The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 380

C380 – I Can Afford This House

There were five neighborhoods in close proximity to one another, with three of them nestled tightly together. Previously, this area was a park—a vital green space in the heart of the city that not only provided recreation but also contributed to the urban greenery. However, the park became a source of irritation for the nearby residents due to an overwhelming mosquito population.

Moreover, the park was home to a natural hot spring. Ordinarily, a hot spring would be a delightful amenity, offering residents the opportunity to relax in a hot spring bath, which is beneficial for one’s health. Unfortunately, the hot spring emitted a pungent odor that was particularly offensive during the summer months, permeating the air in the surrounding neighborhoods.

​Experts were called in to investigate the issue. They discovered that adjacent to Eastsea City was a mountain that had once been an active volcano. Now dormant, it no longer posed a threat of eruption. The hot spring, however, flowed along the old volcanic range, infusing the water with high concentrations of sulfur and other minerals, which accounted for the unpleasant smell.

Initially, officials were reluctant to alter the park, valuing its contribution to the city’s greenery. At that time, the hot spring’s odor was not as intense, and the community could endure it. Residents enjoyed evening strolls, practicing Tai Chi, and participating in square dancing in the park.

But starting two years ago, the hot spring’s odor intensified to unbearable levels, affecting even the park’s artificial lake, where many fish perished and the water turned yellow. Further investigation by experts revealed that long-term erosion of groundwater had caused significant underground corrosion, leading to a surge in water impurities.

With no other options, officials had to fill in both the artificial lake and the hot spring. The construction of a new real estate development took three years to complete. It was only the day before yesterday that the properties were put on the market. Yet, before they could be widely offered for sale, Su Ming had already purchased them. Su Ming arrived at the nearest sales office in his truck, ready to finalize the acquisition.

He found a parking space and had just finished parking his car when he got out. A man in a suit approached, frowning deeply. The man eyed Su Ming with a scowl. “Hey, vegetable seller, who gave you permission to park here? Move your vehicle immediately.”

“Vegetable seller?” Su Ming was momentarily taken aback. He wondered, “Who could he be talking about?” “Isn’t this a sales office?” “Where would someone be selling vegetables?” It dawned on Su Ming that the man in the suit was referring to him. It made sense, given that Su Ming had arrived in a truck.

“I’m here to purchase a house,” Su Ming explained, smiling.

​Despite the man’s unpleasant demeanor, Su Ming preferred not to get into a dispute. The man’s actions were somewhat justified; after all, the sales office parking was intended for prospective homebuyers, and Su Ming’s large truck was indeed taking up considerable space.

Hearing Su Ming’s response, the man scoffed, “Do you even know where you are?”

“Yes, this is the sales office,” Su Ming replied.

​”Do you know where these houses are located?” the man pressed.

“These are the Second Ring Road houses,” Su Ming blinked, puzzled.

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​Su Ming thought to himself, “What exactly is he getting at?”

​”So you’re aware, and yet you boast?” The man sneered dismissively. “Kid, these are properties in the Second Loop of Eastsea. The least expensive is 120,000 yuan per square meter. The smallest unit I sell here is 80 square meters, valued at nearly ten million yuan. Even with a 30% down payment, you’re looking at almost three million yuan. You, a vegetable seller, think you can afford a house here?”

Su Ming blinked again and stroked his chin, thinking to himself, “Actually, I can afford it. The key point is, I didn’t even have to spend my own money; the System awarded the houses to me… I had no choice but to accept them.”

“I can afford it,” Su Ming affirmed with a serious nod.

The man, taken aback, thought, “Am I giving you too much credit?” “If I’m telling you to leave, then you should leave promptly.”

“You?” he continued, scrutinizing Su Ming. “Dressed in clothes that look like they’re from a street stall, wearing a child’s watch. Do you really think you can afford a house here? Are you joking with me?”

The manager was just about to speak when a black sedan approached from a distance. The man’s face transformed at the sight, his sneer of contempt quickly replaced by a beaming smile. He rushed to welcome the occupants of the car.

“Mr. Du, Ms. Lee, what brings you here so early? If you had called ahead, I would have arranged for someone to pick you up, sparing you the drive,” he said, bowing obsequiously.

“It’s no trouble,” Mr. Du replied as he parked the car and stepped out with his wife. “I didn’t have much else to do, so I thought I’d take a leisurely drive.”

The man nodded eagerly. “Please, come inside.”

“It’s really no bother. Manager Ma, with your new property development, I’m sure you’re quite busy. We’re just here to have a casual look,” Mr. Du said graciously.

​”Mr. Du, you are my most esteemed guest. I insist on accompanying you today!” Manager Ma replied with urgency.

Mr. Du was a wealthy man, with assets in the billions. With his wealth, he enjoyed making investments, like purchasing real estate to preserve his fortune. The man thought to himself, “I’ve heard Mr. Du owns quite a few properties.”

“If Mr. Du takes a liking to these houses and decides to buy, I’ll make a fortune! If he doesn’t, that’s fine, but if he does, he’s sure to buy several, and only the most expensive and best ones at that—possibly spending tens or even hundreds of millions. As a sales manager, my commission is substantial. If I can make Mr. Du happy, I’ll be wealthy overnight. A few million in commission is guaranteed.”

At that moment, Manager Ma had eyes only for Mr. Du, completely disregarding Su Ming. Manager Ma thought to himself, “You’re one lucky vegetable seller today. But then again, I should thank you. If it weren’t for my intention to send you away, I wouldn’t have had the chance to meet Mr. Du directly.” Indeed, greeting Mr. Du in the parking lot showed far more enthusiasm than waiting for him to come inside.

Su Ming, realizing he was being ignored, was quite content to enjoy his newfound freedom.

He entered the sales office.

The office was quiet that morning, with only a few people around.

The sales staff noticed Su Ming but quickly diverted their attention.

​They thought to themselves, “He’s just here to look around. He can’t afford to buy.”

“I can’t afford to miss out on a real buyer because of him. That would be a costly mistake.”

Su Ming was unfazed.

He examined the building’s model.


He thought, “Not bad at all.”

“The lighting in these buildings is excellent.”

“I’ll gift these to my parents.”

“These two homes are conveniently close to the neighboring school.”

“It’s easy for kids to get to school through the side entrance.”

“I’ll reserve these two for Su Qiu.”

“The rest of these units are pretty standard; I’ll rent them out.”

Su Ming continued his leisurely stroll, hands clasped behind his back.

Suddenly, he noticed two people standing before him.

He looked up.

“Isn’t that Mr. Du and his wife?”

“And where’s the obsequious Manager Ma?”

As Su Ming pondered, Mr. Du’s phone rang.

Mr. Du pulled out his phone and answered.

After a brief exchange, Mr. Du’s face fell.

“What? They’ve all been bought by someone else? Okay, I’ve got it.”

Mr. Du ended the call.

Meanwhile, Manager Ma approached from afar, carrying a tray with two cups of coffee.

“Mr. Du, Ms. Lee. Here’s some imported coffee; it’s excellent.”

Manager Ma spoke as he walked.

He suddenly caught sight of Su Ming.

Manager Ma thought to himself, “He actually came inside!”

​Before he could finish his thought, Manager Ma tripped, spilling forward.

The scalding coffee splashed precisely onto Mr. Du and Ms. Lee, leaving them with grimaces of pain.

​Not a single drop of coffee was spared.

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