The Fox Goddess

Chapter 84 Assigned To Fight An Elder

Yuki's bloodlust immediately exploded when she smelled the heavy smell of blood in the surrounding, she then quickly vanished from where she stood and went in front to see what was happening.

Due to Yuki being able to control blood which is the characteristic of a vampire, her smell was greatly affected so she can smell blood even though it is far away.


"They are dead!"

Rong Su and Song Xing said simultaneously, the two then glanced at each other and nodded before finally following Yuki.

What met Yuki's eyes when she finally saw what caused the smell of blood was that Yumie's arm was heavily wounded and was bleeding quite badly.

Yuki's eyes darkened and her surrounding temperature dropped immediately.

When the attackers saw Yuki they almost fainted. They were very scared when they saw her after watching the video of Yuki slaughtering their kind like some chicken. So they avoided making eye contact with Yuki, afraid that they might die if they stare at her.

"You're finally here, little Fox."

"We have been waiting for quite a while."

The Sect Elders said simultaneously when they saw Yuki in front of them.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Yuki naturally ignored them and only focused on Yumie's injured arm. So she quickly got a potion from the shop and made Yumie drink all of it.

After seeing that Yumie's arm began to heal, Yuki sighed in relief and narrowed her eyes at Yumie as if she was demanding answers.

"Umm… This… I was practicing my new Skills when these guys suddenly showed up, so naturally, I fought them but I didn't expect them to suddenly gang up on me." Yumie finally said.

Yuki remained silent for a few seconds before shooting a cold look at the Sect Elders who froze on the spot when they met Yuki's ruby-red eyes.

"Why are you here?"

She finally wrote on the air trying to communicate with them.

Even though the Sect Elders already knew that Yuki was different, they were still greatly shocked that Yuki not only understood them but was also trying to communicate with them.

Sect Elder Jun's eyes brighten for a second before vanishing.

"Little Fox, I don't want to kill you because you are a good Beast. How about just surrender and I promise you… No, we promise you under the name of our Great Sect Leader Ye Xiao that we will take care of you along with this Lizard, as long as you come with us."

Elder Jun said as she eyes Yumie who was quiet.

Yuki's surroundings even got colder, even the Cultivators who were quite far away felt the air was getting colder by the second. What Yuki hated more was bowing down to a person that is weaker than her, if there was a person she will bow to her mother because she deserves it after all the sacrifices that she makes for her to grow up.

She was prideful and arrogant, she would not act like this if she knew that she is weaker. Even if she is weaker than the current people here she will still not bow or be a pet to anyone, her pride will not let it!

"Interesting, it looks like you guys have a death wish," Yuki said coldly as she unleashed an attack on their group.

"Moon Slash!"


An explosion erupted when the Skills hit them.

The humans tried to save themselves by creating a shield out of their Qi, but it was too weak and got destroyed into nothingness like a bubble and it hit them causing them to scream in pain.

"This is surprising, it has only been a few weeks and she already has gotten this strong!" Elder Jun said which caused the other Elders to nod in agreement.

"Indeed, she is special."

"Yeah, we should try our best to keep her alive." One of the Elder said arrogantly.

They didn't flinch or felt scared when they saw Yuki's attack because they had already expected it, but what they didn't expect was that Yuki only used 30% of her power in that attack.

And the attack only even killed like 10 Cultivators and injured a lot of them.

Yuki had guessed that if she were to use her complete power in killing them it would probably be overkill, so Yuki decided to play with them and only began to use half of her Power.

"You also fight, I'll fight all of them and you just need to take care that at least one of the Elders got it?" Yuki suddenly said as she eyed Yumie who was quiet on the side.


"This shall serve as your training with your new profound powers!" Yuki smiled lightly.

"Can I do this?" Yumie doubted herself. She forgot that she was also insanely strong for a Savage Beast in Early Tier.

"Don't worry, trust yourself or you'll never improve even with how hard you try." Yuki comforted Yumie.

"Okay." Yumie agreed and asked a question afterward.

"Then who should I fight?"

"Fight that old woman there," Yuki said as she pointed at the white-haired woman who was silently watching them.

"She should be the weakest in the Elders, so good luck!"

As soon as those words came out of Yuki's mouth, she vanished and appeared behind the small army.

"I'm tired of your bull sh*t humans!" Yuki slowly wrote in the air before her bloodlust exploded.

She was actually trying to calm herself when she was talking with Yumie, but after seeing the indifferent look of the Sect Elders, she finally exploded and only had one thought and that is to kill them.

When the humans felt Yuki's pressure they immediately knelt on the ground and found themselves suffocating. Even the Sect Elders find themselves having a hard time breathing.

"Ice Maker!"

"Blood Manipulation!"

Yuki used the two skills and began to create some Ice Weapons that have been infused with blood from the humans that she previously killed.

Yumie lifted her legs before running towards the old woman and taking her with her.

The old woman didn't even get the chance to evade or block because Yumie's speed was too fast.

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