The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 39

39 A Pawn I

Annalise’s neckline became extra visible as her neck strained in fear and her eyes went round in shock due to the door closing right before her face.

She remained frozen at the doorstep as she stared at the structure of the tall wooden door, with many questions plagued her mind, she looked like someone whose face had been rudely splashed with mud.

The main question was; who closed the door? And how?

It felt as if the road to her freedom had completely abandoned her and shunned her out of it’s existence, leaving her to face the trial of the one person she never wished to crosspath with ever again but as always fate likes to play this sort of unfriendly games with her. She still didn’t get why it surprised her so much till now.

‘Oh Lord, help my soul!’ came the prayer that silently echoed in her head as she closed her eyes to recover a bit from all of this turn of events.

Taking a deep breath and tearing her eyes apart once more, she could feel his piercing gaze on her back, as though he was patiently waiting for her to react in some way, before whimfully reaching to devour her completely.

Getting a firm grip on herself, her hold tightened against her dress in order to stop her palms from sweating further, but her mind wandered into different scary possibilities that could happen if she dared to turn around so instead, she took a step forward when a deep sophisticated voice stopped her in her tracks.

“Now isn’t this interesting...” Roshan made sure to draw the last word and Annalise refused to move from her spot or even turn around, as though a heavy piece of magnet had forcefully held her there. She could feel his piercing gaze at her back and instantly took a hard swallow to stop herself from reacting to his words that always seemed to carry some sort of negative meaning.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“You had a better chance of escaping this place, Miss Anna, and I had no intentions of coming after you. To be even more honest I actually enjoyed watching you deal with those guards, it’s been quite a long time since I’ve witnessed such pleasant entertainment.”

Anna’s fist slowly balled against her dress the more he spoke with such calmness and authority, but her brain was quick to register his words this time around. That means he was fully aware of her moves all this while?

She had completely forgotten just how Roshan could easily get except she never saw this particular side to it coming at all.

“What do you want from me?” The demanding question left her lips the moment she spun around to look at him, it took her every courage to eventually face him like this and she met his intense stare.

“Why did you abduct me?”

“Where’s the fun without a little guess, Miss Anna.” His subtle tone caught her off guard but the imperturbable being just turned around and unhurriedly headed for the throne seat. He sat on it with his arms resting against the arms of the chair, keeping his interested gaze locked on the confused woman while snapping his fingers at every reaction he saw on her face, looking like the true king of the underworld who had finally returned to take over and bring hell to the world.

Although hesitant, Anna’s gaze finally shifted from the man before her to study the structure of the hall room. The room she was currently in was surrounded by guards who stood in straight lines at both sides of the room and she knew for a fact that this mysterious man was actually a prince, or the king? Either one she knew he was someone of royalty. Even when they first met she knew he was no ordinary person cause he exuded some sort of majestic aura.

But at the same time, he was hovered in a cloud of darkness and that made her frown in disdain.

“Who really are you? With what I’ve concluded I doubt Roshan is even your real name!” The distaste in her tone and the skeptical look she gave him didn’t miss his ears or eyes and he tried not to react, meanwhile Annalise’s fear was slowly being taken by the rage building inside of her.

“Where did you bring me?! What am I doing~” her little outburst was instantly interrupted the moment two powerful glowing lights appeared out of nowhere, swirling right in front of the grand hall in a red and orange light.

When those lights finally died down to Anna’s widened gaze, Azazel and Levi were present in the room and she took a step back in disbelief. Even the two Demons were taken aback cause they weren’t expecting to come across such an encounter in the hall, knowing they had definitely interrupted something.

“Wrong timing?” Azazel cooly asked while shifting gazes between the baffled Anna and the less bothered Roshan.

Levi was the only person who seemed quite pleased to see the lady awake and fine.

“You_” Annalise could barely resist blinking in bewilderment, she lost her voice after seeing two enchanting men appear right before her eyes and out of nowhere, like some script that had been played out in a novel except this wasn’t a novel like she wished it would be, it was damn REAL!!

“How did.... Where did....huh???”

Noticing the panicked look starting to cross her face, Levi wanted to say something but immediately got silenced by Azazel’s serious stare, a stare that told him that whatever was about to take place here has nothing to do with him and he should keep his lips sealed.

Annalise on the other hand could barely keep hold of the sword she was hiding right behind her and her heart accelerated into a faster and deeper rhythm, clearly these people aren’t normal people at all.

But if they aren’t normal people, then what are they??

At that moment, something popped right into her head as she remembered Roshan’s words during the time they took a walk past meadow Lane before departing. He had outrightly said something to her, what was it?

‘I’m the Demon King, and I’ve come to take my revenge.’

That particular phrase kept replaying in her head until it finally sank into the depths of her heart. A quick horrified gasp escaped her lips as it suddenly made sense to her and her eyes unknowingly dilated.

Back at the temple, the shadow behind the door she had opened, was he the one?

“The....the sealing door! The Devil that was trapped! It was you!” She exclaimed in horror as she pointed a finger at him at the revelation but she paused when his gaze suddenly darkened, but they were directly staring into the hands that pointed his way.

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