The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 355 Sewers Path

When Kageri was about to thrust his daggers at Daisy, he saw a face with brazen confidence and a peaceful smile. 

He was confused, trying to figure out how someone who looked like they hadn't fought much before could be so calm. 

Even though no one can die in this dimension, they can still feel the pain. 

In this time of doubt, his senses began to wake up, and he began to understand the reason behind it. 

This calm exterior hid a secret: a lightning-charged punch came out of the shadows and hit Kageri's face with shocking force.

He was thrown into the air by the impact, like a puppet caught in the strings of an unseen storm, with the rooftops serving as his erratic trajectory.

Daisy smiled when she realized Aizel had arrived on time.

"I see the party has already started," He said, looking towards Monga.

"Haha, finally I can fight you, kid," said Monga. 

As lightning surrounded them, they quickly disappeared into the darkness and were no longer seen.

In the blink of an eye, their paths crossed, fists colliding at the very heart of the rooftop expanse.

A burst of electric energy spread outward, like a shockwave of bright power that rippled through the skeletons of the buildings around it, leaving a mark that kept echoing.

"You are strong, kid," Monga said.

Aizel's summoned object brought into existence an ordinary-looking stone, which caused a flicker of doubt to cross Monga's face and caused him to hesitate momentarily in his actions.

As Monga attempted a backward retreat, his instincts warned him, yet his gaze narrowed upon recognizing the stone.

With his body twisting and moving like water, Aizel sent out a quick leg sweep to catch his opponent off guard. 

However, Monga was no amateur, and he jumped deftly to avoid the sweeping action.

Yet, as his form arced in evasion, an unexpected twist of events unfolded. A chain, wrought from Aizel's mastery, snaked forth and entwined around Monga's legs. 

Before he could do anything about it, Aizel rushed forward, wrapping his arms around the chain with purpose.

With impressive swiftness, he surged to his feet, harnessing momentum, and released the chain in a mighty arc. 

Aizel's steady determination propelled the chain through the air until it arrived at a nearby old, empty building. The impact was both strong and accurate, and it tore into the building's remains with an explosive collision.

"Aizel, take care of him and the other guy with Daisy. 

"Me, Soren, and Raven are heading for the rest of the members," Zareena said as she arrived with Soren.

"No problem," Aizel replied.

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Quickly, Soren, Raven, and Zareena left the area, with Raven taking the initiative, leading the way.

"Heyyyy... what about finishing them quickly all together?" Aizel shouted.

"You can take care of them, right? They are weak anyway," Zareena shouted and left.

"What a pain in the ass," Aizel murmured.

"So princess, consider us weak," Kageri said as he arrived on the rooftop.

Daisy was standing on the pillar of the chimney beside Aizel. 

"Daisy, support me from the back; try to avoid getting into direct confrontation with both of them," Aizel whispered, and Daisy nodded.

Aizel skillfully moved his magic artifact into a shape that looked like a band and moved it toward Daisy. In a flash, the armor wrapped around her and changed into a sleek, black fine armor.

"Damnn, you look hot," He said, making Daisy blush a little.

So his armor obeys his command; it's like it is a living artifact," Kageri thought.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAA, kid, you've got some brain!" Monga yelled, standing up from the debris of the destroyed building.

"Everyone got one, seems like they forgot to give you one," Aizel replied.

Monga rushed forward with renewed resolve as his body was surrounded by sparking energy and charged with lightning.

At the same time, Kagri slipped into the darkness and disappeared. 

Aizel's mana senses expanded swiftly, his swift reflexes guiding him to transform Sekki into a spear, poised and ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Monga rushed forward, he shot a bunch of lightning bolts at Aizel.

Swift as the wind, Aizel deftly manipulated his spear, directing its course to intercept the oncoming barrage.

With a masterful twist, he absorbed and discharged the lightning bolts in a mesmerizing display of elemental control.

I forgot he can control and manipulate elements easily," Monga thought at the same time.

Again, just as Kageri came out of the shadows and got ready to attack Daisy, a second, even darker shadow appeared and blocked his attack with a shining obsidian knife. 

