The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 246 Ceilia's Punishment (3)

Both the individuals in front of her were already eagerly departing, their figures growing smaller in the distance.

Witnessing their departure, Ceilia sprang up from her seat in a flurry, taking a hurried step forward.

In the blink of an eye, she found herself mere inches away from Xia Tian, her heart pounding in her chest.

Her hand, trembling with uncertainty, slowly extended towards him. A flicker of hesitation danced across her eyes, but eventually, she summoned the courage to reach out and call him.


To her astonishment, her hand brushed past his incorporeal figure. "What!?" Ceilia cried out in bewilderment, attempting to touch him once more.

Yet, her hand passed through their ghostly forms as if they were nothing more than fleeting apparitions.

A horrifying realization struck her with the force of a thunderclap. 'Am I truly d-dead?' she questioned, her mind reeling as she wondered if she herself was the illusion, not them.

Driven by an unwavering resolve, she made a desperate effort to position herself directly in their path, hoping to seize their attention.

But both of them simply walked past her, as if oblivious to her existence.

Ceilia's eyes widened in disbelief, her expression clouding with a sense of resignation.

With a bitter smile, she let out a sigh and ultimately made the decision to follow them, regardless of whether they were capable of perceiving her presence or not.

Later, Ceilia spent months constantly tailing them, stealthily observing every aspect of their daily lives.

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Then, out of nowhere, Xia Tian suddenly appeared and commanded little Ceilia, "We're heading to war, so prepare yourself."

Caught off guard, little Ceilia stood there in shock, her eyes wide with disbelief. She questioned the motive behind such a decision, to which Xia Tian calmly responded, "The man we're warring against has a daughter too, and it's your duty to defeat her."

Without hesitation, little Ceilia vigorously nodded, her determination burning like a fierce flame. "да!" she exclaimed in a burst of resolve.

Witnessing this scene, Ceilia couldn't help but burst into laughter as she recollected what transpired next. Little Ceilia unexpectedly found herself facing a seasoned cultivator, a woman who had seen more than one hundred years. This was no ordinary child she was tasked with defeating.

Although that woman was swiftly split in half by a single devastating strike, Ceilia vividly recalled the sheer terror that had gripped her in that moment. It was her first taste of taking a life.

In the aftermath, she had impulsively asked, her voice quivering, "What happens when people die?"

To which Xia Tian explained, "They vanish, gone forever from your life. That's the only true demise. If you can't make them disappear forever, you haven't truly killed them."

"Just vanish forever?" she inquired in astonishment.

Xia Tian's response was resolute and unwavering. "Yes, they disappear forever. And if you don't eliminate them, they will ensure your own disappearance. It's a brutal battle, where the mighty dictate the rules, and the victor is often decided even before the fight begins. The weak will always lose. They only win in fairy tales, offering a delicate illusion of hope to those too feeble to find it within themselves. This way, the weak won't succumb to despair and continue living as mere puppets to the strong."

As these memories replayed in Ceilia's mind, the scene surrounding her shifted and transformed, taking her back to those gripping moments.

As the years passed, a strange and ethereal moment engulfed Ceilia, transporting her to a hauntingly vivid sight of her past.

With a wry smile, she watched herself in her fragile state, losing her virginity, an experience tinged with peril and uncertainty.

"Haha," a soft chuckle escaped her lips, filled with newfound understanding, as she marveled at how she had once feared death when the universe's most powerful being was standing right beside her.

Continuing her spectral journey, Ceilia was immersed in a torrent of emotions, reliving her triumphs and failures with each passing moment.

However, the atmosphere turned somber as the scene shifted to a fierce confrontation between her and Xia Tian. He sought revenge for her actions, accusing her of destroying his plans and taking the lives of her fellow sisters.

The battle unfolded with relentless intensity, and in a heart-wrenching defeat, Ceilia found herself impaled against a cold stone, her life ebbing away. Xia Tian collected her scattered souls and departed, leaving her to a fate she never wished for.

As she moved through her own demise, with her body eternally bound to the stone, her face soaked with tears, she struggled to accept the cruel inevitability of her end.

