Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 818: Suicide!?

Chapter 818: Suicide!?

She felt a cold chill down her back for some reason, but before she could act, the masked bastard had actually extended his arm and grabbed onto her upper clothes.

Despite her best try to dodge the attack, the aggressor managed to grab tightly onto her clothes and pull on them, as it totally ripped Tang Li's clothes, revealing her milky white skin, and her ripe melons.

"Heheheh~! The more I look at you, the more I want you mine! Today I will show you that even if Tianlong Yun's strength is better than me, there is an area that he is unable to win against me!"

The devilish grin on his face seemed to be quite ruthless, lewd, and perverted, as Tang Li couldn't help but feel that a great tragedy had befallen on her head.

"Never, I would prefer to die rather than allow something like that to happen!"

With that said, she tried her best to escape the bastard's grasp, but she found out it was useless. Leaving her only choice is to kill herself in order to preserve her honor.

"You dare! You dirty bi*tch! Let me tell you this, even if you kill yourself today, I swear to completely use your body after death, and showcase it to the whole world once I leave here!

You are going to become a world-renowned sl*ut!"


Hearing those words Tang Li felt even more devastated, desperate, and hopeless. She didn't want to lose to this bastard.

But at the same time, she didn't want to even think about such a future that the bastard introduced to her!

No, she couldn't allow something like that to happen! Her options and her choices were completely sealed at this point, and after that terrible pain earlier she didn't think that Tianlong Yun would come to help her.

She was truly in a pinch, and there was nothing she could do to change her destiny. The only thing she could think about was to pretend on surrendering and then catch the damn bastard unprepared.

"Le-let me go, I-I"

the moment she thought like this, Tang Li didn't lose time as she started to stutter like she was terribly frightened by the guy.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Clearly surprising her aggressor who hadn't thought that Tang Li would actually truly think of giving in, and so soon at that.

But considering that she was a young lady from a powerful family, that wasn't used to suffering, and most probably was dissatisfied with her nuptial tie, things kind of made sense for him.

Despite that, he didn't actually lower his guard around her much and just thought that everything would be much simpler, and enjoyable now that she had actually given in to him.

The moment that his hand extended once again towards her supple melon though, he immediately felt a terrible danger upon himself, and couldn't help but pull his hand back.

The next moment, a sharp-looking knife actually cut through where his hand was supposed to be a moment ago, with a speed and strength capable of cutting off his arm.

"Who dares!?"

Angry and frightened to the max, he couldn't help but scream at the bastard who had attacked him sneakily.

On one side he was angry at what just happened, someone dared to actually sneak attack him, without even making his name known. He was truly afraid that this person was Tianlong Yun.

There were rumors around that Tianlong Yun was injured at the moment and couldn't actually fight with all his power, in fact, the information stated that Young Master Qin Bao had defeated him.

Knowing that Qin Bao was at best a Soul Formation Realm expert, everyone was willing to believe that the current Tianlong Yun wasn't a match for a late level Soul Formation Realm expert.

Still, even though this information had become widely known news for the whole world, this guy was still afraid of the shadow of Tianlong Yun.

After all, no matter how much people offended and lowered Tianlong Yun in public, in secret they were afraid of him.

At least those around his level and below! For that reason, at that moment the poor masked guy felt frightened by the ghost and shadow of Tianlong Yun.

That in itself made him angry and extremely ashamed of himself, as even a heart demon was born inside his heart.

His question was intended as a way to regain a bit of will and determination, alongside a helpful justification, and finally a way to question the identity of the attacker.

"Heee~!? You managed to dodge that!? You truly seem to possess some skills brother! I think I have to be more prudent next time!"

As those words spread through the surroundings a milky smooth-skinned young man appeared not far from the duo, with a haughty smile on his face.

That young man was none other than Qin Bao! Who was looking at the scene with a complex and weird expression on his face?

While he was downplaying the importance of this issue, he seemed to be hiding some true killing intent towards the masked guy.

Tang Li didn't understand why Qin Bao would do such a thing and help her out, while the masked guy was momentarily surprised why this feminine guy would appear in front of him.

If Qin Bao was a woman he would most definitely be interested as hell in her, but he wasn't which caused the masked guy to be even angrier at Qin Bao.

"Young Master Qin Bao, while I have a lot of respect for your Master, I don't think it's justified and simple for you to sneakily attack me like that, is it not!?"

"Hehehe~! You are looking too much into this brother, I was just trying to test my new strength and the abilities of the assassin that those powerful organizations would send.

It seemed like your reputation is well-earned since brother could easily dodge my sneak attack!"

"Young Master Qin Bao"

"Come on brother don't tell me that you will make a grudge between us just due to a childish action on my part, you are truly breaking this little brother's heart!"

"Youu Haiz~! Just forget it, now if you are done with whatever game you want to play, can you give us some privacy, we were in the middle of something!"

"Of course, of course, I wouldn't dare to disturb you two! It's just that I have a feeling that Tianlong Yun has escaped the last layer, or has won some sort of opportunity down there, so we might need her to trap him!"

"What!?" x2

Both, the masked guy, and Tang Li couldn't help but scream in startle as they heard those words. Which was clearly suspicious for two people who had actually decided to do something like that together.

In the startle of the masked guy there were even traces of fear because if Tianlong Yun managed to even regain his primary state and strength, he and the other two would be totally useless.

Their elaborated trap would certainly work against them if that happened, so he felt a great responsibility to follow behind Tianlong Yun and confirm his death.

What made things worse was that now he had fully offended Tianlong Yun by trying to ra*pe Tang Li, that guy would certainly never let him go.

"A-are you sure about this!?"

"Well, this is just my gut feeling at the moment, but that guy is too much of a lucky son of a gun so the chances of that happening aren't low in the least.

Furthermore, if he didn't know what was expecting him at the bottom of this place, he would never have jumped like that, would he?"


The masked guy was somewhat incredulous about such a situation truly happening, but at the same time, he was kind of frightened that it might truly happen.

The worst wasn't looking at the killer with your own eyes, but the seed of doubt and confusion about whether it was the one or not.

No matter what, the seed of doubt had been planted in this guy's heart, and it would be extremely difficult to have that removed.

"What do you suggest we do!?"

"Well, earlier I might have been a bit clueless about what to do, but now we have a great card in our hands! We can use that flower by your side and have him obey us a little, can't we!?"

"You want to use her!?"

"Yes, I certainly do! I hope that brother understands that capturing and killing Tianlong Yun now is more important than having fun with his woman, right!?

After all, there are many like her in the world, but there is only one Tianlong Yun!"

Even though Tang Li was a bit displeased by the words she heard, and especially the guy that voiced those words, her biggest concern was actually about Tianlong Yun.

She couldn't allow these bastards to use her against him, especially when she had a terrible feeling that he was in a dangerous position right now!"

With that thought in her mind, she immediately tried to benefit from the momentary lapse and kill herself by imploding her energy.

She would rather die and become Tianlong Yun's ghost than allow these bastards to use her in order to trap him.

Her sudden actions surprised and startled the masked guy, but not only, as even Qin Bao was taken a bit by surprise.

She had thought that Tang Li wasn't worthy of her husband, so she was thinking of killing her when the time was right, but it was only now that she understood her to resolve.

Unfortunately, she was a bit too far to properly take care of the situation. If a miracle didn't happen, then Tang Li was about to suicide by implosion

Check out my newest book! Return of Lust!

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