The Failed Swordsman Who Became the Strongest After Spamming the 100 Million Years Button

Chapter 394 - Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [165]

394. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [165]

Infinitely overflowing darkness condensed into the Black Sword and was unleashed all at once.

The destructive energy was off the charts.

「D-Damn monster!」

Black flashes bursted in all directions, painting everything around black.

Space itself was distorted in the face of the unparalleled destructive energy. Huge cracks ran across both the ground and the atmosphere.

A blow which called forth a “natural calamity”.

「–Belly of Moby Dick!」

Von manifested three huge shields simultaneously, his last attempt at defense.

「Ho”u, how interesting. You still had that much spare power, huh!」

「Please! Hold on, my shield… I can’t die in this place yet…」

Von poured a huge amount of spiritual power and desperately continued to strengthen his shields.

But the difference between “infinite darkness” and “finite spiritual power” was too obvious.

「Oi, Oi, what happened to the defense you were so proud of? Don’t tell me you ran out of gas already?」


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The pure white shields were dyed murky black and collapsed one after another. Only one more left.

(Ah… this is the end.)

Once this blow lands, Von and Deal will disappear from this world.

It will be a complete and perfect “extermination”.

Not a cell will be left of their existence.

This unreasonable power which I exercised to take revenge, will cost my life in exchange.

This is it… This is the end for me.

「Gyahahahaha! Go to hell together with Deal!!!!!」

I condensed all the darkness into the Black Sword and unleashed the most powerful slash in my life.

「I guess… this is as far as I go…」Von muttered.

When the last shield started to crack,


All of a sudden, the holy darkness which overflowed from the depths of my soul, for some reason, restricted my body.

「What the hell… is this!?」

The “path” which connected me to Zeon felt like it was blocked by a huge boulder.

The Black Sword and the armor which clad my body turned into particles of light and scattered in the air. The seemingly infinite darkness disappeared.

「What on earth…?」I was completely stunned.

「Haa, haa… The “Seal of House Rodore” finally activated, huh…」

Von recomposed his breathing, with a know-it-all look.

「You were magnificent, Allen Rodore. Though it vexes me to admit it, you are far stronger than me. To think that you could single handedly overwhelm a former Emperor’s Four Knight and a Seven Holy Sword… Go to your afterlife with pride.」

Convinced of victory, Von created a sand sword on his remaining right arm and raised it up to the sky.


I sent commands to every part of my body to avoid that blow.

However, both my legs felt incredibly heavy and were unresponsive.


The moment when Von’s cold voice and a sharp wind noise resounded,

「Sakura Blossom One Sword Style – Sakura Flash!」

A flash-like thrust rushed out from behind me.

「!? Whale Shield!」

Von manifested a small shield at an instant’s judgement and blocked the sudden attack by a hair’s breadth.

「Bacchus… You can still move with one foot in the grave?」

「Greenhorn, don’t underestimate an old swordsman!」

Bacchus-san moved quickly and drove a strong kick to Von’s flank, sending him flying far back.

「Hahhh… uuh!?」

Bacchus-san vomited a large blood clot and collapsed to his knee.

There was no light in his eyes. Shadow of death loomed over his deathly pale face.

He doesn’t seem to be in a state where he can even hold the sword properly.


「Haa… kid, you managed to buy a lot of time. Thanks to you, I was able to make it in time…」

「…Make it in time?」

For a moment, I couldn’t understand what he was saying.

「Barara, rarara! What are you looking astonished for? …Don’t tell me you forgot my nickname?」

Bacchus Valencia, the man who was once hailed as the strongest swordsman in the world.

And his nickname was… Immortal Bacchus.

「N-No way…!?」

If his nickname is a symbolization of his “invincible soul dress”, then–.

Maybe it can be given to others–.

At the hope of a certain possibility, small warmth permeated my heart which had been invaded by despair.

「My soul dress -〈100 Million Year Sakura〉is endowed with the ability of “perfect regeneration”. Well, seeing is believing, isn’t it?」

Bacchus-san put on a lifeless smile, and gestured with his chin to look behind.

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