This was Aizel's Dragonfang dagger, which had magical abilities of its own.

Aizel quickly changed places and set up a dynamic exchange. His rotating spear danced through the air, while his Dragonfang dagger became a weapon to use against Kageri. 

Kageri dodged Aizel's lightning-powered attacks by taking a quick step backward. 

Aizel wasn't done, though. 

With a calculated kick, he propelled the rear of the spear, infusing it with a surge of lightning. The spear streaked like lightning toward Monga. 

Simultaneously, Daisy launched three arrows, each carrying a small container, aimed precisely at Kageri.

Monga's lightning-fast reflexes saved him from the spear's deadly trajectory, narrowly averting it from his face. 

However, as the spear whizzed past, its form morphed in an instant, transforming into chains that ensnared his neck from all angles. 

Aizel didn't waste any time and moved quickly to get closer to Monga.

Meanwhile, Daisy's arrows exploded on impact, sending a spectacular flash of light in all directions and temporarily blinding Kageri.

Aizel grabbed the chains and put lightning into them, sending a sparking stream of energy through their length.

He lifted Monga into the air with a burst of power, sending arcs of lightning across the mage who was being held captive. 

Then, with a mighty leap from the rooftop, Aizel descended towards the ground, his determination fueling his descent.

In the instant before impact, he channeled a concentrated explosion into the ground, amplifying the force of his collision with Monga. 


The resulting explosion was so loud that it sounded like a thunder explosion, and the shockwave created a huge crater.

The earth shuddered and debris soared, as the once-standing structures succumbed to the forceful impact.

In the middle of the chaos, the prone form of Monga lay, his figure smudged with the marks of intense battle. 

Sekki, its form transformed into a blade, gleamed in the dim light. 

It slammed into Monga's neck under Aizel's control, indicating the end of the conflict. Just as the weight of victory settled upon them, a luminous radiance emanated from Monga's belt, engulfing his form in shimmering particles.

In an instant, he turned into tiny bits of light and disappeared, leaving nothing but an empty space.

So that's how it works," Aizel thought.

With swiftness akin to lightning's dance, he vanished from the scene, reappearing in an instant beside Daisy.

"Now only one remains; we are a good duo, Daisy," Aizel said. 

Hearing that brought a smile to her face, and she nodded.

I should try to escape and regroup." Kageri thought and quickly blended into the shadow.

"Shit," Aizel quickly rushed and spread his mana sense. Daisy did the same and tried to find his location.

"I think he escaped Aizel," Daisy said.

"He will try to find his group, we should also leave then," he replied.

"Okay, follow me."

"Yes mam,"

Daisy took the lead, her steps guiding the path as Aizel followed in her wake.

"Daisy... I have an idea. Why don't we take the sewer path?" Aizel asked and suggested.

She stopped and looked back at him, making weird faces.

"Yeah yeah, I know it will stink, but I have a way. I promise you won't smell anything." Aizel replied.

"Are you sure?" She asked.


"What about rats, then?"

"What about them?" Aizel asked in confusion.

"I-I am scared of them."

"Lul, you are scared of rats, this is new," He replied with a short giggle.

"Well then," Aizel said, rushing towards her and carrying her like a princess.

"Now you don't have to feel scared, right?" he asked.

Daisy blushed and nodded. 

"Let's go,"

Aizel cradled Daisy in his arms and descended straight into the depths of the sewers. He created an invisible barrier that dispelled any foul odors.

"How are you doing this?" She asked.


"Why I can't smell anything,"

"Shhhh... it's a secret," He said.


While Aizel and Daisy were navigating the drains, Soren, the Princess, and Raven were looking hard for the rest of the Kingsley family mages far away from them.

"So that light must mean that someone has been killed," Raven said.

"I believe Aizel must have taken down the mages, and right now they are both fighting with the remaining one," The princess said.

"Did you give a doll to Daisy?" She asked.

"Sorry Princess, I was in such a hurry to report you the situation that I totally forgot to give her one."

"It's alright. I am sure Aizel will take care of the situation. We should now handle ours first."

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