The CEO’s Perfect Mistake

Chapter 172 - Unexpected Invitation

Megan's POV

"Are you okay now, Meg?" Ashton asked as he watched me put on my clothes.

"Yes, and I think you are my only medicine, Ashton," I said, and he chuckled.

"Wow, I love that, Megan, and I think from now on you should make a big cabinet for me since I will be part of your emergency kit." He said, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing at him.

"Are you sure you wanted to go back to your office? How about we are going to fetch Axel at his school?" He asked, and my smile broadened.

"Wow, that would be a good idea," I said, and I typed a quick message to my secretary that I would not be going back to the office; I instructed her to shut down my desktop since I only shut down my laptop.

Ashton gave me a tour of his house after getting out of his room holdings hands. We made our way through the hallways, and I couldn't stop myself from looking around his house. I realized he got a big home as we descended to the grand staircase, and it was funny that I didn't remember he took me upstairs, and I wondered why he bought a new place when they have so many homes in Majuscule.

I love the contemporary design of Ashton's house, and the interior design took my breath away. I could tell he hired an interior designer for his house since I love it, from the living room to the dining area, and then furniture is fantastic. I could tell he spent a reasonable amount of money on this house alone, but he was a football player and the son of Gregory Pritzgold. Now he is the CEO of his father's company, and I am sure the amount he spent in this house couldn't touch the figure on his bank account.

"What can you say about my home?" He asked, and I smiled at him.

"It is beautiful, Ashton, spotless, immaculate, and I love everything in this house," I said, and I could tell that he watched my face, and I suddenly felt conscious.

"I am glad you like it, Meg." He said, and he kissed the back of my hand, and I was looking at his long black L-shaped leather sofa and the biggest screen I have ever seen, maybe he was watching his football game on the big screen most of the time, but I remembered he also has a wide TV screen inside his room.

"Are you ready?" He asked, and I nodded my head, and we got out through the main door, and I smiled as I realized he didn't let go of my hand. 

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We drove away from his house, and I couldn't stop myself from watching his long driveway, and it reminds me of their house in Astikoz. I suddenly felt sad when I remembered the day the guard didn't allow Alice and me to get inside their mansion, but we asked Zach's help, and the guard didn't know we were inside Zachary's car, and I couldn't believe Ashton would instruct their guards not to let me in that time.

"What are you thinking about, Meg?" Ashton asked, and I looked at him and smiled.

"Nothing important, Ashton." I lied, and he squeezed my palm, and we listened to his playlist, and I couldn't believe he would be listening to Gael's music.

"I thought you hated Gael. How come you were listening to his music?" I asked.

"Megan, every time I listened to his music, I didn't focus on his voice, but on every lyric, since I know it was you who have written all his music. You don't need to tell me anything, Meg; from the moment you sold your first composition about me, I know you gave me up already." He declared.

"But I never lost my hope, and I was still wishing that someday, we will be together again, and I am so thankful I didn't lose my hope." He added, and I was shocked by his response.

"I don't know even until now how to make it up with you, Meg, but I promise I will do my best." He continued, and I looked at him before I turned my attention on the road while I couldn't stop my tears from falling.

"For eight long years, I waited for this moment, Ashton, to be with you, and for how many times I ended up with a broken heart because of you, but I couldn't stop my heart from loving you. Every time I see you on TV with another girl, I spend my time in my room for hours cursing you because I hated you for hurting me all over again." I declared, and he tightened his grip on my hand.

"But every time your rumored girlfriend is spotted with another guy, I will celebrate your every failed relationship in my room alone, and sometimes I will drink my wine and make an imaginary toast with Alice since I never tell her that your latest flings hurt me. You may call me crazy for loving you that much." I added, and he suddenly pulled over on the side of the road, and he cupped my face as he looked at me with tenderness.

"Megan, you are not crazy, and do you know every time I was on a date, I was thinking about your face, and I know I was such a fool that I did not search the entire country for you, and now that you are back in my life, I will never hurt you again, Megan." He said before he claimed my mouth, and I could feel the taste of my tears on my mouth as we continued to kiss each other with urgency, and it was a beautiful kiss.

"Thank you, Megan, for sharing with me that kind of information; it means a lot to me, and thank you for celebrating the failure of those fake dates and flings since I have never been me during those dates." He responded, and he started the car again, and we were back on the road, and when we arrived at the school grounds, I couldn't stop feeling happy that we were here together for our son.

I wanted to invite him this Friday, but I don't know

how to tell him that Gael would be coming, and I don't wish Ashton to think he is not part of our family; he is my boyfriend now, and most of all, Axel's dad.

"Dad! Mom!" Axel was running towards us, and I could see the happiness on his face, and I couldn't explain how it felt to see my son this happy.

"Hello, son!" Ashton ruffled his hair while he fist-bumped with our son, and I got down on one knee, and I let him kiss both my cheeks before I hugged him.

"I missed you today, buddy!" I said.

"I missed you too, mom, and I missed dad, too," He answered, and I smiled at him, and then he held my hand and his father's hand as we walked towards his father's car.

"Do you know I am so happy today?" He asked as we drove away from the school parking lot, I couldn't stop myself from smiling, and I turned my head to look at him.

"Yes, I can see it in your face, Axel," I replied.

"Thank you, mom, dad, for picking me up, and this is epic." He said, and I could hear Ashton's laughter as he looked at our son in the rearview mirror, and I know Axel fell asleep when I couldn't hear his voice anymore.

"I want to take you both to dinner," Ashton stated.

"How about you cooked dinner?" I asked, and he nodded his head.

"Sure, what do you want to eat, Meg?" He asked.

"Surprise me," I responded.

"Okay, wait for your surprise, my dear." He responded, and I giggled.

Ashton carried Axel when we arrived home, and I wondered what he did at school today that he seemed so tired. And I wanted to teach Axel to be independent by riding the school bus, but I realized maybe next year would do.

"You better go to your room, Megan," Ashton said while he was standing on the kitchen counter, and I couldn't stop my face from turning red as I watched him looking so hot wearing an Apron and ladle on his hand.

"No, I wanted to watch you cook since I don't know; maybe you will use some magic, so I don't want you to cheat," I said, and I was smiling as I heard his laughter reverberate inside the kitchen.

"Come on, Meg, you knew I can cook." He said as he started looking for his ingredients on the fridge, and I couldn't stop myself from biting my lower lip as I watched him slice the ingredients since my boyfriend looked hotter than ever, and when I told him I would help, he asked me to leave the kitchen. So, I stayed on the sideline watching his every move, and I couldn't deny, he could cook, and I could smell the beef stew, and I could feel my stomach grumble.

"Stay with us tonight, Ashton," I said in more than a whisper, and I thought he couldn't hear me, but he turned around and looked at me with a beautiful smile on his face.

"Wow, that is an unexpected invitation, but I would love to spend the night with you, Meg." He said, and I couldn't stop my heart from feeling so happy as I excused myself and went to my room, and I quickly changed the bed cover and pillows, and when I was done, I was smiling like an idiot, and I almost jumped on my feet when I found him leaning on the door frame.

"Dinner is ready, beautiful," He said, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling at him as he offered his hand to me.

"Thank you, handsome, for cooking dinner," I said as I took his hand, and together we walked towards the dining hall, and I couldn't stop myself from feeling so happy.

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