The Prodigy Boy Is Actually A 25 Old Girl!?

Chapter 42 - Ch. 42 I Fell In Love

Kaylee remembered that when Declan cornered 'Roe' by acting as if to compliment her, the man also said the exact words as he opened her grip gently.

'These two hands are too precious. Don't hurt yourself, miss.'

Is it possible… Declan knows? Does this man know that she is Roe and Roe is Kaylee?

"You... you know?"

"What do I know, Miss Zouch?" Declan knew what the girl is asking but pretended not to know.

"That… that I… I…" Kaylee stammered, not knowing whether she should continue her words or not.

If Declan didn't know that Kaylee and Roe were the same girls, wouldn't that mean she'd exposed her identity? On the other hand, if this man already knew but Kaylee acted as if she wasn't Roe, wouldn't this man know that she was lying?

Kaylee didn't want to expose her identity as Roe. At the same time, she didn't want him to see her as a liar girl.

"Yes? That you are…" his pause made Kaylee making Kaylee even more panic. Declan chuckled at how cute it was when he saw Kaylee's eyes looking at him, begging even though he didn't know what the girl was asking. "I'm just teasing you, Miss Zouch. I already know that you are Roe."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"What?" Kaylee's voice seemed to fade because of the great shock she had now. "How?"

"From the very beginning when I heard your voice. I know the Roe I met last weekend was you."

If so… when that man said 'I like you as a man,' was that confession aimed at her or Roe?

"Do you remember what I said that night?"

Kaylee didn't know how fast her heart was beating right now. She was sure she could match the speed of a racer's car. Moreover, Declan was still holding both her hands, and the man kneeling made Kaylee unable to hide her face.

Declan could see her face below, which made her unable to escape anymore by hiding her face.

Is there a hole in the midair? She really had the urge to hide her burning face.

"I like you, Miss Zouch."

"But... I thought the one you like is Roe."

"Roe is you." was the short answer from the man. "What is the difference then?"

"But... you hate me when you came to our house."

"I didn't hate you. But I admit, I had a little interest in you at the beginning."

"So, you don't like me. You like Roe better than me." somehow, Kaylee felt like her heart was being stabbed when she uttered those words.

"No. I fell in love with the girl who played piano on the stage. Tell me now. Who was that girl? Was it you or another girl?"

Kaylee felt her breath labored like she had run a marathon making her run out of oxygen. She felt as if there was an electric current running from her chest to her head.

She felt her brain went numb and couldn't think. The only thing she could feel was a tight, soft grip on her hands and a pair of eagle-like eyes that looked so domineering looking at her with… with... Kaylee didn't know what word would be accurate to describe those daunting black eyes.

It's very strange. Before this, Kaylee had thought she was a little bunny whenever she was gazed at by that eagle-like eyes. She felt she was prey to be caught by the eagle and used as a meal for the predatory bird.

But now… somehow, she felt she felt safe when that man looked at her with his galaxy-like black eyes. Those unwavering gazes made her answer the man's question without being able to stop it.

"It was me."

Declan smiled with satisfaction at this and surprised Kaylee with his next declaration. "Then you know I fell in love with you."

Howeeeee!!! Kaylee did not think she could bear all this shock.

Starting from the man who already figured out that Roe is Kaylee, then stated that Declan likes her as a man, it was like someone dropped a bomb on her. Yet, as if that man was not satisfied to attack her poor heart, Declan confessed his love at her!?

She idolized Black Moon and even dreamed of having a husband like Black Moon without knowing what he really was like. Even so, she knew her dream was just a dream that would never come true.

But who would have thought… Black Moon… err… Declan Black would confess his love for her!

Is it a dream?

"Uhm... I think... it doesn't make sense." Kaylee tried to pull her hand out of the man's grip slowly, but the man's grip was so strong and firm that she gave up on breaking free.


"We've only met a few times, but you've already said you like me. Aren't… we need time?"

"I agree with you." Declan didn't need time to realize his feelings.

He never felt what he felt when he was with Kaylee when his mother brought him up with the girls on a blind date.

In contrast to other girls who seem aggressive and impatient to be his wife, Kaylee did the very opposite. She seemed eager to run away from him and tried to avoid him.

From the very beginning, when he met Kaylee, he was already curious about this girl. But his heart was still closed because of thinking about his first love, so he did not pursue nor approve of his mother's matchmaking.

Miraculously, this girl was able to make him forget his first love when this girl played his song so mesmerizing. This girl managed to burst into his heart without his permission.

How could he let go of a girl as charming and beautiful as this girl? Instead, he wanted to immediately take this girl to his parent's house to tell them that he wanted to marry this girl.

But he didn't want to rush. He knew that this bunny-like innocent girl would try to run away from him if he was too pushy.

Therefore, Declan did not encourage Kaylee and granted anything that made the girl feel comfortable.

"We can take it slowly as you wish. Instead, I hope you consider my feelings."

"Is it because this is the wish of our two mothers?"

"No. Because I want you to be my wife."


Kaylee did not expect to get such a direct attack from this man. She did not expect it at all, Declan who looks aloof and ignorant from the outside, turned out to be an aggressive man!

Declan tried his best to hide his laughter, seeing Kaylee lower her head even more as if to hide her expression. His hands seemed to have their own thoughts and began to caress to enjoy his future wife's soft skin.

Surprisingly, why did he find some rough skin on Kaylee's left hand?? It felt like.... her hand had some calluses??

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