The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 374 Victory

Chapter 374 Victory

The battlefield was transformed into an arena of dazzling and foreboding lights amidst the chaotic conflict of elemental forces. 

When confronted with Raven's darkness, Katty found herself up against an insurmountable challenge.

"Let me get rid of the clouds and smokes first," Katty thought.

Katty unleashed a jolt of electricity that spread like lightning across the hazy horizon. A barrage of lightning struck the battlefield, illuminating it and revealing every crack, shadow, and flicker of Raven's dark clouds.

White-hot sparks sparked as they impacted the whirling mists, providing brief views of the adversary.

Raven's response was as unpredictable as her shadowy dance through the thick black smoke. She spun webs of shadow, deftly catching Katty's electric assault in their tangles. 

The thunderbolts frayed, leaving behind smoky tendrils of their own, lost in the dark, whirling gloom.

With a wave of her hand, Raven called forth dark, smokey serpents.

These ghostly beings were inky and sinuous as they slithered toward Katty, leaving trails of black vapor in their wake.

This is not even a summon, just smokey puppets," Katty thought.

Katty called forth a flock of rather large bird monsters. They resembled the eagles from the Aizel world in many ways. 

Flapping their wings like lightning, they launched a charge that eventually wiped out the black, smokey serpents. 

As Katty's lightning bolts continued to pepper the battlefield, Raven shifted her strategy.

She cloaked herself in a thick black fog, becoming a ghostly, shadowy apparition.

Katty struggled to find her elusive adversary as the rolling darkness cloaked Raven in obscurity. The black fog drew closer, but Katty's electrified senses tingled with awareness.

Suddenly, from the shadows, Raven materialized like a phantom, her evil fingers reaching out to touch the mage. 

But Katty had anticipated this.

She unleashed a torrent of electric power in a dazzling explosion, dispersing the smoky cover that concealed her enemy.

Katty suddenly started moving in a whirling pattern around Raven. As her lightning abilities grew stronger, she became a blur of rapid speed. Only the whirl of blue lightning around Raven's dark figure remained visible.

"What is she trying to do," Raven thought. 

Raven tried hard to figure out what Katty was doing. She stood ready to repel any lightning-fueled attack that Katty may unleash towards her.

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Yet, with each passing moment, it became apparent that Katty was closing in. 

There was nowhere for Raven to go as the lightning cage tightened and the electricity intensified.

A crackling radiance of heat and lightning enveloped her body as she felt the pulsating current flowing through her.

Out of nowhere, two arrows pierced the air, planting themselves on either side of Raven. 

Her mouth dropped open as she saw the arrows' attached containers explode, releasing a dense, swirling cloud of black, crimson-tinged smoke that quickly covered the area.

Katty, who had been steadily making her way towards Raven, suddenly stopped. She has seen the previous battles of Aizel and knows how difficult and dangerous it is to fight inside that smoke.

Frustration simmered within her, appearing in an irritated twitch of her brows.

Katty immediately sensed Daisy's presence and spurred at lightning speed, intent on eliminating her opponent.

Midway through her advance, an unexpected presence surged into Katty's senses—another person hurtling toward her at the same lightning-imbued pace. 

She braced herself for impact, but a deadly punch landed on her face before she could even raise her hands in defense.

The impact threw her backward, sending her hurtling into the reddish-black gloom of the cloud of dark mist.

"Nicely done, Daisy!" Aizel shouted towards Daisy, showing a thumbs up toward her.

Katty's body twisted in a bout of coughing as she lay in the dark smoke, an irritating itch spreading all over her.

Her eyes reddened, and tear ducts welled up. 

A little ebony dagger suddenly materialized out of the fog and sank into her back. Her awareness suddenly vanished, and then a flurry of shadowy blades materialized and pierced her flesh.



In her frenzied state, Katty unleashed torrents of lightning, aiming to locate Raven hidden within the cloud. 

Yet, her assault was abruptly halted as two black, smokey hands clamped onto her throat from behind, sapping the life force from her in an instant.

Katty's belt triggered, and her body split into shimmering particles, signaling her exit from the dimension.

From the opposite end, the last figures departed the dimension, causing the battlefield's fabric to unravel. 

