The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 385

Chapter 385 - I Don't Want Your Things Anymore

At that moment, Boss Faang's secretary, who had spent the night with him, descended the stairs. She had already changed into fresh clothes and was clutching a phone that displayed ten thousand missed calls.

Approaching Boss Faang, she informed him, “Boss, you have a caller.”

“I'm busy!”

Boss Faang didn't even glance her way. He was preoccupied with attending to Su Ming and had no interest in taking calls.

Su Ming chuckled and reassured him, “Go ahead, Boss Faang. Take the call.”

“Right away!”

Boss Faang grabbed the phone, his eyes widening in astonishment.

All these missed calls?

Were these from the other developers who had launched their properties today?

He dialed back one of the numbers at random.

“Faang, you've finally picked up. Did a guy named Su Ming buy all your developments?”

“Yes,” Boss Faang replied, blinking.

He wasn't surprised; such news traveled fast.

“Hold onto Mr. Su, I'm on my way!”

The voice on the other end was laced with urgency, underscored by the blare of a car horn.

“Mr. Yang, isn't your property launching today too? Aren't you swamped?”

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“Mr. Su bought my development as well!”

“What?” Boss Fong was dumbfounded.

“Just keep Mr. Su there, I'm coming right now!” Mr. Yang said before abruptly ending the call.

Seconds later, another call came through.

“Faang, is the person who bought your property named Su Ming?”

Boss Faang was taken aback.

“Let me tell you, Mr. Su is a major player. Did you know he didn't just buy your property, but he acquired all the properties within the Second Ring Road?”

“What?” Boss Faang felt as if he were in a dream.

His head spun.

Su Ming had purchased all the newly opened buildings in the Eastsea Second Ring Road?

He had thought Su Ming was just a mysterious tycoon. The fact that he had bought his property was already astonishing!

But Su Ming had gone on to buy all the newly opened properties within the Eastsea Second Ring Road!

Shortly thereafter, four buses pulled up to the entrance.

Four bald men led their teams in a frenzied dash inside.

“Where's Mr. Su?”

They were shocked to learn that Su Ming had acquired their properties, but without knowing his whereabouts, they had no choice but to wait patiently.

News from Boss Faang came quickly. After a round of phone calls, it became clear that Su Ming had purchased all five of the newly opened properties that day. It seemed Su Ming had gone mad! He swiftly gathered his staff and rushed to Boss Faang's location with all their gear in tow. As a mysterious tycoon, Su Ming naturally had everyone eager to offer their services.

“Old Liu, your property is on the other side of the Second Ring Road, at least a twenty-minute drive from here. How on earth did you make it in five minutes?”

“I flew by rocket!”

“I thought I was the nearest and would be the first to pay Mr. Su a visit!”

“That's impossible!”

“Old Fong, hold it right there!”

The four bosses jostled each other as they entered.

“Mr. Su, I'm the owner of Sky Dragon International Community. I've brought my entire staff, so we can discuss business right here.”

“Mr. Su, I'm the owner of Flourishing Court, and my employees are here as well.”

“Mr. Su, I represent Empire Community.”

The bosses quickly introduced themselves amidst the chaos.

Su Ming found their clamor overwhelming and felt a wave of dizziness.

“Stop!” he exclaimed, gesturing for silence.

The five men immediately fell silent, as quiet and docile as schoolchildren.

“The contracts are in my car. Follow me.”

Su Ming stood and made his way outside, with the crowd parting to let him pass. He approached the truck, leaving the bosses, except for Boss Faang, puzzled as to why Su Ming had come to this location. When Su Ming opened the trunk to reveal a large bag, they were even more perplexed. “What is Mr. Su up to?”

“Just wait,” he said, climbing into the vehicle.

He opened a large bag, glanced inside, then tossed it onto the ground.

“These are for Sky Dragon International Community,” Su Ming announced.

The boss of Sky Dragon International Community hesitated before opening the bag, only to discover it was full of briefcases. Squeezing one, he felt something inside. Upon opening it, he found a real estate contract and everything clicked.

No wonder Su Ming had arrived in a truck—he had an abundance of contracts!

Su Ming was incredibly impressive!

After purchasing his house, he stuffed all the real estate contracts into a large bag—a truly astonishing move.

Su Ming was rolling in wealth!

“Everyone, gather around for the count.”

Staff from the Sky Dragon International Community hurried over.

Two men brought over a large table and several stools.

A group of over twenty security guards encircled the area.

Some employees opened the large bag and started pulling out property purchase contracts.

“These belong to Flourishing Court.”

Su Ming tossed down another hefty bag.

He continued to drop these massive bags one by one.

Onlookers' hearts raced at the sight.

Inside this bag were nearly 100 real estate contracts!

Their imaginations were limited; they had never envisioned someone buying so many properties!

Before long, Su Ming had tossed most of the big bags out of the vehicle.

Only the owner of Empire Community remained, inquiring, “Mr. Su, are there any more purchase contracts?”

He blinked at Su Ming, noting several big bags still inside the car.

Why hadn't Su Ming thrown down the big bag with the Empire Community's purchase contracts?

“I no longer want your property,” Su Ming stated icily.

The owner of Empire Community was taken aback.

What was Su Ming implying?

He couldn't recall having done anything to offend Su Ming, could he?

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