The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 377

Chapter 377 - A Very Experienced Dishwasher

Wang Guohui and Boss Shen were locked in a heated argument, while Zhou Yong stood at the door, his face etched with confusion.

What exactly was happening?

Zhou Yong was desperate for someone to explain what had transpired. Why had Uncle Wang, who was supposed to be on his side, suddenly switched allegiances to Su Ming?

No matter how Zhou Yong pondered the situation, it just didn't sit right with him. He cautiously inquired, “Uncle Wang, weren't you here to assist me?”

“Get lost!” Wang Guohui looked up, his eyes bulging as he barked the insult.

Zhou Yong was left speechless by the rebuke.

“I usually turn a blind eye to your antics, but you've gone and offended Mr. Su? You're bold, I'll give you that! But you've really done it now. Nobody can help you!” Wang Guohui declared, his brow furrowed.

?”What?” Zhou Yong was stunned.

“Get your father here to deal with this mess,” Wang Guohui said icily before dismissing Zhou Yong.

Wang Guohui, Boss Shen, and Manager Cao were all diligently attending to Su Ming and Su Qiu.

The onlookers from the nearby private rooms recognized Wang Guohui as Boss Wang of the Trade Company.

He was known as the wealthiest man in Eastsea.

Even he was deferential in Su Ming's presence.

It was clear to everyone that this young man must be someone of significant influence.

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With that in mind, they approached Su Ming with beaming smiles, offering toasts and engaging in conversation. The room buzzed with activity.

Left alone in the hallway, Zhou Yong had no choice but to call his father.

Upon receiving the news, Zhou Jianshan was on the verge of fury.

He rushed to the scene in his car.

“Look at the mess you've made! I refuse to acknowledge an unfilial son like you today!”

Upon arrival, Zhou Jianshan immediately berated his son.

Hearing his father's harsh words, Zhou Yong was on the brink of tears.

He couldn't fathom the severity of the situation. As his father's only son, how could his father disown him?

After giving Zhou Yong a stern talking-to, Zhou Jianshan quickly approached Su Ming, bowed deeply, and offered his apologies, “Mr. Su, I am deeply sorry. I have failed in my duties as a parent, and I can no longer claim him as my son. Please, I beg you not to hold a grudge.”

?Zhou Yong was unfamiliar with Su Ming, but Zhou Jianshan knew him well. Wang Guohui had brought up Su Ming several times during their casual conversations and had even shown Zhou Jianshan a photo of Su Ming. Consequently, Zhou Jianshan had been eager to meet this renowned figure.

?Thankfully, he eventually made Su Ming's acquaintance, although the circumstances were less than ideal.

“I'm not upset,” Su Ming said with a smile. “I've had my fill, and it's time for me to leave. I appreciate the hospitality. Boss, could you tally up the bill, please?”

“Mr. Su, by saying that, you're making me look bad. Your patronage alone is an honor for our establishment. I couldn't possibly take your money,” Boss Shen protested, shaking his head emphatically.

?”Having enjoyed the meal, it's only right that I pay for it,” Su Ming insisted, still smiling.

“Boss Shen, since Mr. Su insists, please accept his payment,” Wang Guohui interjected, understanding Su Ming's character well.

Su Ming was not one to seek undue favors, and he certainly wasn't short on cash. If he wished, he could acquire numerous dining establishments.

?”Very well,” Boss Shen conceded, reluctantly taking the money.

“Mr. Su, you're truly generous,” Boss Shen remarked, tears welling up in his eyes.

“The meal was excellent. I'll be sure to return,” Su Ming assured him, giving Boss Shen a reassuring pat on the shoulder. After exchanging farewells with Wang Guohui, he departed with Su Qiu.

“Take care, Mr. Su.”

“Mr. Su, we look forward to seeing you again.”

“Mr. Su is such a kind-hearted individual.”

“Indeed, he's not only young and successful but also highly cultured.”

“Mr. Su exudes a distinguished air, and his eloquence is remarkable. He's truly an impressive figure.”

As Su Ming left the restaurant, a diverse group of influential figures bid him a respectful farewell, creating an atmosphere akin to a grand send-off.

Once Su Ming had gone, everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief. Mr. Su's commanding presence had been almost overwhelming.

?At that point, all eyes turned to Zhou Yong, who shuddered with the realization that his situation was dire.

?Wang Guohui fixed Zhou Jianshan with a stern gaze and declared, “Old Zhou, I think our future collaborations are no longer necessary.”

“Guohui, surely it's not that serious? Aren't we on good terms?” Zhou Jianshan's voice betrayed his sudden panic.

But Wang Guohui was resolute, shaking his head: “Your foolish son has crossed Mr. Su, and I can no longer do business with you. Farewell!” With those final words, Wang Guohui departed.

Zhou Jianshan felt like he might pass out. His current status was entirely due to Wang Guohui's support. Now, with Wang Guohui severing their partnership and pulling out his investment, Zhou Jianshan stood to lose everything.

“You disgraceful child!” Zhou Jianshan turned to his son, shouting furiously. He was so enraged he felt like he might burst. How, he wondered, could he have fathered such a fool?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got, and he began to slap Zhou Yong repeatedly. Onlookers observed the scene, commenting on Zhou Jianshan's technique with a mix of amusement and interest. They unanimously concluded that Zhou Jianshan could take the title in a slapping contest.

Exhausted from the ordeal, Zhou Jianshan turned to Boss Shen and said, “Boss Shen, I deeply apologize. I'm going to compensate you right now.” He promptly took out his phone and transferred 680,000 yuan to Boss Shen.

?Boss Shen was momentarily taken aback when he saw the transfer. The vase was worth 880,000 yuan; why had Zhou Jianshan sent only 680,000 yuan? But after a moment's reflection, he realized the missing 200,000 yuan was not a concern. Without Zhou Yong's commotion, he would never have met Mr. Su. In fact, he owed Zhou Yong his gratitude.

Zhou Jianshan then clarified, “Boss Shen, the 200,000 yuan I didn't transfer will be covered by Zhou Yong. Starting today, he'll be washing dishes in your hotel. He'll be paid 1,000 yuan a month. For every broken bowl, deduct 100 yuan; for each bowl not thoroughly cleaned, deduct 50 yuan. He can stop once he's earned the full 200,000 yuan.”

?Upon hearing this, Zhou Yong broke down in tears.

He thought to himself, ‘It's bad enough that my father has beaten and scolded me, but how could he let me become a dishwasher? With a salary of only 1,000 yuan a month, I'll barely make 12,000 yuan in a year. How will I ever save up 200,000 yuan?'

Moreover, Zhou Yong had never worked a day in his life.

He was likely to struggle with getting the dishes clean, perhaps even breaking a few in the process.

After giving it some serious thought, Zhou Yong feared he might end up spending the rest of his days in that very spot.

He was engulfed by a sense of utter hopelessness.

Then, a realization struck him: he hadn't broken the porcelain!

He remembered that it was the person standing next to him who had caused the breakage.

But Zhou Yong didn't see anyone; all that was left was a pair of high heels on the ground.

He surmised that the person responsible for breaking the pottery must have been worried about making noise and attracting his attention, so she slipped off her shoes and fled.

Zhou Yong was overwhelmed with a sense of helplessness, feeling as if the entire world was against him.

From that point forward, Zhou Yong became the most experienced employee at Sichuan Restaurant.

He became a master at dishwashing, even outperforming the aunties.

?Still, he often found himself muttering under his breath as he worked, saying things like, “I didn't break anything!” or “Dad, please let me come home!”

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