Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 306: Snow Situation In The Realm Of Fallen.

Chapter 306: Snow Situation In The Realm Of Fallen.

After Snow has entered the dimension belonging to the Fallen, it was a place covered with black mist all around the area that can barely be seen by naked eyes, however, the glowing crimson dots that once appeared as Flake traveled at a fast speed showed the existence of other Fallen creatures within it.

And Snow has quickly used the vile aura to quickly wrangle, pierce or even slice the Fallen physical body to pieces before the vile aura has finally taken the form of a terrifying mouth and greedily began to swallow the special core that every Angel, Demon, Halfling, and Fallen have within them.

In the Fallen dimension, time is slower than the Realm of Mortal which 1 day inside has already been three days outside the mortal world, it is the reason why the injured fallen creatures usually take a long time to appear once they were pushed into running away when their life is in great danger.

Every Fallen creature has a sharp instinct despite having already lost their reason that has just wanted to swallow or corrupt any living being that is in existence, although there is a rare Fallen out there that only the higher up in the Organization or powerful and important people that know about.

Including Snow that has seen the memories regarding when Brian and Ange's has a discussion about the rare Fallen the organization met in an accident since Noel has been hiding the fact that he accidentally arrives in the Realm of Mortal without a proper process.

And there is also a fact that Brian and Ange are an important member of the organization that handle anything relating to the Fallen creatures.

So, Snow that has arrived in one of the numerous split dimensions that a Fallen can stay with didn't stop the slaughter feast that has been going on for a week already, completely using the Game Map to its fullest use in order to target the weaker Fallen.

Particularly when the dimension would become Snow territory after cleaning it up and marking it as his own place to stay with until another powerful Fallen fought him for it.

Even Snow can easily understand that the Fallen world is a place where everyone is trying to consume each other in order to become stronger, powerful, and terrifying while he already has gotten another hint that a Fallen reaching a certain height meant that they can retain a reasonable mind.

And the Fallen that has retained a reasonable mind can remember their memories, so other Fallen such as an Angel, Demon, Human and Halfling are a terrifying existence since a Fallen will never have other emotions other than destruction despite having memories.

It is the reason why the organization will deal with a Fallen with intelligence as soon as they can in order to stop the birth of an S rank Fallen.

Besides though, Snow doesn't need the hint from the cheat since as soon as he has entered the Fallen Realm, the information regarding the information was deeply ingrained into his consciousness, it was so strong that even a mindless Fallen can be affected by making it their instinctual action.

Huh so that is the reason why Fallen loves to swallow others it's what their Realm has ordered them to follow as a rule.

And Snow also has to follow it or else he could feel a heavy pressure will pressure him if he refuses or rejects such an idea.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Is it the unusual World Rule Will restrained or control to the Fallen creatures?

It was something that Snow needed to think about later on since right now, he needed to keep consuming the Fallen in the dimension he appeared without any hesitation in order to grow stronger and keep the vile aura from affecting his mind since even after using the vile aura power didn't cause his reason to further descend to madness as long as he swallows a core.

So, Snow was extremely busy keeping himself stronger as a Fallen, completely sealing the idea of using the client Demon power since the chance of getting his heart back is a slim possibility, besides he needed to properly planned regarding the revenge to Brian and Ange, particularly when Brian parent is an important figure in the Organization that will definitely hunt him down.

And it was not only because of stopping Snow from becoming a complete Fallen but it was the fact that Brian and Ange have done a taboo of forcefully taking a Demon heart, after all, it would still alright if Ange has kept the client heart after getting it during the betrayal.

Since Noel truly has romantic feelings toward Ange and it wouldn't matter if it was only one-sided love, so having his heart can be considered alright, however, to give it to another person is in an entirely different matter.

That is how important a Special Core of anyone that has the blood of Angel and Blood are, particularly the creature that came in the Realm of Hell and the Realm of Heaven, once known, even their race will make a move to deal with it despite the fact that they couldn't tangle too much in the Realm Of Mortal.

Special Core can only given to their special person, so a Pure Demon and Angel having a romantic feeling to another person is truly a genuine rare matter, there are halfling and special human that tried to make them fall only to end up falling in love but instead they end up giving their heart.

So Ange was truly lucky to have managed to make Noel have romantic emotions toward him, particularly the fact that Demon and Angel are stubborn when it comes to the matter of the heart.

Although, Noel was a bit too young in Demon and Angel age though since in human age Noel is only 19 years old after falling in a space crack and Ange was absolutely fortunate, especially when Noel has some issues regarding his father and was easily seduce by Ange kind and gentle attitude.

