The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 383

Chapter 383 - You Can Choose to Believe It or Not

Manager Soong lay on the ground for quite some time before he groggily opened his eyes.

What he saw was a mountain of property certificates belonging to Su Ming.

He nearly passed out once more.

Thankfully, with two prior experiences under his belt, he managed to stay conscious.

Still, he felt quite lightheaded.

Today had been an eye-opener for him; his life had not been lived in vain.

The more Manager Soong thought about it, the more overwhelmed he became, almost to the point of tears.

Standing beside him, Su Ming asked, “Manager Soong, may I proceed with the paperwork now?”

”Yes!” Manager Soong responded promptly.

“Wang, keep watch here. I'll be right back.”

With that, Manager Soong headed for the sales hall.

This residential area was in a better location than the last.

It was surrounded by supermarkets, banks, schools, hospitals, and subway stations.

The amenities were comprehensive, and the convenience of travel was unmatched.

Plus, it was incredibly close to the first ring road.

An absolute prime location!

As a result, many people were eager to purchase here once the building was completed.

“Attention, everyone!”

Manager Soong burst into the hall, bellowing at the top of his lungs.

The crowd inside jumped in shock.

The security guards, thinking there was a disturbance, were ready to spring into action. But when they turned around, they realized the shouter was none other than Manager Soong.

“Manager Soong, are you okay?” a saleswoman asked as she cautiously approached him.

“I'm fine!” Manager Soong, his face flushed with excitement, called out, “I need everyone to gather around me!”

The sales staff were taken aback.

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They were in the middle of attending to clients, some of whom were on the verge of signing contracts.

Was this really the time to gather?

“Manager Soong, there are so many customers here, and several are about to sign contracts,” the saleswoman whispered to him.

”Tell them to leave!” Manager Soong blurted out.

The customers, upon hearing this, became instantly displeased.

They sensed Manager Soong's disdain, assuming he thought they couldn't afford the homes.

“I'll take these three houses,” one customer stated icily.

”I want these three floors.”

“I've just viewed five houses, and I'll take them all.”

“I'm buying these eight houses.”

Those customers who had been indecisive swiftly made their decisions.

They were intent on making Manager Soong lose face with their actions.

“We're not selling any of these houses anymore!”

Ultimately, Manager Soong uttered a statement that left everyone in shock.

There was a collective pause of disbelief.

“Manager Soong, perhaps you should go upstairs and take a break?”

The saleswoman edged closer to Manager Soong and took a discreet sniff. There was no scent of alcohol on him, and he didn't appear to be drunk.

After all, Manager Soong was known to seldom drink.

What could have prompted him to start spouting such nonsense?

Manager Soong announced in a loud voice, “A single customer has bought all the buildings in our complex.”

The hall fell into an eerie silence.

You could hear a pin drop.

“Manager Soong, please don't make jokes.”

“It's not April Fools' Day.”

“Soong, you're usually so by-the-book; I can't believe you'd make such a joke.”

Many were skeptical of Manager Soong's claim.

How many houses were there? What was their total value?

Could someone really be wealthy enough to purchase them all?

The joke seemed far too outlandish.

“Believe it or not, that's up to you! All female staff at the sales office, line up at the entrance. All male staff, come with me!”

Manager Soong's face was stern.

His tone matched his serious expression.

Though the employees were clueless about what was happening, they knew Manager Soong was in charge and that they should follow his lead.

The female employees assembled in two rows at the door.

The male employees trailed behind Manager Soong.

The customers left in the hall exchanged puzzled glances.

“What is Soong up to now?”

“I refuse to believe someone bought all the houses. Let's go see for ourselves.”

“Yes! Let's find out what Soong is really up to!”

They promptly made their way outside.

At that moment, Manager Soong approached Su Ming with a group in tow.

He was exceedingly respectful as he said, “Mr. Su, I've brought the staff as you requested.”

Manager Soong had just reviewed the property deeds, hence he knew Su Ming's name.

“No need for such a crowd.”

Su Ming offered a slight smile.

Upon hearing this, Manager Soong remarked, “Your car has at least 30 large bags.”

“These six bags hold the property deeds for our complex; the others are for different complexes.”

Su Ming's smile was serene.

Manager Soong was so astounded that he was momentarily breathless.

Who in the world was Su Ming?

These thirty large bags were filled with property certificates for the house he had just purchased!

Manager Soong, having been in the real estate industry for quite some time, was aware of the recent property sales.

An incredible thought took shape in Manager Soong's mind.

Could it be that Mr. Su had purchased all the new developments in the area?

“Quickly, follow Mr. Su's orders and bring those big bags down!”

“Get the tea ready immediately.”

“And you, prepare the handover procedures posthaste!”

Manager Soong issued his commands in a flurry.

The staff members were perplexed.

The bags were typically used for storing fertilizer; why was Manager Soong so worked up?

Nonetheless, they didn't dare to ignore his commands and dutifully carried the bags down.

Su Ming led the way, with Manager Soong stooping to follow behind him. Trailing Manager Soong were over a dozen employees, working in pairs to heft the hefty bags.

They soon reached the sales office entrance.

“Welcome, Mr. Su!”

Upon seeing Su Ming, all the female sales associates called out in chorus with their sweetest voices.

Once inside the lobby, Su Ming took a seat on the sofa, guided by Manager Soong.

A line of male employees stood behind him, resembling a squad of bodyguards.

Beside him, two of the most attractive saleswomen were at the ready, serving him tea and water.

The sight left the other customers bewildered.

These bags were merely used for fertilizer; what was the meaning of Manager Soong's charade?

Amidst the customers' confusion, Su Ming instructed, “Dump out the contents and take inventory.”

“Right away, Mr. Su!”

One employee opened a bag and emptied its contents.

A pile of old briefcases tumbled out.

The onlookers grew even more discontented.

These were individuals of some renown, and they were being snubbed over some tattered briefcases!

Manager Soong unzipped one of the briefcases and pulled out a stack of bright red property certificates.

The customers were taken aback.

Manager Soong's claims were true; someone had indeed bought up the entire block!

Who could this magnate be?

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