The Last Warlock

Chapter 135 - 135. Compedium Spell Shop

Walking outside the hotel where Harlack's studio was, Lorin suddenly stopped, looked up as if she was contemplating the purple ish sky, but in true, she was thinking about what Harlack asked. She had no idea where to find books about runes.

'If I had any contribution points, I could try the Horus Network'

Lorin gave a small sigh and looked ahead to the busy streets that were crowded with all kinds of people and other humanoid races. 

The streets were clean and very organized, and all the buildings had the same height, 4 floors. Lorin thought that should be some kind of tradition on this planet.

Lorin took a few steps to her right, but was still indecisive about where to find the rune books and stopped again to look around and maybe find some kind of shop around that had those kinds of things, when suddenly something hit her left feet.

Lorin turned around, but saw nothing and looked to her feet to see what stumbled on her, and saw a head. "eek!"

Lorin took a step back and made distance from that blue human head, not because of fear, but that was a freaking blue head rolling on the ground, right in the middle of the streets. Guards may even think that was she who killed the owner of the head.

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"Sorry my lady! I rolled too much. This is still a new head, so I'm not used to it yet"

'WHAT?! The head is talking?'

Lorin looked around as if to find someone or something or to just leave the place. That was way too weird for her.

"Humans! Always arrogant! Humpf!" said the blue head in a clearly angered tone before rolling away to cross the street.

Lorin, still a little shocked by the scene, stood there until the head was far away from the sight.

"Dont mind them, they have a inferiority complex because they can only posses a head and not a full body. What a pitiful race, tsc tsc" said a burly man walking closer to Lorin, as if trying to start a small talk.

Lorin gave a small smile to the man, and said, "I never saw them before, and I'm on this planet for two weeks already"

"Well, they are indeed hard to spot, hahaha" said the man half laughing at his own joke about the size of them. After all, they could only roll on the ground.

Unsure how to continue the subject, Lorin started to move, but the man noticed that and asked, "You seemed a bit lost before, sorry, but I could not avoid of noticing it as I was coming from the hotel too. Do you need help?"

Lorin thought for a moment, and said, "I'm looking for a place that sells books about runes, my friend loves runes and I was thinking of buying a gift for him"

The man didn't even blink before saying, "So you are looking for a spell shop. They sell not only spells but also, they sell spell matrix, rune circuits, and all related to that" the man stopped talking for a brief moment and looked around, "In the next block there is very famous spell shop, one of the best in the city..." he said pointing his hand to the left side, then he looked back to Lorin and continued ".... I'm free now, and I happen to know the owner. What about I give you a tour?" 

'Spell shops? They sell spells in this planet?' Thought Lorin but refrained to say something aloud,even so, she was a bit shocked because in her home planet, spells were controlled by the government and only with authorization and passing the government tests could someone have access to basic spells.

Seeing Lorin lost in her thoughts, the man said, "I swear I don't bite, shall we?"

Lorin shook her head slightly and with a polite smile said, "There is no need to trouble you, you already helped me a lot by giving the directions"

The man thought for a moment and said, "Ok, as a costume of this planet, when someone help other person, they have to pay a tea, and the spell shop I'm talking about also happens to have a wonderful tea hehe"

Lorin bit her lip but still said in the end, "That.... You are making up this right now, right?" but deep down, she was thinking that she barely had any money. Now she would need to pay for the tea too!

"Hahahah, maybe, but the shop indeed has a wonderful tea." said the man, slightly putting his hand over the elbow of Lorin, and saying, "Let's go?"

Lorin's mind quickly connected the dots once the man touched her elbow and gave a slight smile, but deep inside her skull, she was thinking the complete opposite of a 'smile'.

'What? He wants to fuck me and I have to pay him a tea for it?' 

Lorin made her mind, and said "Sure, let's go, but I'm a bit out of cash and only have the money for the books. Even so, I don't know how much they cost, actually. " 

'You want to fuck me and make me pay? Dream on, I will fuck you up! And make you pay!' thought Lorin. She knew she was hot, and never once she had to pay to go out with a man. Not even a tea!

The man gave a slight smile and said, "No problem, I will pay for the tea. It's my treat" but what he was truly raging in his mind was 'But you better put that ass to work later. That tea is fucking expensive!'

With that said, both started to walk and chat about mundane topics, until they reached the place and Lorin saw the signboard that read "Compendium Spell Shop" and asked aloud, "So, Elyon, what's the name of the owner of the shop again?"

The burly man scratched the back of his head and thought, 'As if I knew!!! fuck!' but refrained from showing his lies in the open and said, "Err..... Everyone calls him Alekzi, but I think is a nickname"

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