The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 90 - Going To Plunder

"You-you two….your prowess was utterly insane!" Tyler blurted all of his awe. He was still near disbelief over that magical-like battle.

Living out in the village area, Tyler needs to venture out to train and grow his strength to protect those he cares about at home. During his time, he had witnessed numerous high or even extreme talents.

And all of those Crimson Sea Academy students held prowess that was far above the average batch of cultivators.

It always reminds him of the significant disparity that is nearly impossible to overcome within their society.

However, all that he saw in that past can't compare at all to either of these two youths.

They stood at a level above all extreme talents!

Are these two really just Crimson Sea Academy talents?

Nothing about them was even remotely similar to past great Martial Talents.

"But-but more importantly, you have our utmost thanks!" Kai had the utmost gratitude in his tone. "You two essentially save our whole village with this. Please, you have to come back to our village. We have nothing on ourselves that can properly reward you. But our village has special resources that'll make it completely worth your wild!"

"Rewards, huh?" The sibling duo quirked their eyebrows.

Initially, Cain and Kali didn't want to get involved with the celebration of being some savior. They both are plainly aware neither of them is heroes or a good samaritan.

This was a simple task and nothing else.

However, at the prospect of rewards, Cain and Kali felt their intrigue stimulate. Even if Kai was overexaggerating, free resources were still free resources.

And what the sibling duo majorly needs now is an abundance of resources.

Their cultivation, while fast, can only maintain this state for so long. The sibling duo assumes it won't be long until they enter an arduous period of slow cultivation.

Every moment within these three months heavily counts. Neither Cain nor Kali can afford to waste a single second.

Thinking of this, Kali shot a look towards Cain, raising her eyebrows. Her curious expression was asking for confirmation.

Having the same line of thoughts as Kali, Cain took a moment for last consideration before eventually nodding. He snapped back over at Tyler and Kai, noticing their hopeful expressions.

He said, "Alright, I suppose we ca-"

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Suddenly, the whole ground began to ferociously tremble, entirely cutting Cain off!

"Wha??" Cain, Kali, Kai, and Tyler were all immensely shocked.

Their eyes widen as a strong vibrating force trembles their entire beings.

Their strength levels didn't matter at all. Cain, Kali, Kai, and Tyler were nearly knocked on their asses by this trembling!

The sibling duo instantly snapped out of their dazes, eyebrows furrowing in intense concentration.

Just what the hell was going?

To Cain, this didn't feel like any typical earthquake. It was too powerful and intense, almost as if the whole earth was shaking apart!

In that instance, as the sibling duo furrowed in thought, Tyler and Kai became immensely distraught.

Their faces turned whiter than sheets of paper as utter terror filled their eyes. Tyler couldn't suppress his horror as he blurted out,

"Thi-this power!! Why-why is it here?! This has to be power belonging to legendary Profound Soul powerhouses!!"

'Profound Soul powerhouses?' Cain and Kali immediately felt their curiosity increase even more.

But before they could think further about this situation, fierce gusts of winds engulfed the entire area!

Slight ripples appeared in the air from weakened yet still powerful energy aftershocks. These aftershocks sliced apart trees, splitting some half and knocking others straight to the ground.

The air also started to burn as if the sun was gradually descended upon them.

Just the faraway aftershocks of this power can have a terrifying effect on the environment.

It was no wonder Tyler and Kai were utterly horrified!

At this moment, instead of panicking, Cain remained entirely calm. He didn't go fright with fear at all. In fact, he only felt a little bit of pressure.

Extending his Spirit Sense, Cain instantly locked on two powerful presences.

And as expected, these two presences surpassed anything from the Nascent Formation realm. They were the most powerful since Cain arrived in this Demonic Area.

Still, Cain didn't lose his focus. As he perceived these two presences, he quickly picked up something very strange about them.

Something that he feels like can give him and Kali an absolute advantage to rob spoils!

Anticipation rises within Cain. His eyes glossed over in greed, and he was just about to turn over to Kali.

However, at that moment, several shadows suddenly flew out of the wrecked trees and bushes.

When Cain, Kali, Kai, and Tyler saw these shadows, surprise blazed in their eyes.

These were all Crimson Sea Academy students!

Typically, any Crimson Sea Academy student would have their heads held up high and exude a natural air of overflowing pride.

However, these Crimson Sea Academy students didn't have an ounce of prestige.

