The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1195 The Hidden Motive

"Can you do that?" Lily took a deep breath, One should know how prestigious that place is and it is common knowledge that every artist dreams of having their work exhibited in that place. 

Unfortunately, due to the decline in current art standards, Azalea refuses to hold any exhibition that does not meet their standards because There hasn't been any exhibition held at Azalea art gallery and if Zhao Li Xin's work is accepted this will be the first exhibition held at Azalea art gallery after seven years!

Lory had heard of the Azalea art gallery, in fact, she had visited the place in the past to attend an international art exhibition as Harland's representative so she knew how strict the regulations were for holding an art exhibition, especially for an unknown painter like Zhao Li. Therefore, Xin Lory also showed her doubts.

Hugo didn't look worried, instead smiling mischievously, "That's why I will be including the painting Mr. Zhao just created in the charity auction held by Arabella House."

"Charity auction?" Lori asked.

Hugo laughed cynically "As a result of the war the differences between rich and poor became sharper, it was a public secret that in the middle of the attack, many rich people received early information about the impending disaster which gave rich people the opportunity to secure their wealth and run for safety, and I will not lie that the Hamilton family is also one of those 'rich people' needless to say I also benefited from that" there's a guilt and shammed coated his voice.

Hugo continues to explain, "At that time the government at that time had made a quick calculation of the impact of the war and they concluded the national funds would not be enough for their country to rebuild after the war, Who we are kidding? we are not Harland therefore corruption has been going rampage for ages in most countries. At that realization, the government of many countries strikes a deal with all those influential rich people the deal is they would guarantee those people's and their immediate family safety and in return, these rich people would give thirty to forty percent of their private fortune to the government when after the war is over."

Lory widened her eyes in surprise, "How could they do that? When they have time?"

Hugo sighed deeply "When Nazareth awakened it immediately headed towards Harland's location, even though the Dragon did leave a trail of distractions along the way but did not focus its attack on that place and only a few towns that happened to be in the same direction to Harland were hit. Thankfully, The king's men led by King Marcus, put up tough resistance which succeeded in holding off Nazareth for a while which ultimately gave other countries time to warn all those rich people some even picked up by the military to the safest place."

"How about the people who is not your family, the co-worker, the people who work for you, your friends? What happened to them..." Lory asked with a sickening feeling in her stomach, She actually knew what happened to the common people but she couldn't help but ask.

Hugo said with a heavy tone "I...I try not to think about it..."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lory clenched her fists as the bitter hatred hit her like a tidal wave, She still remembered the sea of corpses buried in the rubble and debris, the sound of wild animals and beasts gnawing their dead flesh and bones. Lory couldn't do anything, she forced herself to look the other way because she herself was busy saving the remaining survivors of her people.

Therefore, Lory couldn't blame Hugo for prioritizing the safety of his own family, and Lory herself was the last person in the world who had the right to judge Hugo's decision but still Lory couldn't stop the frustration that was growing within her, she was just not sure who to this frustration is directed, is it for all the selfish leaders who prioritize certain people or at herself.

Lory's memories take her to the past when she finds the corpse of a little girl under the rubble while holding her doll with a face filled with fear. For a long time, that little girl's face haunted her sleepless night and it was also at that moment Lory realized the limits of her power and how helpless she actually was.

Her father  once told her and Lucas with a solemn expression 'Even though they worship us as God does not make us one, in the end, in the face of great adversity, we are just another humble humans trying to survive'

"How far would you go for the people you love?" Hugo's expression was filled with pain.

A wave of emotion engulfs her like a tight blanket "As far as it takes" Lory answers firmly.

"So you understand" Hugo wearily said.

"Yes, but it will not wash away our sin" Lory mutters.

Hugo nodded in agreement "No, not one bit…" he looked at Lory with unwavering determination "That's why I cannot agree with the S.A.I.N.T. organization request, because I'm scared of what their motive, even when Ethan's situation is so dire...even if my own grandson dying I just can't concede, a cannot make a deal with devil twice… one is enough!" his voice tightened.

