyre all dead. One is left standing. Naturally, she is the culprit. On top of it all, she herself confessed. And the other corpses wont even be mentioned in the trial. Because theyre not important.

This isnt important. That isnt important either.

Then what is.

Raymond knew why Marquis Penceir would continue to downplay the case.

They both knew. Theyre just not saying it outright.

Marquis, be honest with me.

Right now, Marquis Penceir was just turning Raymonds words upside down while trying to send him away quietly. And, he was trying to paint Carynne out to be the culprit.

The reason behind this was simple.

Its not because of a lingering attachment to Gueuze, nor was it loyalty to the current king.

Still, Marquis Penceir tilted his head to the side. As though to gauge him.

What do you mean?

Crown Prince Gueuze and Prince Lewis. After them both, I know that you have the right to succeed the throne.

Marquis Penceir really didnt want to blow this out of proportion. Because he was to be the next king.

He nodded slowly.

Yes. I will be the next king.

As it was right now, Marquis Penceir didnt even need to defer to the old king anymore.

Raymond got up from his seat and declared.

Marquis, I will dedicate my life to you.

How touching.

Please save my fiance. I will pledge allegiance to you for the rest of my life.

And Raymond knew the marquis weaknesses. The marquis, too, might be aware of this fact.

Raymond looked at the marquis with wide eyes as he said that he would obey him. As if hed draw out a sword to cut the mans throat right then and there if he would not accept this.

I will give up all my honor and pride, and I will live only for you.

You only managed to live that kind of life because of me anyway.


Raymond looked straight into the marquis eyes.

Prince Lewis has passed away. I wish to serve the new king.

Thus far, Ive only tried to live an honorable life. But I dont have to do that now. Because King Lewis does not exist in this world.

Use me however you like. Throw me away after if you wish. All I ask for in return is my fiances life. She has not sinned.

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