The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 233: Nightclubbing [2]

Chapter 233: Nightclubbing [2]

Parc chattered with Xiong about menial things, answered a few questions here asked a few more there, but as all things, this soon faded into silence and by Juniors forth round the man was beginning to stumble over his words. Parc still plenty sober due to the low proof of his choice of poison.

The bartender came round, ready to pour out the fifth for Junior only to be waved away by the crime lord. "Can't get drunker then I already am." Xiong massaged his eyes and turned to look over the crowd, just in time as well as someone choose to kiss someone with their fist and began to scream obscenities about 'them panda's putting chips in our arms.' The same man wailed down on a portly panda faunus granting him a second black eye to match the one he was born with.

"Oh perfect." Xiong groaned and waved to his thugs to break the two apart. He pushed off the counter with a stumble but caught himself and kept walking closer to the fight. "Get this fool out of here!" he bellowed just a octave higher than the thumping bass still rattling Parc's teeth. Parc looked on but soon turned when he lost interest in the menial fight.

Not a second later did her notice Melanie slid to his left coming and Miltia faced the counter with their bodies slightly turned towards him. He glanced between them as they stared up at him without the infatuation he was used to. The two shared a look and a short nod then Melanie rose a hand to Parc's up arm and stroked it provocatively. "How about we let you taste something stronger?" she said.

"We have something nice in our room." Miltia added stroking from his elbow to his bare hands to tease his skin with her delicate fingers.

"Something strong."

"Something nice."

"Something that will get your rocks off."

Parc set down his glass on the table and chuckled, "you two certainly aren't subtle." He noted. "And what exactly is this 'something', then?"

Melanie licked her lips wet, accentuating the subtle yet elegant light pink lipstick. "Us." She stood on her toes and whispered.

"Our bodies." Miltia copying her sister, whispered into his other ear.

Intrigued Parc scanned their bodies more, their baren, open shoulders and the crevices just barely hidden by their strapless dresses. They were short, unabashed in using their bodies for some type of gain. That Parc could just feel. "Sounds fun," he swirled his glass, "an what do you two get out of this?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Money." "Money." They said in perfect unison.

"That bar." "That gold."

Just like that, the final piece of the puzzle clicked into place. They were money grubbers. Gold diggers. The only difference between them and those other ones, the ones that would lead on a man for months on end to get into their pockets was that they were too brazen and open about their desires. That or they just figured Parc would see through them in seconds. He leaned more to the latter.

"Well," Parc lifted his arm and using that opportunity Miltia dug in and pulled close enough that her breasts pressed against his side and one of her legs, her left hooked around the back of his in an attempt to trip him up if he chose to refuse them no doubt. Melanie of course copied her sister the moment she could. "I can't give you that one. That ones Juniors but, I do have some more that I could scrounge up." He smirked as the lien signs flared vibrantly in their neon green eyes. Without wasting another breath, he peeled away from the counter with the two on his sides, Miltia already pulling him deeper into the club with her sister joining in the tugging just breaths later.

Parc looked around and saw Junior staring at him as if he was watching his best friend going off to be executed. Parc was going to show him wrong. Whatever skill these two had that intimidated Xiong, Parc was going to prove he was the better.

They made way up the steps by the bear headed DJ, the head being this bulbous mass of plastic similar to a certain dead mau5 on earth, just bear shaped. The bear turned to them for a moment and Parc swore he could see pity through the opaque shades and was soon pulled behind the stage and through a doorway. They crossed a few more meters then ascended some stairs into the upper rungs of the warehouse-turned-nightclub all whilst the rumble of music echoed like roars through the walls.

Down one hall and in through a door at the farthest end of the hall he arrived. The sisters released him in tandem with Melanie taking the lead to open the door and enter. She walked with Miltia on her tail. The room itself was large considering how much space was already being used for the nightclub below. Parc followed them inside and watched how they split off by the foot of the single large bed in the room. It sat there almost floating off the ground without a single stand to be seen. The duvet they'd chosen was some type of satin in a shade of red.

