The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 384

Chapter 384 - The Explosive News

After several minutes of silence, the room suddenly burst into excitement.

“Where's the boss?”

Manager Soong urgently inquired of a nearby staff member.

“The boss is probably still asleep.”

”Get the boss up, now!” Manager Soong demanded, eyes bulging with urgency.

”Right away!” The staff member didn't dare to waste a moment.

The third floor housed the office area, including the boss's office and bedroom. Normally, no one was permitted on this floor without the boss's consent. But the urgency of the situation overrode protocol.

The staff member rushed to the boss's room and began pounding on the door. The boss had been out all night and had only returned around seven or eight in the morning. He had just fallen asleep when he was jolted awake by the commotion.

Fuming, the boss threw on his pajamas and opened the door, frowning and yelling, “What's the meaning of this? Who let you up here? Don't you know the rules around here?”

“Boss, there's been a huge problem!” the staff member blurted out.

”What's going on?” the boss demanded, his frown deepening.

”Boss, someone has bought our entire property!”

The staff member spoke quickly.

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”What did you say?” The boss's reaction was immediate. He grabbed the staff member by the shirt and pressed for details.

“Boss, all of our houses have been bought by a single person.”

The boss shook his head in disbelief. “That's impossible! If that were true, wouldn't I know about it?”

“Just come downstairs and see for yourself,” the staff member urged.

The boss was skeptical, but the staff member didn't appear to be lying. He rushed downstairs.

Upon arriving, he saw a crowd gathered around the sofa, where a table was covered with bright red property certificates. The boss, taken aback, hurried over.

”Boss, Mr. Su has bought all of our properties,” Manager Soong said, barely containing his excitement.

Standing before Su Ming, the boss was so agitated he hardly knew what to say. “Why are you serving Mr. Su this tea? Go to my office and bring out the good tea leaves!”

The properties had only just gone on sale, yet Su Ming already had the ownership certificates in hand. The boss concluded that Su Ming must be an incredibly influential man.

While everyone else was a bundle of nerves and excitement, Su Ming remained the picture of composure, sipping his tea with ease.

The customers around only realized what was happening at that moment.

“Who is this VIP?”

“I thought I was impressive for being able to buy two houses here, but I'm nothing compared to this guy.”

“If I'm not mistaken, didn't he arrive in a truck?”

“Yes, I saw him when he parked. I underestimated him, and now I see I'm the fool.”

In Su Ming's presence, these wealthy individuals felt as insignificant as beggars.

They all aspired to be Su Ming.

Several attractive young women fixed their gazes on Su Ming.

Had the crowd not been so dense, they would have thrown themselves at him by now.

“Despite his simple attire, there's something about him that's just so dashing!”

“For the first time, I feel like a truck can be a status symbol, just like a luxury car.”

“I'd rather be crying in the back of a truck than laughing in a Ferrari.”

“He's incredibly good-looking!”

The girls nearby were nearly losing their minds.

Every move Su Ming made sent them into a frenzy.

The news spread like wildfire.

Since the crowd was composed of affluent individuals, they all had extensive networks.

Word got out, and many flocked to the scene.

“You're not joking, right? Someone actually bought all these houses?”

“With all these deeds, it must be true!”

“Isn't there a purchase restriction in Eastsea?”

“Purchase limits don't apply to someone of his caliber!”

Before long, the entrance was lined with a variety of vehicles.

Scores of people poured in.

Upon witnessing the scene, they were all astounded.

“It's actually true!”

“I used to think I was a big deal. Starting today, I'm going to be more humble.”

“Why is that truck at the entrance being guarded by several people?”

“That's Mr. Su's vehicle!”

The hall was nearly bursting at the seams with people.

Yet, there was a clear space around Su Ming.

No one dared get too close.

Manager Soong and the owner tended to Su Ming with utmost caution, barely daring to breathe too loudly.

Several business owners got wind of the situation.

“Did someone buy up all of Faang's properties?”

“Is this person Su Ming?”

Someone speculated, “Could it be that Su Ming bought all your properties too?”

“Did he buy your properties as well?”

“Yes, Mr. Su bought our developments too!”

The sensational news continued to spread rapidly.

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