Supreme Master In The Apocalypse

Chapter 162 It's Time

Hendrix chuckled as he looked at Hugo. "Are you tired already?" he asked in a teasingly manner.

The both of them were sitting in a root of the tree. They were resting for a few minutes before they will continue on what they have done so far.

Hugo nodded as he took a deep breath. "Well, who wouldn't?" he asked back as if it was already nt visible.

Hugo does not know if he will be thankful for Hendrix or not.

He was even stricter than his previous teachers in the school.

Hendrix will make him repeat all the steps that he did earlier even if he just did a slight mistake just like not angling his swords the same way or not taking enough step for his feet.

It was exhausting him to the point that he just wanted to go back and lie down already.

When Hendrix saw how Hugo stare at him, he secretly laughed in his mind. It was evident in his face how he wanted to kill him at this point.

If only Hugo's stare could kill people, then Hendrix must be buried 6 feet below the ground already

"How about we do something fun?" Hendrix smiled smiled.

"What is it?" Hugo's brows shot up as he saw an emotion flickering unto Hendrix's eyes.

"How about we go and duel about that you have learned today?" Hendrix grinned as he stood up and raise his brows to Hugo.

Hendrix didn't stop there. He smiled widely as he took his sword from the side. "Who wins will have 1 wish?"

"Deal," Hugo answered since there was nothing to lose anyway.

The sounds of the swords flickering through each other were the only sound that can be heard through the whole forest.

'How did we even get here?' Hugo took a deep sigh as he step a back froward.

The brute in front of him made a bet that if he could win in this battle, then he could have a wish. While, if Hendrix won the battle, then he will grant him a wish.

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It was absurd.

Hugo already knew that he didn't even have an ounce of winning percentage, but here he was. His hands were tightly holding on the sword as if his life depends on it.

"Is that the only thing you can do, Hugo?" Hendrix mocked when he saw how Hugo stopped for a while.

Hendrix was having fun the whole time.

The reason why he chooses to have this early on was to test Hugo if he was really willing to learn even if he was defeated by him.

This was to give motivation to him as well, that he should work hard.

Hugo's eyes quickly fixed over Hendrix after hearing what he had uttered. He glared at Hendrix who was just standing comfortably on the side that gave a more serious atmosphere throughout the place.

Hugo jumped out and striked over Hendrix. Even though Hugo's movements were quite fast, Hendrix easily dodged all the attacks. Hendrix tried to attack back, kicking Hugo in his stomach that caused a huge impact.

Hugo tilted her head to the side, not minding the slight pain from Hendrix kick. He didn't step back but rather, he jumped forward once again, letting their swords clash together.

The sound of their swords clashing with one another was creating a scene on the forest.

Even the animals who was living on it, had secretly stayed on the side to observe what was happening.

It was their first time, seeing their Master fighting over someone in his own place.

Hugo attacked in a fast-paced manner, but before his sword could even touch Hendrix, he twirled around in the air, taking a step back. Shifting his body, Hendrix jumped in position to get through Hugo's back that Hugo didn't quite expect.

Hendrix kicked Hugo on his legs before transferring to another side. He quickly held unto his sword, placing the blade of his sword to Hugo's neck.

Hendrix smiled in victory as he placed down his sword. His sword insTantly vanished as he took a step back. "Your moves became more fluid than what it used to,"

Hugo chuckled, "Are you praising me or being sarcastic?"

"Praising you, of course," Hendrix grinned, "I have one wish, huh?" He teased Hugo who was rolling his eyes as he looked at how playful, Hendrix had become.

"Yes, but make sure that I can do it," Hugo glared at Hendrix, reminding him about it.

Who knows about what might Hendrix asked him to do?

He was not a God in the first place, so he can't do a lot of things than them. Although, he for sure, can do a lot more than mere humans can.

"Yeah, I know." Hendrix grinned as glanced at Hugo. "But don't worry. Since I can't think of anything now, then I will just tell you what I want in the future."

Hugo shrugged his shoulders as he nodded. "Alright."

It was already close afternoon when Hugo and Hendrix finished what they were doing. They came back to their room and Hugo immediately lie down the bed.

He was exhausted.

He could feel his muscles getting numb as the soft mattress hit his back.

He didn't recall being this exhausted ever in his life. Although, he was tired, Hugo was happy with what he learned today.

He didn't want to say it, but Hendrix really helped him a lot especially on the right way on how to handle a sword.

When Hendrix saw Hugo, he couldn't refrain himself from laughing. It was actually commendable how Hugo managed to last that long despite the fact that it was his first time receiving proper training.

He could remember the soldiers that he have trained then. They couldn't even last a few hours when thy started joining him.

Since he wasn't that bad, Hendrix went near to Hendrix. He placed his palm on his forehead.

Hugo felt as if the tiredness on his body was slowly drifting away. His sore muscles earlier had magically gone away.

"Thanks," he uttered as he lie down to the side.

"It's already 11 45. You all can eat lunch now. I'll just take a very quick nap." Hugo uttered as he covered his full body with blanket.

He activated an alarm on his phone before he closed his eyes to take a nap even for just a little bit.

Hendrix came downstairs.

In there he saw Jimon, Natalie, and Alliyah, watching a movie together.

"Let's eat lunch already." He uttered as he went to the living room.

Good thing was that they cooked a lot earlier that they didn't need to cook anything for lunch anymore.

"Where is Hugo?" Alliyah looked around trying to find where Hugo was.

'He's taking a nap." Hendrix answered since he was the only one who knew what Hugo was currently doing.

"ohh," Alliyah nodded as she went to the kitchen. She was followed by Natalie and the both of them arrange the table by placin in some plates, glass cups, and some utensils.

Jimon was the one who take the food and reheated them. On the other hand, Hendrix, who wasn;t doing anything scratched the back of his head.

"I should do something so that it wouldn't look like as if I am idling around." He murmured to himself as he stood up.

Hendrix tried to open the refrigerator. He looked around and tried to find something that he could contribute.

However, the only thing that he could do was to take out the orange juice that they made earlier, together with the pitcher of water.

When everything was done, the four of them happily ate. They just left enough food for Hugo which he can eat for lunch.

It wasn't too long before Hugo came downstairs. He was already all dressed up.

He was thankful for Hendrix for healing his body. His body was working well and there were no aches unlike earlier.

"You all should go and get ready now. We will leave in 40 mins." He reminded them as he passed by through them.

Since all the rooms had their own bathroom, there will be no problem with how they dress up.

When they all hear it, they immediately stopped what they were watching and went upstairs.

Everyone was so excited at what will happen. Even Hugo couldn't hide the excitement that he was feeling.

'I wonder what Julius looks like now.' The corner of his lips rose up as he think of it.

In the past, Julius would try to make himself look dignified and pitiful depending on the situation. Now, he couldn't wait to find out what Julius will become.

Will he look pitiful to gain the public's attention?

That was the question on his mind that he couldn't wait to answer.

Hugo quickly ate his lunch. Since everyone was too busy, he washed the dishes and waited for all of them to come down.

It wasn't too long when one by one, they showed up.

Hugo grinned when they got completed at the living room. He took out the ring on his hand and smiled.

"It's time."

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