The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 55: Players Haven Café (2)

Chapter 55: Players Haven Café (2)

The exterior signage of the caf wasnt particularly remarkable, but the interior surpassed his expectations with its refined atmosphere.

The only issue was that, despite the spacious layout, there were only two customers present.

Setting up a caf in such a secluded place, its no wonder there are no customers.

He grumbled inwardly, but one of the customers stood up and approached him.

Excuse me, are you here to apply for the World-Changing Caf?

The man clearly appeared to be in his forties.

Is he also a player?

Shim Hyung-taek replied somewhat hesitantly.


Whats your nickname?

I go by the name Black Fale Dragon.

Oh! Nice to meet you. Im the interviewer, Nae Nai Seoreun.

Yes? Are you really a player?

Haha Yes, even though it may not seem like it, Im a player who just turned twenty-nine this year.


Please come this way.

With a brief handshake, the interviewer guided him to a seat.

Then, he introduced the young man who was already seated.

This is Little Cockle, who arrived earlier for the interview. Little Cockle, this is Black Flame Dragon. Since you might become fellow caf members, feel free to exchange greetings.

Is this kid also a player? He doesnt even seem worth a fight.

Shim Hyung-taek sneered inwardly, only shaking his head.


Ah, hello.

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Now that youve exchanged greetings, please have a seat here, Black Flame Dragon.

Shim Hyung-taek took his seat and glanced around.

It was a conscious act, as if preparing himself for any potential danger.

It seems like business isnt thriving here, right? There are no customers, and I dont even see any ordinary staff around.

Its a remote location, so thats probably the case. We rented this place as the interview venue.

Oh, so you rented it. But is there no manager present? I dont see anyone.

The manager is in the kitchen, preparing meals. This caf also serves as a dining establishment, so they have their hands full.

Shim Hyung-taek nodded, taking a moment to survey the location for any CCTV cameras. Surprisingly, there were none to be found.

Can you believe it? Not even a single CCTV camera here. I could easily kill those two and get away with it without anyone noticing.

However, he refrained from taking action, well aware of the inefficiency of such a reckless move.

Theres no point in fighting over just two lives.

Instead, he decided to join the caf and gradually build connections with other members, using that opportunity to lure and eliminate them discreetly.

But first, should I target that little shrimp?

Shim Hyung-taeks gaze lingered on Little Crock, who appeared to be in his early twenties. The moment their eyes met, the young man quickly averted his gaze, seemingly shy.

Hes quite timid for a guy. What a pathetic loser.

A faint mocking laughter escaped Shim Hyung-taek, but he quickly composed himself.

As an uncomfortable silence settled among the three individuals, Shim Hyung-taek finally spoke up.

Arent we supposed to have an interview?

Oh, theres another interviewee who hasnt arrived yet. Well proceed with the interview once theyre here.

So, theres someone else being interviewed besides us?

Wanting to confirm if there were any additional participants, Shim Hyung-taek inquired directly.

Does that mean there will be a total of three people interviewed?

Yes, thats correct. Since the scheduled time has just passed, lets wait a bit longer Ah, there they are.

The sound of the door opening drew everyones attention to the person entering.

The interviewer, stepping forward, cautiously asked, Um Are you the applicant for World-Changing Caf?

Yes, indeed.

I apologize for being forward, but could you please share your nickname?

I go by the name Black Scythe.



The room fell into stunned silence as everyone processed the unexpected revelation.

Bl-Black Scythe?


The only person who wasnt taken aback was the interviewer, who had been aware of Black Scythes identity beforehand.

As I suspected! So, youre Black Scythe! Its a pleasure to meet you!

The interviewer reached out for a handshake, exchanging pleasantries.

Was the journey here inconvenient for you?

It was a bit inconvenient.

Although caught off guard by Black Scythes informal tone, the interviewer maintained a composed demeanor, aware of the significance of the encounter.

Haha, I apologize for bringing you to this secluded place. Theres no better location for discreet interactions than here.

Black Scythe remained silent, his rigid posture exuding an unmatched air of arrogance.

Nevertheless, the interviewer continued to smile, undeterred by any signs of displeasure.

By the way, youre quite good-looking. You must be popular with the ladies, right?


Lets have a seat here.

The four of them settled down at the table.

These two are the candidates for todays interview. Please introduce yourselves.

Um, hello, Im Little Crock.


Black Flame Dragon, would you like to introduce yourself?

But Shim Hyung-taek couldnt hear a word as the interviewer spoke. His tense nerves made his back damp with sweat.

This person is the same Black Scythe who killed me five times?

Thanks to that guy, he almost missed the chance to rank among the top players in the fourth round. He wasted 50 precious minutes that could have been used to eliminate more opponents and increase his stats.

If we ever meet in real life, I wanted to ask him why he went to such lengths to kill me.

And now, fate had brought them face to face.

Black Flame Dragon? Whats going on? Arent you going to greet him?

Oh, hello. Im Black Flame Dragon.

Black Scythe nodded with arms crossed.

I am Black Scythe.

No one dared to interrupt his audacious self-introduction, considering his status as the top-ranked player in the entire region.

However, Shim Hyung-taek found it perplexing.

Whats this? Doesnt he even recognize me?

He had expected Black Scythe to instantly recall his nickname and realize who he wasthe one who fell victim to his relentless attacks in the fourth round.

He glanced at Black Scythe again, but the expression remained impassive, showing no trace of recognition.

Could he possibly have forgotten my nickname? After all the times he killed me? Haha.

Shim Hyung-taek wasnt the only one taken aback.

What an absurd guy,

Even Little Crock concealed his bewildered thoughts while gazing at Black Scythe.

Am I always acting this arrogant?

Little Crock knew the truth. The man before him wasnt Black Scythe.

He must have worked hard to mimic me so perfectly.

Ryu Min, disguised as Little Crock, stifled his laughter as he observed Black Scythe. No, there was no point in calling him Black Scythe anymore. He was merely an imposter with a criminal record.

And this imposter, held the key to unlocking the Doppelganger Rune.

Thats why Ryu Min, currently operating under the nickname Little Crock, assumed this disguise.

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