Lory understands Hugo's feelings because he also feels the same way, which causes Lory's trust in the Hamilton family to increase a bit more, hence, Lory does not hesitate to share the information she knows. "Especially when they were involved with Luxemborough," said Lory.

"WHAT!" Hugo was stunned while Lilly was too shocked she covered her mouth and appeared to be frightened fright.

Lory want to say more but Hugo suddenly raised his hand "Wait for a second!" he then immediately rush to his wooden table, Hugo took a paper-knife from the table then slightly slit his thumb and then press his thumb to the table, soon after the energy inside the room notably change. For normal people, it felt like noise canceling where the sounds from the outside were significantly reduced.

"Sound isolation barrier…and it's a high-level spell as well, not bad" Strangely there is no trace of mana in the room so Lory shifted her head at Hugo [Did Mr. Ethan Hamilton make this?] Lory deliberately changes her language to include Zhao Li Xin in the conversation.

[So you know about it too...] Hugo wasn't surprised that Lory and Zhao Li Xin knew about it. He already felt that Lory and Zhao Li Xin were not ordinary people. Even though their identities were still unclear, one thing he was sure of was that Lory and Zhao Li Xin would not harm his family, especially after their conversation.

[That's the reason S.A.I.N.T. organization is approaching your family?] Lory's speculation was confirmed and she felt satisfied.

[You know it..] Hugo took a crystal vial from the drawer then drank it at ease and ease and the wound in his hand disappeared in an instant.

Lory's eyebrows rose to see the old man use high-quality health potions as band-aid replacements, Well that's a rich man to you, even though the same never happened in her royal family for the reason of strengthening the body's natural ability to heal, least that's what Fargo said.

[From Hamilton's generation there have been born humans who have the power to manipulate mana into objects meaning 'The Creator' and Ethan is the most talented among us which may not be a good thing for him as has been proven by what happened] Hugo His face was filled with a mixture of anger and sadness.

[Yes, but now their efforts failed and their anger is now directed at Garrof and everyone responsible for killing the Monster] said Lory.

[I feel sorry for that, I didn't expect it to turn out like this] Hugo said apologetically as he didn't expect Luxemborough to be involved with this. Hugo also realized that the reward he gave Garrof and Lloyd was not enough compared to the risks they faced.

[Luxemborough seemed angry enough to send an Argus agent to monitor our movements including our conversation, I think he was trying to find out what we knew before eliminating us] Lory didn't mince her words because she wanted Hugo to know how the situation had developed.

Hugo's face turned pale hearing that and at the same time, he didn't know why Luxemborough and the S.A.I.N.T organization would go this far. what do they want? If their goal is only to produce weapons then it's not like there are other companies and families that are no less talented than the Hamilton family, but why are they so adamant about getting Hamilton's family?

[There must be something very  important they want from your family, do you have any idea?] Zhao Li Xin suddenly joined in the conversation which surprised Lilly because she rarely heard Zhao Li Xin speak after the embarrassing incident when they first met.

Hugo was silent for a long moment as he was immersed in his thoughts but even after a long while nothing came into his mind. Hugo takes a deep sigh then slumps in his chair with heavy emotion plastered on his face [Nothing really comes to mind...]

[Then what about your grandson since he was the one who got more affected by this?] Zhao Li Xin asks.

Hugo lowered his gaze sadly [His memories are still scattered but at least he remembers family sadly Other than that the other memories become unclear, I was worried it would affect his intelligence but the doctor said it happened due to the trauma in his mind rather than the one in his body so we can't do anything for now...] the corners of his eyes creased with concern

Zhao Li Xin's eyes darkened but he retracted his gaze without saying anything, Lory also noticed the fleeting change in Zhao Li Xin's face but she also didn't say a word knowing when Zhao Li Xin didn't say anything it because he got his own reason.

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