Supreme Master In The Apocalypse

Chapter 9 Hugo's Work

Hugo woke up very early the next morning. The first thing that he did was glance over at his phone. He saw a message notification at the top.

[Hello, Mr. Hugo. The tutor's class will start at 11 in the morning and would go on until 3 pm.]

His lips rose up. He calculated the money that he will get this instant. "$80 in just a day!"

Knowing how much money he will get, the man stood up and started to prepare himself, even though it was still 3 hours away from the appointed time. Since he knew that there would be no class for the day, he didn't need to wake up very early just to wait for the announcement.

That's one advantage of going back in time. He knows the future events that weren't known by people.

When Hugo was done taking a bath and changing his clothes, he went out of his room and saw his sister outside watching a cartoon on the television.

"Good morning, Brother!" Hailey waved her hands energetically as she saw her brother.

Hugo waved his hands back before proceeding to eat their breakfast. It was leftover food from their dinner yesterday. Since his father didn't want to waste any food, Hitano immediately refrigerated the leftovers to prolong their life.

"Where are you going, brother?" The little girl innocently looked at his brother when she noticed something different. Hugo was dressed well in an outfit.

"I'm going to the library," he simply answered to avoid his sister's curiosity.

"To meet your girlfriend?"

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Hugo choked on his food when he heard his sister's unexpected question. The man drank his water before answering. "I am there to study, Hailey."

The little girl pouted her lips. "You have never introduced a girl to us, brother."

"I will, one day."

What Hailey uttered was true. Hugo has never introduced a girl to his family, even once, even in his previous life. The man was too busy with his studies that he forgot to have a life as well.

But now, he was determined to change that. He wanted to try the things that he wasn't able to do.

And the number one on that list was to be in a relationship.

In the past, there were some girls willing to be in a relationship with him. Some were blatantly flirting with him, and of course, he flirted back with a few of them. But that's the end of it.

'Damn, thinking about it makes me embarrassed.' A sigh escaped from the man's lips.

It was embarrassing, but can you believe that he died as a virgin? A virgin! Although he was flirting back with some girls, he didn't focus on having sex with them. But of course, he has knowledge about those kinds of things as well.

"Brother, don't forget to buy me some lollipops, okay?" Hailey reminded his brother before she turned her head back to what she was watching.

Hugo signaled okay to his sister. He quickly finished his food and look at the time.

'I still have 2 hours. I should leave in an hour. Right now, I should review all the notes that I have. It's fortunate that I still remember all the lessons that I have encountered in the past.


"We are here now, Sir."

Hugo paid for the cab with his money before going out. He was dropped off in front of a 2-story house. The house has a very modern design.

He looked around and was hesitant if he should knock on the gate immediately or message them first.

'Dang, I'll just knock,' Hugo decided when he saw that there was no signal in the area.

The man waited for several minutes, but no one answered. He looked around and saw that there was a doorbell on the side. 'I have no choice.'


A loud sound rang out as Hugo pressed the button. In just a few seconds, a woman wearing a maid's outfit came out.

"Yes, Sir?" The maid raised her head to see who was their visitor.

"I'm here as a tutor…" Hugo stopped talking when he saw that the woman was lost in thoughts while staring at him intently. "Hello?"

"O-Oh, yes Sir. You can enter." The woman's face reddened. The man can truly enter her— she means the door.

Hugo shrugged his shoulders and entered the gate. He doesn't even think that the woman heard what he said. 'I'll just enter, anyway. I have been standing for so long already.'

Loreen, the maid, followed Hugo. She carefully surveyed her eyes on the man's back. She couldn't deny the fact that Hugo was good-looking. It was her first time seeing such a man.

"Are you, Mr. Hugo?" A middle-aged woman came down the stairs. She was wearing a wide smile on her face, greeting Hugo enthusiastically.

"Hello, Mrs. Reyes." Hugo greeted the woman back. He didn't know what to do when the woman just suddenly hugged him tightly.

An awkward laugh came out of Hugo's lips as the woman released him from his arms. 'I could feel her mountains from that hug!' The man scratched the back of his head as Mrs. Reyes tried to make him sit on the couch.

"I will just get some food, alright? My daughter is still outside and my mother will shortly come here." Mrs. Reyes bid goodbye before she left the living room to go to their kitchen.

When Hugo was left with the same maid from earlier, he had no choice but to talk to the woman or the atmosphere would be too awkward.

"Hi there. What's your name?" Hugo was the one who initiated the conversation when he saw that the woman was just looking at him from the side. 'She is getting creepy.'

Loreen bit her lower lips before answering. "You can call me Loreen," she answered before looking away.

'Did he notice that I was staring for too long?' she thought as worry laced her mind.

"Oh," Hugo nodded his head before fixing his posture when he heard someone going down the stairs.

Glancing over to the side, Hugo saw an old woman going down the stairs. His mind got filled with confusion when he saw that it was the same woman that he saved from the moving truck,


Author's Note- I just want to remind you that even though there will be a lot of women around Hugo's life, only those who are qualified will join his harem.

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