The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 61

61 Necessary Duty

“Human?? Half Demon??.... What ritual?” Anna’s mind only seemed to be going round with no specific route, the words of the strange white man only complicated things in her head and the ugly-looking Demons won’t let go of her hands.

Luderick’s crimson eyes sparkled with mirth after seeing the feisty look in her brown irises. He could sense her anger, confusion, even her fears and yet, she stood her ground, could it be she’s actually Aveline??

“I’m done here.” He turned away with a lazy gaze and imposingly walked back to the throne made entirely out of skeletons. He sat comfortably on it and watched the reaction on Anna’s delicate round face.

She couldn’t possibly be Aveline, Aveline is dead and even if she were to be reincarnated, it wasn’t her time to be reborned, yet this human shared a physical similarity with her. Just staring at the feisty look in her brown eyes already made him think of the brave and fearless Aveline, the one lady who dared to go against all the rules of Viscarrian. His fist clenched against the arms of his throne chair.

“Take her to the dungeon.” Came his straight orders, he didn’t like the fact she looked so much like a lady he once hated and that only made him sneer in disgust, he couldn’t get rid of Aveline himself in the past, but he would make sure to get rid of her look alike.

Anna didn’t miss the little anxiety she caught in those crimson eyes of his, like he was battling with something inside his head and before she knew it, he had ordered his men to lock her in the dungeon.

“No I’m not done yet, you have to answer my questions cause you can’t just abduct me and wound me to your satisfaction!! Who are you?”

“Patience dear, if you eventually get to live longer, you might just find out.” Came his subtle response that only gave Anna more questions instead of answers. He shifted his gaze to the masked man.

“Lock her in a separate dungeon, away from all the chaos and eerie screams, afterall she’s a special guest.” He smirked.


The masked man bowed in response before turning to look at the grotesque Demons.

“You heard from the master himself, lock her up!!”

“No wait! You haven’t answered my questions yet....wait!!!” Ignoring her protest, Anna was forcefully dragged to the private dungeon by the grotesque Demons. They didn’t wait for a second before pushing her in, causing Anna to stumble inside and she turned around to look at them in fury. Stomping her feet on the ground, she pointed a finger at all of them in an accusing manner.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“You’re all sick!! Is there some kind of rule that states a demon should never treat a lady with respect?” She outrightly questioned with her face contorted into one of stubbornness, ignoring the risk of getting punished for her behavior but the masked man carefully locked the cell gate before looking at her.

Although he wore a mask, Anna could tell he had his gaze locked on her, seeing as he looked at her from head to toe, did her question really not sound obvious?

“We don’t deal with children,” came the masked man’s heartless words, “now keep quiet incase you have no wish of losing your tongue!!”


Anna’s hands flew to her mouth, instantly stopping herself from firing back as she wouldn’t want to lose her tongue to these awful Demons. First Roshan calls her baby girl and now this masked psychopath dared to call her a child??? Was her face really that cute to the point she’s considered a child??

Wait!.... What are you thinking Anna??? You really need a slap! Get your mind together!!

She gave herself a mental shake to gain herself back. Once the masked man had left, Anna sat on the cold floor while biting on her lower lip. She definitely won’t cry her way out of this one, she needs to think of a possible way to get out of here.

But how?

The weird man said something about ritual and Anna rubbed her jaw slightly, suddenly feeling the pain the man had inflicted on her by squeezing her jaw so tightly.

“Ritual... I have no idea what this ‘ritual’ is all about but I have to get out of here before it starts.”

As though remembering something, her hands instantly moved to the belt which held her small waist and she brought out her golden badge.

A determined smile reached her lips and she kissed the badge. She prayed silently to the heavens for a few minutes and when she opened her eyes, she felt even more courageous than ever.

Deep breaths Anna... deep breaths.


“Ahhh!! Brother don’t do this!! Forgive me for being so gullible.” Levi grimaced after Roshan made him sit in his dark room and worst of all, he was trapped.


In the Devil’s den!!

Roshan sat on the bed, staring at Levi with a gaze that was difficult to detect if he was angry or not. The fact he wasn’t showing it made Levi even more frightened.

“But I’m not even touching you.” Roshan finally uttered while raising a pretty brow at Levi whose hair immediately stood at attention in his back.

“That is the problem.” Levi admitted, “you aren’t touching me when you’re supposed to, I was the one who brought Anna to the mask celebration but I promise I never knew you gave the orders. She tricked me.”

“I’m not going to touch you.” Roshan calmly said to him, but Levi didn’t know if he should take Roshan’s words seriously or not. After a few seconds’ pause, he narrowed his eyes at Roshan who propped himself on the bed and asked.

“You aren’t.... going to hurt me?”


“You won’t kill me?”


Levi seemed to relax a bit, knowing Roshan barely lies and then all of a sudden, Roshan’s expression looked thoughtful as he cocked his head to the side.

“Come to think of it, when was the last time you trained again?”

Levi shifted his gaze to Roshan who kept his glistening Hazel-green eyes locked on him.

“A few days, why?”

Roshan’s lips curved to the side, revealing an unreadable smile and before Levi knew it, a lever was pulled and the ground beneath him opened.

His eyes widened but since he didn’t sense this coming, he fell right in with a yelp and the shiny tiled floor instantly closed back up.

“I thought you said you wouldn’t hurt him?” Azazel’s voice interrupted his moment of punishment and he rolled his eyes.

“And that statement still stands.”

“You just sent him down the underground dungeon, they’re beasts there.”

“He said he trained, he’ll survive.”

Azazel could only shake his head hopelessly and strode over to Roshan’s bedside, he’s never really met someone who was quick to give harsh punishment like his unforgiving brother. Maybe that’s because the heartless being had spent most of his life receiving punishments that weren’t fair to him.

“How are you feeling?”

“What do you expect?”

“Don’t go.”


“You were lucky enough to have gotten the arrow out before the poison got enough chance to spread across your heart. If you get shot again, your energy will reduce to a critical limit, you’re already weak as it is, I won’t advise you to put yourself in the face of danger.”

“I don’t need your sympathy.” Came his annoyed response which only left Azazel to take a deep breath at his brother’s lack of reasoning.

“I’m giving you a piece of advice, take it or leave it. You don’t need the human, you can always find someone else.”

“I don’t need someone else Azazel, it’s a necessary duty and I’m hoping you understand that.”

Azazel shook his head, “I don’t understand, you abandoned the papers Roshan, the clues to help your revenge, you left everything to save a human but look how it turned out.”

“Shut up!” Roshan warned in a low tone as his knuckles clenched on the bed, “don’t twist my brain else you’re gonna take that awful journey with Levi as well.”

“You don’t see what I see Roshan, that human would end up being the death of you, don’t say I never warned you. Get rid of her or watch her get rid of you.”


Special thanks to my wonderful readers for the Golden tickets, gifts and power stones??????

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