The Prodigy Boy Is Actually A 25 Old Girl!?

Chapter 69 - Ch. 69 The Shocking Announcement

"Jack, please… let me go. You're hurting me."

As if someone pulled his sanity back to his head, Jacob quickly released his grip and walked backward away from the girl.

"I'm sorry."

Kaylee lowered her head while stroking her wrist, which was sore, and there was a hint of red mark around it.

"Jacob? Why are you here?" a baritone voice was heard, making Jacob feel goosebump.

He felt guilty for hurting her hand, but he didn't expect that he would have to face the jealous aura of his uncle.

"I was hiding from my mother. I'll excuse myself."

Declan raised an eyebrow in wonder at Jacob's behavior. The boy didn't look at him like this afternoon. At the same time, he could feel the tense atmosphere surrounding them.

What happened?

Declan walked over to Kaylee, who was currently lowering her head.

"Sweetheart, what happened?" asked Declan softly as he handed the girl a drink.

Kaylee shook her head and accepted the drink with relief.

For some reason, she was terrified of being alone with Jacob, and the moment she heard Declan's husky voice, her heart seemed to jump with joy, filled with relief.

Very weird. Why did Jacob suddenly turn out to be scary like that?

"Kaylee, what's wrong?" Declan put his finger below her chin only to guide her to look at his face. "Tell me, love. I can't read your mind, and I don't like to see you like this. What is it?"

Kaylee couldn't understand why her heart felt at peace when she heard that man's super soft tone and worried look. She thought she felt more comfortable with Jacob. But when she was herself, Kaylee found it was more comfortable being with Declan than Jacob.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Is it possible that she felt comfortable with Jacob because she played the roles of Roe or Nick?

Kaylee didn't know the answer, but she did know one thing. She found the oasis when she leaned her head against the chest of the man who was currently staring at her like she was his only queen.

"I'm sorry. Please, let me be like this." Kaylee clutched his cloth while snuggling her head deeper, making the man frozen without her knowing.

This was the first time Kaylee has taken the initiative to hug him to make Declan feel both confused and flowery.

He doesn't know what happened, but Declan thanks his nephew for making his lover acting spoil at him.

[author: if only you know that your nephew hurt Kaylee's wrist]

Kaylee closed her eyes, enjoying the musky scent, and smiled as she listened to the firm and steady heart rhythm of Declan's chest.

She felt warm and protected as the man's two hands wrapped around her back protectively.

Kaylee doesn't know what love is. But if love is a feeling of peace and comfort in a man's arms, then maybe… Kaylee has fallen in love with this man.

"Declan…" Kaylee lifted her head and rested her chin against the man's chest.

"Hm?" Declan slightly lowered his head to see the gleam in his lover's eyes which looked like a precious black pearl.

"Did… your family also invite Jacob?"

"Jacob? How do you know him?"

"He ... He is Nick's friend." Kaylee lowered her gaze as if she was afraid that Declan would realize that he was the Nick in question.

"I believe Wendy Larson is your best friend, but I never thought you were very close to Nick?"

"Of course. I've seen Nick since he was born into this world. He's like my own brother."

Declan smiled wryly at this. "Ah, I'm so jealous."

"What? Haa?"

"I wish I could see you in your childhood."

"…" How she reacted in response to this cunning man's shameless words.

Kaylee gave a slight push to free herself from the man's arms while clearing 'something' in her throat.

"Haven't we been out here too long? We better get back."

Declan chuckled, hearing her innocent lover's request. Nevertheless, he granted her wish and returned hand in hand.

When they were inside the building, and the room temperature wasn't as cold as it was outside, Kaylee returned the tuxedo to Declan.

"Would you mind?"

Declan didn't need to explain his question because Kaylee understood what the man was asking. Her cheeks blushed, and she felt her heart flutter, but she nodded her head once.

Kaylee held the tuxedo jacket lower and let the man's burly hands enter the sleeve hole. Then she turned around and helped the man into his tuxedo jacket like a good wife helping her husband get ready to go to work.

"Thank you, love."

"You never missed the opportunity to tease me, aren't you?"

Declan showed his trademark smirk and brushed his finger above her nose. "What can I say? You're too irresistible."

"You're too shameless." retorted Kaylee in a very soft voice, not knowing Declan heard every word from her lips.

"Thank you."

That's not a compliment!!

Kaylee decided to waved her white flag and kept quiet again. How could she forget this guy loved twisting her word and turned every situation to his liking? She preferred not to say anything so as not to have a heart attack.

As soon as they got into the room, everyone suddenly turned their head towards them, making the two of them stare at each other in confusion.

"Here they are. Come here, my son, and bring your bride-to-be too. "

Haaa?? Thousands of questions popped up simultaneously in Kaylee's mind, but the question vanished when she saw thousands of eyes staring at her.

She felt like she was having a nightmare, and this was her worst nightmare. She knew their gaze aimed at her, not the ones with hostility nor accused her of something she didn't know. But she couldn't help but feel anxious and felt like she drowned in a bottomless sea.

Her breathing was getting faster, and her head felt dizzy as if she was running out of oxygen.

On the other hand, Declan frowned didn't understand what his father was planning. He did want to show everyone that Kaylee was his, but that didn't mean he would announce the world. Not that he minds, but he knew his lover wouldn't be able to face the public's gaze at her.

As he suspected, he saw that his little bunny's face turned pale, and the hand that was gripping his hand became cold as ice.

"Kaylee," called Declan softly, but the girl couldn't hear him because she was too panicked. "Sweetheart?" this time, Declan caught the girl's attention by cupping her face and leading her eyes towards him. "Don't worry. You just need to look at me and think nothing of it. Hm??"

"But… everyone…. they're looking at me."

"No. They're not looking at you. I will be right here with you. Come on."

How magical. The moment Kaylee looked into the male eagle's eyes, all her worries and panic vanished as if she had never experienced it before.

Somehow, the man gave her courage and walked towards the center where Mr. Old Black called out to them and became the focus of everyone's attention.

"See? Everything is alright." Declan lowered his face to whisper to her as their distance from the older man grew closer.

"It's because you are by my side."

"And I'll never leave," added Declan causing a certain heart to pound hard.

For a moment, they gave no care about anything, and it seemed like this whole world belongs to them only.

"As you can see," came the authority tone from the old man, making Declan and Kaylee snapped into reality. "They are a great couple, and we have wanted to have a daughter for a long time. That's why, on this particular day, I want to officially announce the engagement between my son, Declan Black, and Miss Kaylee Roesalie Zouch."

Mister Old Black's announcement was greeted with applause by all guests, including the Zouch family.

Declan glanced sideways for his mother's figure and squinted his eyes suspiciously. Is this his mother's doing?

Lately, he felt like his mother was planning something behind his back, but he couldn't find the sign. His mother indeed planned this unexpected engagement!?

Well, Declan doesn't mind because he wants to marry his little lover, but that doesn't mean he likes someone controlling his life without his knowledge.

What's more…

Declan glanced at Kaylee and was a little surprised to see her almost blank expression.

This is bad! Has her soul left her body?

Not far away from the couple, Jacob stood in the corner of the room watching the small interactions between the lovebird.

Jacob had never met his uncle before, but he immediately admired him when he knew Declan Black was his uncle.

He saw how the man calmed Kaylee as they walked towards his grandfather. It is true what his grandfather said. The two of them are a match for each other.

Even though Jacob wanted to fight to win over the girl's heart, he would never win against his uncle.

'I never take something that's not mine.'

Jacob felt absolutely sure… Declan would never let someone else snatch Kaylee from him, even if it was his own nephew.

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