Skirting around it they reached up to their scarfs and tossed them aside then slid their dresses from their bodies. Pausing for just a second to let if fall around their feet leaving them in only their boots, gloves and undergarments.

Parc stared lecherously at the two, they wore no bra's so their breasts were bare for him to see. Full, though not large their nipples stuck out with their blaring red shades. They looked soft, he noted, like they weren't yet aroused. His eyes wandered from their bosom's to their bottoms where their only undergarments lay. A pair of white and red lace panties that left little to the imagination and connected with the stockings they wore beneath their boots by garter straps.

They then crawled onto the bed like mirrors of the other and stopped at the centre. There they sat with their legs interwoven and with one arm of the others side pressing into and creasing their supple white skin and toned thighs. They licked their lips, drew them close yet only teased each other by centimetres, their eyes constantly trained on Parc awaiting him.

Parc licked his lips and took one step closer undoing his vest. The sisters continued undulating and stroking their bodies, playing and teasing the other. Melanie leaned back and Miltia trailed her lips across he neck and chest before finding one breast and let her tongue snake out and caress the red nub into hardness. She pulled away and Melanie lifted her hand to Miltia's breast and fondled it.

Another step, another garb. Soon Parc had tossed his blouse to the side and stopped at the head of the bed. Watching with intrigue as they fondled and played with each other but never once letting out a noise or a moan.

As Parc moved to unbuckle his belt, they stopped and leaned back, watching him with the barest form of intrigue as to what equipment he was packing.

It was then that Parc knew, he was going to enjoy this night.


Blake stared down at the boy, Sun he said he was. He was massaging the red ligatures from his entrapment. She'd half been expecting him to be holding his head due to the pain of blood rushing to his head yet he seemed perfectly fine. 'Because he's a monkey', she thought.

"Explain." She muttered coldly.

The boy perked up and looked up from his cross legged position. "Listen," he halted for a few seconds, "I have no idea what happened. One second I was watching you running out of Beacon then I hear someone screaming 'Fore!' and then everything goes black. I only woke up like, five minutes before you found me and by then I was already tied up like that."

Blake stepped away, scanned the room of the warehouse. It wasn't overly large, nor overly small. It looked like an apartment all things considered with a kitchenette here and a bed over there. Even a couch and the largest television she had seen since Yang found that picture of Weiss' room She scratched her head, her ears flicking as she followed her nose to the bed. It was neat, the fabric straight yet she could smell something she could smell him.

Her cheeks heated and the tightness of her loins returned.

Sun rose from the ground bouncing and bent over backwards until his spine clicked. "So, what brings you round these parts?" he beamed and Blake swore she could see sparkles rising around him. He looked like an idiot. "You didn't look happy back at beacon. By the way, how'd you find me? You didn't follow my smell did you. Because if you did I must let you know, I'm saving my body for the woman I love."

Blake's frown grew larger, her expression darker making Sun pale and back away.

"Right. Uh, no jokes. That's also good."

Eyeing the bed Blake slowly lowered herself down, sighing as she sank into the incomparably soft bedding. She looked around, falling onto the pillow she narrowed her eyes and reached for it. In her grasp she stared at it just smelling the faint tone of th Professor's smell lingering on it. He'd slept here, her inner mind told her. She tugged it closer, hugged it tighter, buried her face into it and breathed in the largest breath she could. She was drawn to doing so by the beast inside her, that little cat already aroused and yearning to be strapped down and stripped.

"Uhh, no reason to cry." Sun stepped close but Blake lifted her head sending him a scathing glare.

"Go away. I'm tired." She hissed.

"What?" the boy exclaimed astounded. "I was here first." Blake's glare hardened, his spine shivered. "Y-yeah, you know what. I think I'll take another room." He shivered, she glared even harder, "or I'll find a hotel. Yeah, that's also an option."

With him escaping through the door, Blake eyed it until it creaked shut then not a second later did she collapse onto her side still clutching the pillow to her face. Her eyelids flickered, her crotch dripped wet and she began to grind slowly her legs together.

That night, she thoroughly rubbed his smell against her body and her own against his.

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