The Devil’s love

Chapter 86 - Trick

Lafit hesitated for a while and retorted, "But sir your health- it's not good for you to travel in this condition. Why don't we wait for a while before the doctor gives you a clean chit?"

Roger smirked and helplessly shook his head. "Do you think that I will have to seek a doctor's permission if I want to go anywhere? I can do that anytime and anywhere. I know my body the best. You just prepare the plane and get the clearance settled by today." ​​

Lafit helplessly nodded his head and reluctantly agreed.


Mo mansion.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ning frowned when she woke up without her husband. Weren't they taking a nap together? So how did she end up waking up all by herself? Where was her human pillow?

Just then, some one knocked at the door. Thinking it was Yichan, Ning grumbled and angrily opened the door. "How can you leave-" she stopped mid-way when she saw Grandpa Mo.

"Grandpa? I am sorry I-I thought it was Yi so-"

Cutting her off, grandpa Mo said, "Ahhh it's alright, can I come in?"

"Of course Grandpa, why not?"

After inviting grandpa in, Ning opened the curtains and switched on the lights.

"Did you sleep well honey?" Grandpa Mo asked.

Ning smiled and nodded her head. "I usually don't get time to take afternoon naps but I always take one when I can."

"Hmm, I understand. Your grandpa told me about your workaholic traits. By the way, Yichan is no less. He can work continuously for several hours without any eating or drinking anything. If not for your aunt Lin, he would surely have been thin as a stick by now. But now I am now worried about both of you. I will have to ask Lin to take care of you both properly."

"Don't worry grandpa, I'll take care of Yichan well and I will take myself too. We won't work too much and stress ourselves. I will set a routine for us." Ning had already planned to set a working schedule for both of them which they would have to follow very strictly. She knew how crazy Yichan was for his work. She had already planned to talk to him about it later.

"I heard what Yichan's mother did several years ago." Keeping quiet for quite some time, Grandpa Mo took a deep breath and added, "You see Ning, even I have made several mistakes in my life and one of them was getting my elder son married to that vicious lady."

"Lysa was someone whom your grandma and I personally chose for our son. Lysa is from an ordinary family background. In fact, she was the only daughter of one of your grandma's close friends who died in an accident. Thinking she would be perfect for our son, we asked Yichan's father to marry her. After getting married, Lysa and Yichan's father got along quite well. Your grandma and I thought that we made the right choice but who would've thought that woman would actually turn out to be so cruel."

Clutching his hand into a fist, grandpa Mo continued, "Who wouldn't have thought that Lysa actually had a childhood sweetheart. When Yichan turned ten, Lysa eloped with her lover leaving behind my son who was madly in love with her and a ten year old son. When my son received the news, he also left the country leaving Yichan behind. So apparently, Yichan never received any love from his parents when he was young. Though I tried to give him everything that he wanted and I showered him all the love and care, I doubt whether I could match the parental love and care a child craves for."

Clenching her hand into a fist, Ning's eyes teared up. Who better than her would understand what it felt like growing up without receiving any parental love? Ning still remembered how she craved for parental love and care even though Grandpa Yang loved her a lot. So it must have been the same for Yichan, right? Just like her, even he must've craved for parental love all his life.

"Years passed by and neither did my son came back nor that vicious woman. Both of them never cared for their son. But when Yichan turned 18, Lysa showed up once again. She apologised to Yichan for whatever she had done and asked for forgiveness but Yichan hated her. Whenever Lysa showed up, Yichan would ask the guards to throw her out. And I used Yichan's hatred for his mother to my advantage."

Pausing for a while, Grandpa Mo chuckled and added, "Yichan kept refusing to take over Mo corporation and no matter how hard I tried, he refused to agree. Since Bojing took over his father's business, I wanted Yichan to take over Mo corporation because I knew he was capable of handling the company and family matters too. But even after trying several times when he didn't agree, I played a small trick on him. I let Lysa come into the mansion whenever she wanted to without any restrictions. I gave her access to all the rooms of the mansion including Yichan's."

"Then didn't Yichan say anything?" Ning asked.

Grandpa Mo nodded his head and smiled, "Oh yes, he didn't eat for several days and protested a lot but I did not take back my decision. I just told me one thing that the head of the family can take such major decisions and only the head could change it. So if he didn't want Lysa to enter the mansion and our lives again, he would've to become the head and change it."

Ning chuckled and helplessly shook her head. Wiping her tears, Ning said, "Well, that was a nice move grandpa."

"And it worked, Yichan readily agreed. He took over Mo corporation and kicked that woman out of our lives." Just like Yichan, Grandpa Mo hated Lysa too. If not for forcing Yichan to take over his position, he would've never let that woman in.


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