The Fox Goddess

Chapter 64 The Plan To Go To The Royal Beast Academy

Yuki gets excited when she thinks of going to school because in her past life she really didn't enjoy school and even found it boring, so she only finished school to get a good job.

That's why she is excited since she will learn a lot, especially in Magic. Yuki thinks that she will learn a lot from going to the Academy because she still needs to learn how to properly use her Mana.

Also, she wants Yumie to get some friends so that she will be more open to others and not just to people that are close to her.

Yuki then walked up to Yumie and said that they will have to go to the Academy. Yuki was even excited to tell Yumie about this, but she was dumbfounded to see Yumie's sad face when she told her about it, so she curiously asked why.

"Why? Are you not happy going to school and meeting another Beast that is not wild, and going there will give you a lot of confidence because you will see how talented you are compared to other Beast!" Yuki tried to comfort Yumie, but it looked like it was not working.

"It's not that Yuki but... sigh... you already know that I don't have much confidence in myself and this can result in me being bullied because I'm not like you plus I'm shy and you said kind, so other Beast will probably pick on me because I'm not like them than can attack and kill other Beast or Humans." Yumie said what is in her heart. She was sad about thinking this because it was true, she was not like them. She cannot Kill Beast or Humans, even attacking them is hard for her.

That's why Yuki's training was intense so that Yumie might forget the consequences of attacking or killing them.

Yuki only smiled when she heard Yumie's worries, so she patted her head and said seriously, "Don't worry I will train you more so that you can be the best that you want to be, the one that is powerful and can attack or kill people with ease."

When Yumie heard Yuki's words her eyes went watery, but she suppressed her emotions to not cry and gazed seriously at Yuki.

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'Big Sis Yuki is working hard for me so that I can be better, I will try my best to not disappoint her!' Yumie thought to herself and promised Yuki, "Yes I'll work hard, even if the training is hard I will do it!"

"That's the spirit! Don't worry, we still have 5 months left before we will have to go to the Academy, so we still have a lot of time to prepare." Yuki assured Yumie.

"That's great! So when we will start our training?" Yumie asked curiously.

"Probably tomorrow, since I still have not planned anything on how to train you." Yuki then thought to herself about how she will train Yumie.

"Yuki, what are we going to do with Rong Su and Song Xing?" Yumie suddenly asked, Yuki then was stunned after she heard what Yumie was asking.

That's right she still didn't think of that, she was so focused on how to train both of them but she forgot that Rong Su and Song Xing will be left out if they did practice together.

And because Yuki and Yumie are both Beasts she can't possibly teach any of them since they still don't have their Human Form and most importantly they have Mana and not Qi.

That was the reason that Yuki couldn't possibly bring them, so Yuki was now in a dilemma on how she will take care of Song Xing and Rong Su since she considered them normal friends now and non longer enemies.

Just as she was thinking of a way Yumie gave her a suggestion, Yuki how about we just bring them so that we can have a spar with them? This way we can be more proficient when fighting against Humans plus this way I can fight with them to try to erase my fear of attacking them, especially now that I consider them as my friends."

Yuki was stunned, but thinking at her words Yumie was correct. This way if they have a spar they will have a basic understanding of how Humans usually fight, so they will have an advantage and if they may come across an Evil Human they can fight them easily.

"Yeah, you're right! Then we will just do that then!" Yuki said cheerfully.

Yuki then began to walk toward them to ask if they were okay with it.

Even though Yuki was quite arrogant in her past life because of how successful she became, she still has the morals that her mother taught her.

That she should be only rude to those people who were disrespectful to her, and if she is going to ask someone she should be polite.

Thus Yuki then asked them, "Hey Rong Su and Song Xing, do you mind if we can have a spar with you guys so that we can have experience in fighting, especially for Yumie."

"What?" They were both stunned at Yuki's sudden requests of them. So they didn't have the time to answer Yuki since they were still processing what Yuki had just said to them.

Yuki got impatient when she saw that they got quiet so she asked them again.

"Hey did you even hear me?" Yuki wrote in the air that was close to them so that they could snap out of their daze, and it worked.

"Ah right! If we can help then we will spar with you, but Rong Su will probably be the one who will do it and not me." Song Xing answered truthfully, she knew that she wasn't capable of fighting since she was just a healer for them plus Rong Su will probably not let her fight.

"Yeah you're right but... You're also going to fight but not me, you'll be fighting Yumie because she hesitates on whether to attack people even if they are brainless Beast or Evil Humans." Yuki said to her.

"Me? But I'm not a fighter and I only know basic fighting skills." Song Xing answered truthfully.

"It's fine, that's probably for the best for Yumie and you..." Yuki gave her a thought and looked at Rong Su who was quiet.

"You'll be fighting me! I hope you are ready." Yuki said, then her eyes glinted with coldness.

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