Their uniforms were battered, fresh blood flowed out of several of their orifices, and complete horror filled their expressions.

Most obviously, these students encounter something so harrowing that not even their mighty combat prowess can contend with!

Tyler and Kai stunted in their steps. Just what sort of monstrous beast can have these students running scared?

This situation had just spiral all out of control!

In the instance these Crimson Sea Academy students appeared, they all promptly noticed Cain and Kali.

Flashes of shock briefly swirled within their gazes. However, it soon vanished in an instant as they recalled their critical situation.

"You two must leave now! I don't know how, but a group of Demonic Orge suddenly appeared over here!"

One of the students hurriedly exclaimed at them. After saying, so he didn't stop running, bursting right past them, going into the far horizon.

Two other students flew past Cain and Kali as well, and the last one was just about to dash right out of here.

But before she could, Cain shot his hand forward, grasping her shoulder as she passed him.


The student was utterly confused. How the hell did some Nascent Formation kid grab her? She's a half-step Profound Soul warrior!

But before she could even turn to face Cain, his voice had already drilled into her ears.

"Just tell us who is fighting. Right now."

Cain didn't want to bother with any rash irrationality, so he infused a bit of Aura in his voice. His tone became far colder, almost steel-like. It was a tone that you wouldn't dare refuse no matter the situation.

In the student's battered and weakened form, this Aura-infused tone had a significant effect on her.

She simply couldn't bring up proper defenses to resist! So in a hurried tone to get away from another monster, she said,

"It's Senior Sister Hiyashi! She took on all of the Demonic Orges so we all could escape! We were too weak, so we only got heavily beaten by merely one Demonic Orge. Senior Sister Hiyashi managed to kill all but one at the cost of grave injuries. She's facing the last one now, and let us escape as she doesn't know if she can win her state!"

"I see." Cain simply said and let go of the student.

In that instance, the student immediately took off, fleeing far into the Demonic Area.

Seeing this great haste, Cain slightly shook his head.

These students really want to preserve their own lives. At least Kai was willing to die for Tyler until he shouted for him to leave.

In any case, Cain quickly shuffled those students out of his mind. He then turned back over to Kali and caught her increasingly eager grin.

As they matched gazes, Kali didn't immediately jump to action. She gripped her fist in eagerness, asking Cain,

"I know you were analyzing the situation all this time. So? Do we have complete odds of plundering everything for ourselves?"

Time was of the essence, and Cain only used a split second to think. He formulated all of his thoughts in a moment and then said, "Very high odds with little risks. I say around 90% chance we won't even get scratched. The two fighting now are heavily weakened enough for us so we can take this chance."

Even now, as Cain spoke, he could sense the last two presences Auras gradually decrease.

If these two were even at half of their full strength, Cain wouldn't consider this plan at all. After all, Profound Soul prowess is something that's he not quite at the level of.

But the Aura those two presences were emitting are exceedingly weak. Weak enough for either of them to get killed by his and Kali's Martial Skills combined together!

Moreover, the situation was perfect enough where they both could simply hide with their Chaotic Concealment and then ambush at the ideal time.

It wasn't a 100% sure-proof plan. But there were minimal risks that Cain calculated.

Even if they do get caught before they're able to unleash their attack, they can simply teleport away and wait for the battle to finish.

Cain didn't really care about this Senior Sister Hiyashi. But since she is noble enough to sacrifice her own for her group to escape, he'll at least try to help if the opportunity presents itself.

Either way, this was the time for them to gain some Profound Soul vicious beasts Cores!

"Come one, I'll explain the rest of the plan as we go. But remember to move carefully. This needs to be perfect." Cain explained.

Kali pumped her fist, seriously nodding at Cain.

Then, without another word, Cain and Kali dashed right towards where two Profound Soul powerhouses were currently clashing.

Their steps were light yet swift. In just a few moments, they were already out of Tyler and Kai's sights.


And it was only then that Tyler and Kai reacted. Everything happened so quickly they had no time at all to adequately respond.

But since everything was already done, there was nothing left they could possibly do.

Tyler sighed while shaking his head. "Come on. Even if we worried, there's no way we could follow them. We'll only bog them down. Let's just pray they do make out a life."

"Ah….I guess you're right." Kai sounded a bit dispirited. But as Tyler said, it was absolutely impossible to follow.

The duo only took one last glance behind them before rushing out of the Demonic Area.

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