Time ceased its forward march, freezing Ceilia in her tortured existence. She lingered there for a while, her heavy sigh mingling with the gloom, while Xia Tian continued his journey, striding purposefully in a haphazard direction that defied logic.I think you should take a look at

As he departed this dimension, leaving behind a world crumbling under his merciless grip, Ceilia, compelled by her mind trailed behind him.

The pulsating chaos cycle eventually subsided, bringing an end to the tumultuous dance of existence.

Witnessing the grand spectacle of the Chaos cycle, the birth and death of universes, she felt a bittersweet pang of regret. In her heart, she yearned for a chance to rewrite her past, to avoid the mistakes that had led to her sorrowful demise.

There, amidst the vast cosmos, Ceilia stood in awe, acknowledging the captivating beauty that arose from the chaos, all while harboring a longing for the opportunity to experience such marvels without the weight of her past actions.

A new cycle of chaos commenced, and Ceilia's lips curled into a bitter smile as she bore witness to Xia Tian rousing the remaining figures in his artifact all at once.

Among them stood Nyx and a group of other adorable beings, their innocent eyes fixed on the unfamiliar figure before them.

As they struggled to find their footing, clumsily navigating their newly discovered limbs, it was evident that they were merely seven years old in waking age.

Within the chambers that confined them, the growth of these figures could be halted or released at will. Ceilia herself had been awakened by Xia Tian when she was a mere year old.

However, Nyx and the others had only been stirred from their slumber when they reached the age of seven.

Then one is greeted by a truly ridiculous scene that left Ceilia in fits of uncontrollable laughter.

The seven sisters, now fourteen years old, hatched a mischievous plan amongst themselves.

They conspired to storm into Xia Tian's room completely naked, using the outrageous excuse that they all wanted to lose their virginity on the very same day.

With a pact to ensure none of them went first, they boldly demanded that Xia Tian comply.

Startled from his slumber, Xia Tian's bleary eyes focused on the sight before him - seven naked figures standing defiantly.

A mixture of annoyance and surprise washed over him as he tried to regain the strength he had lost from being abruptly awakened by these seven mischievous girls.

Not bothering to listen to their words, Xia Tian swiftly picked up each adorable creature and tossed them onto the bed with a disregard for their yellings.

The room soon filled with the distinct sound of their cries - a symphony of pain and frustration.

Ceilia couldn't contain her laughter at the pitiful display. "Hahaha, what did you expect? Challenging him?" she managed to gasp between bouts of laughter, nearly tumbling over from the sheer hilarity of it all.

Over the course of a few months, Xia Tian indulged in intimate encounters with each of them until they were left completely spent and utterly exhausted.

They struggled to maintain their strength, as their bodies eventually succumbed to their relentless pursuit, teetering on the edge of collapse.

Then, Ceilia bore witness to a small yet intriguing scene, as the sisters engaged in a heated argument while stealing glances at their swollen bottoms.

It became apparent that this was a valuable lesson for Nyx and the others - they learned that they couldn't overwhelm Xia Tian with sheer numbers or disturb him with a foolish excuse.

Ceilia nodded in agreement with their assessment. "Indeed, you can't!" she affirmed, acknowledging the wisdom in their newfound understanding.

As she observed the seven colorful figures, garbed in their distinct attire, Ceilia couldn't help but ponder their peculiar behavior. "They were quite adorable when they were young, so why do they act like bitches now?" she mused, noticing the change in their attitudes.

Though she hadn't directly interacted with them, her alter ego, Qin Yueling, had encountered them on numerous occasions.

However, a mystery lingered in Ceilia's mind - "Seven were present, but why do I recall only five?" she wondered, recalling that as Qin Yueling, she had never truly seen Xia Tian's twin daughters, as if they had vanished into thin air.

Setting the enigma aside, she continued her journey, witnessing the collapse of the Fourth Chaos Cycle and eventually discovering the mysterious disappearance of the Twins.

"Should I feel sad...?" Ceilia contemplated, her emotions wavering. She acknowledged that she didn't truly know them, but observing their interactions with Xia Tian had forged a small connection with each of the girls.

Now, with the sudden absence of two, she couldn't help but feel a slight void within the group, as if something essential was missing.

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