The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 59

59 Who Will You Save?*

Roshan hurriedly strode past the wide carpeted corridor while keeping his eyes locked in case he spotted Anna somewhere. He didn’t bother to take any turns and kept going straight.

This woman!!

He found himself getting anxious and angry as he continuously searched for her, opening every door that his eyes landed on but they were empty with no one at sight.

The corridor had many corners which led to different places of the mansion, thus, making his search even harder. Fortunately, he picked up her scent and that directed him to the right corners, but the more he kept walking, the more he felt an unusual distance between them despite sensing her presence.

“Where is she?” He opened another door but it was empty like the rest, there were no guards positioned in this corner either which was strange, it made it look like a restricted area, enough reason why his first plan was coming up this particular stairs.

Or did they go somewhere even more private than a room??

When his thoughts were starting to divert to the corridor’s balcony, he halted when a man dressed in a black attire unhurriedly stepped out of a corner, his face was completely hidden by a mask and he barely spared a glance at Roshan the moment they crossed paths.


Roshan’s gaze curiously followed the man until he took another corner, it looked as though he was heading somewhere.... or did he get lost? What had Roshan baffled was the way his whole face was covered. Was he even seeing??


As much as the man looked and felt familiar in an odd way, Roshan didn’t let himself ponder on him for too long and headed for the balcony instead.

He opened the door and stepped in, the crisp cold air of the night welcomed him first, but his eyes widened further after spotting sir Steve’s body on the ground.

“What the_”

A cold feeling washed over him as he took a step towards the dead body, sir Steve was lying in a pool of his own blood and the color from his face and body had turned pale and cold.

Roshan crouched before him and felt his pulse.

“He’s dead.” He muttered under his breath but his emotions were decisive, his gaze shifted to the arrow in sir Steve’s chest and the shape of the arrow looked familiar, the angular head was painted red and so was the tail which had a more symbolic sign. The look in Roshan’s eyes glinted darkly as the arrow became familiar to his gaze.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The arrow is poisoned.

Who uses such arrows? He’s seen a similar arrow like this before, no human could possess an arrow as poisonous as this except....

The man he had walked past in the corridor immediately crossed his mind and the color on his face drained a bit after realizing why the strange man in a mask looked familiar. Anxiety suddenly hung over him like a storm cloud and it all made sense.

“They’re here.”

Why didn’t he sense this before?? They must be hiding their aura’s again. But if sir Steve’s body is here? Where’s Anna??

He got to his feet and quickly surveyed the balcony. No, he couldn’t let her get into their hands, it would be a big problem for the both of them. He has to find her before they do.

He knew exactly who was behind this but right now, finding Anna was his main cue.

“Dammit !”

He got to his feet and left the balcony.

Anna ran through the corridor without stopping or even turning around to look if they were after her, she didn’t need to, their angry growls behind her made her know she wasn’t out of their sight yet, what did they want from her??

Lines of statued armors were arranged at each corners of the corridor and it gave Anna a chance to draw out one of the statues weapon.

Stopping, she turned around to look at the grosteque demons heading her way, her breathing was ragged and her heart pounded repeatedly. The grotesque demons were dragging their feets along the ground like zombies, yet they were still able to catch up to her.

She knew Demons were good at detecting the scent of someone, could that possibly be it?

With a cautious gaze, she took a step back, pointing her sword at them as though threatening she would slitter them all if they come near her, but it was a stupid decision cause they’re already dead souls, threatening them was of no use at all.

“Who sent you?” She asked while continuously taking a step back, their lifeless white eyes were giving her the chills and Anna’s heart nearly left her chest.

She wondered what kind of demons they are, they looked so horrific and even going near them was scaring the wits out of her, she couldn’t possibly fight a dead soul, she didn’t know their weak point.

How will she get out of this?

Their growling came closer and the strength she had to fight earlier dissipated and she was back to the chase.

Roshan kicked a room open and walked in, the lights were out and his eyes glowed against the darkness. Being a demon, their eyes could easily adjust to the dark after spending a few seconds inside and before he knew it, the room was starting to look vivid as his irises contracted and a swirling white light appeared in the form of dots against his pupils.

Papers were hung on the walls with arrows showing direction of every paper, each paper led to another paper as though it was some sort of finalized plotting. There was a table close to the wall, Roshan reached for it and stared at the papers on the table.