This was the unmistakable sign that the Felgura Kingdom had emerged victorious. 

All five members of their team remained hale and hearty, while the mages from the Beast Kingdom had been defeated.

*ANDDDDD THE WINNER IS.... FELGURA KINGDOM," Shoka voice boomed in the Colosseum.


"WAR GOD!!!...

"WAR GOD!!!...

"WAR GOD!!!...

"WAR GOD!!!...

"Why are these people not chanting my name? I was clearly better," Soren said.

"Yeah, your grave would have been long before dug if I hadn't interfered," Aizel replied with a smug.

Aizel and his comrades made their way back to their kingdom's balcony within the Colosseum.

Along the way, Aizel and Soren kept up their playful banter, which got a cry of appreciation from the spectators. 

While Zareena shook her head and tried to calm the two men down, Daisy and Raven smiled and waved to the crowd.

"Good Job everyone, all of you did well," The King said, standing and clapping for them.

Every single person there paid their respects without delay, with the exception of Aizel and Soren. 

The nobility looked disapprovingly at them for their defiance, but they continued to march confidently to their assigned seats.

"Nicely done little brother, you surely using your full potential of Grade III Mage finally," Aquarian said.

"Hehhhh, that wasn't even me going 50%," Aizel replied.

"Hahahaha, incredible," Aquarian chuckled, impressed by Aizel's nonchalant response. 

"Well, I can't wait to see what you're capable of when you actually give it your all," he said with a playful smirk. 

"Sure," Aizel replied.

As the day came to a close, the Colosseum began to empty after some extra talking. The match between the Zulivan and Theodora kingdoms, set for the following day, was already generating a lot of buzz.

In their designated castle, Aizel found himself dining with Daisy. After such an intense battle, hunger had overtaken him.

Aizel and Daisy sat down at a beautifully set table in the castle's elaborate dining hall. The beautiful, warm light of the setting sun illuminated the room via the stained glass windows.

A fine linen tablecloth was spread before them, adorned with gleaming silverware, crystal goblets, and an array of delectable dishes. 

The mouthwatering scent of freshly cooked treats permeated the space. This break from the arena allowed both to relax and enjoy the splendors of a lavish meal.

Their discussion at the start of the meal was as smooth as the wine they were drinking. 

"You know, Aizel, it's moments like these that make the battles worth it, don't you think?" Daisy said, breaking the silence.

Aizel's eyes glowed like the candles on the table as he nodded.

"Absolutely. Sometimes, when we're in the heat of battle, it's easy to forget the simple joys." He replied.

Daisy raised an eyebrow, and a playful smile graced her lips. "Simple joys? A feast like this isn't exactly what most people consider 'simple,' you know."

Aizel laughed because he could see her point. "Well, I guess it's relatively simple compared to dodging fireballs and facing dragons."

Daisy laughed at his response.

They continued to eat and enjoy each course. Tonight's meal was a personal best for the chef.

Roasted meats, seasoned with a variety of herbs and spices, took center stage on the dinner table. Bread so fresh it virtually melted in their lips, and bowls of hot, buttery vegetables accompanied them.

"Now just one more final battle, and then we can finally get back home safely," Daisy said.

"Yes, I miss the kids badly," Aizel replied.

"I am sure Vespara is also missing you 'very badly,' Daisy said with a mischievous smile.

When Aizel heard Vespara's name, he shuddered uncontrollably.

"I hope that Hag has at least taught Dr. Shelly well," he said.

Dessert arrived, an assortment of sweet treats that ranged from velvety chocolate mousse to fruit tarts adorned with glistening berries.

Their conversation shifted to the upcoming battles, strategies, and challenges that lay ahead.

The setting light gently caressed the dining hall as Aizel and Daisy enjoyed not only a meal but also the memories that had brought them closer. 

The Next day....



"What the fuck....

"How is it possible....

Anticipation throbbed through the Colosseum. The crowd's energy, which was equal parts enthusiasm, perplexity, and frustration, was obvious throughout the arena.



The queen of the Theodora Kingdom was ecstatic as she surveyed the results of her Kingdom from the balcony. 

Her face broke out in a broad grin as she basked in the glow of her team's triumph over the Zulivan Kingdom.

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