Well, there is also a fact that there is just a person that will still fall to the wrong person and having their love being one side or even use by others without hesitation, so Noel might be just one of those people.

Nonetheless, Snow doesn't have to worry about the client's failure of love that has great cause him to lost his life after falling in love with the wrong person and has began to slaughter the Fallen while taking a necessary break once in a while.

Of course, Flake was also being given the chance to swallow some core since he is now a Fallen and needed to become stronger too, however, Flake was a special case since he doesn't need to worry about losing his mind while having intelligence.

There will definitely be chaos going on if those races in the Organization in the Realm of Mortal know about that certain impossible fact regarding a Fallen animal.

While in certain places, the five pieces of Snow broken half heart have finally reached their destination, which has caused a definite abnormal reaction that will soon greatly alarm the entire organization that has been watching over their world in secret and hiding the unusual situation from the ignorable human that doesn't know the existence of the Three Realms.

Particular their responsibility of handling the Fallen Existence and Negative Vile Aura that could easily corrupt a normal human from becoming insane and dangerous.

Even Brian and Ange didn't know the consequences of their actions that will cause chaos in the entire Realms.

After all, there is a reason why forcefully taking the heart of a Demon or Angel is forbidden and a great taboo, especially when the core belongs to a powerful existence and unfortunately to them, Noel was one of the powerful Demon in the Realm Of Hell despite being a young Demon.

So, while the consequences of the split heart cause the Three Realm to remain oblivious, in a certain simple building that was designated in the edge of a large city and was enclosed with a greenish environment that appeared to be a private place and own to a person.

A tall figure of a handsome man that is brimming in a gentle and comforting aura has tilted his head sideways causing the golden strands of his hair that appeared soft to the touch to gently sway by his movement before blinking his eye-catching warmth sky blue eyes in confusion.

"...huh so weird what was that feeling just now?"

However, the tall man with a refined and striking appearance and considerate temperament has finally turned his head back to continue what he was doing after a few seconds of trying to figure out what the strange sensation he just felt.

After checking the freshly baked goods that appeared as a beautiful and elegantly crafted art for a few more moments, the tall man has finally shown a bright smile on his thin lip appearing to be please by and causing his beautiful handsome appearance to become flawlessly attractive.

"My batch of baked goods is excellent once more. Alright! Lisette, I'm ready! Take this batch to my Cafe!"

"Finally! Claude, you always take too long checking the foods you bake early in the morning! Everyone already knows how great they are that even some powerful people in the organization are willing to line up outside in order to have the chance of eating it!"

Suddenly a slender woman with a small height but with a large breast has entered the kitchen while rolling her green eyes before shaking her head at the beautiful handsome man that has a rather nasty personality and eccentric attitude despite how completely misleading his appearance outside is.

"Hmmph, why should I please those people? It's not like I am asking them something! Besides, I'm already letting them have the chance to eat my food since I could have blacklisted them from even entering my Cafe!"

"Hahaha, you are really bad Claude! You already know how the food you create has a great effect once eaten by people like us that has power! But you want them to line up outside after randomly selecting our people to be able to enter your Cafe."

"Hey, I just prefer normal humans to eat my food. It's their fault for wanting to take a shortcut to become powerful by thinking that they can do it by eating my food when I already told them that it can only cure any ailments or sickness, which was only random and rare."

But after even having the chance to enter your Cafe by some random selection twice a week, do you have to also let them desperately pick a raffle to see if they can eat and drink in your Cafe or telling them to go home?

Really such a nasty personality, Lisette was just glad that she has grown up with Claude or else she will definitely be one of those people trying to line up despite knowing that there is a low chance that she will get to eat or even try all the wonderful drinks that the Cafe has to offer.

"Well, it is also a fact that anything you make or create is a wonderful cure which works far excellent than any Halfling that has Angel blood to heal their injuries."

Claude that has taken off the apron just rolled his sky blue eyes before walking out of the kitchen with an indifference attitude, although the gentle and soothing atmosphere in his body didn't disappear one bit, which has quickly cause Lisette to shake her head once more.

Unless a person doesn't interact with Calude, they would be easily fooled by his misleading appearance, thinking that he was generous, thoughtful, kind, and caring, when in truth he was just a nasty devil in disguise.

"If I could, I prefer to only dedicate and take care of a person in my entire life it's just too bad that it will never happen since I don't see anyone appearing in my life since the person doesn't' seemed to exist in this world."

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