Different shapes of sword were drawn on it, including the names and a map leading to the dark forest was laid on the table.

This was what his reason for attending the mask celebration. He knew sir Steve would be part of the Euphrasia’s analysis and he could get the information he needed from him. The humans plan to eradicate Demons which was not new information, his main goal was figuring out what their weapon was and he found it!

Staring at the sketched sword, a look of pain and anger flashed in his irises as he recognized it, most especially the spells written below and the room seemed to have gone still. This sword.....

“I thought it was destroyed.” He shockingly muttered, there were more papers on the table and he planned on going through all of them when a figure ahead caught his attention.

It was the masked man! He leaned against the wall with folded arms, staring at Roshan who lingered in the dark room. The masked man saw his glowing eyes flash in fury and he ran off.


Roshan called and was suddenly stuck on what to do, he had to choose between getting his revenge or saving Anna. His expression looked conflicted, but he couldn’t get rid of the feeling that he might regret it if he abandoned the answers he came here for, but would regret it even more if he chose to leave Anna in the hands of those bloody demons.

Looking at the papers before him, he discarded it and stepped out of the room with a sigh. He hoped to meet them again once he’s done dealing with those idiots that just can’t keep their hands away from his things.

With a speed that was difficult to see with just the human eyes, Roshan chased the masked man across the corridor, hoping it wasn’t too late to save Anna from that scum.

He stopped after realizing he couldn’t sight the masked Demon guy.

“Where did he go??”

All of a sudden, two perfect arrows were shot directly at Roshan, but his senses were super active which led him to easily avoid the arrows as he side stepped it and his glaring eyes glanced at where the arrows came from.

“Master was right, your senses have improved way better than they did before.” The masked man uttered with a terrible aura seeping from him, but Roshan looked barely affected and clenched his fist to suppress his own fury.

A lot of things could go wrong if he was triggered to unleash his demon.

“Where is she?”


“Don’t get on my nerves.” He warned, “tell me where she is and get out of here.” He ordered but the mask man chuckled instead, it sounded so deadly and Roshan silently wondered how he could possibly speak through that mask.

“She’s over there.”

He pointed in a certain direction and Roshan could hear Anna’s voice coming from one of the corners.

“Let me go!! Leave me alone!! What do you want from me??” She stopped struggling after spotting Roshan in the midst of that masked Demon.

Her red mask had come off during the chase which means Roshan can actually see her.

Roshan’s gaze burned with something that was almost unidentifiable after seeing Anna dragged to the front by soulless demons. Those ugly fools!!

Seeing he was distracted by the humans presence, the masked Demon used the last opportunity he got to fire two arrow straight at Roshan, it was one he didn’t sense coming but when he did, it was too late as the arrow already pierced through his chest.

“Roshan!!” Anna called out after witnessing what happened, her eyes widened seeing the area he was mercilessly pierced slowly dripping blood.

“No!” She tried to free herself but the masked Demon approached her within a flash, he had his sword on Anna’s throat, silencing her and he gazed up to look at Roshan who fell to his knees, his eyes turned red, he was reacting to the poison on the arrow.

The arrow aimed directly for his scarred heart, the jerk!!! He knew his weakness!

“In pain?” The masked man ironically questioned. It was a good thing his master told him exactly where to aim for else he’d be a walking corpse in the hands of Roshan.

“Time will be ticking.” His voice went cold, “I’m hoping to see if you’ll survive this or not. Who will you save first? Yourself? Or a mere human?”

When Roshan didn’t understand what he meant, the sounds of guards approaching their direction made it clear what the masked Demon had done.

“The Demon’s over there! Catch him!”

Roshan barely reacted to the noises, but Anna felt her heart drop when the sound got closer.

“Roshan!” She tried to gain his attention, she wanted him to leave this place but it was clear he didn’t look fine, what’s happening to him??

“Roshan! Listen to me!”

“One word from you and I’ll slit your throat!!” The masked man threatened before vanishing with Anna and the rest of his demons.

They took Anna away!

Roshan fell to the ground as the poison tended to paralyze his whole system, he found it difficult to move. Heaving a deep breath, he forcefully pulled out the arrow from his chest, his vision became blurry but through his blurry gaze, he could see the guards had made it to his direction.

“There he is!”

“Kill him!! He murdered the count of Green Town!!”

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